School and My brother

This is MBLAQ

“Aimee wake up…” I heard my brother calling me.

“Agh….5 more minutes…”I mumbled. I could hear him chuckling.

“It’s a miracle to me that you can manage to wake up on your own. Look Aimee if you don’t wake up now you’re going to be late to your midterms.” Seungho warned me. That immediately got my attention.  I rubbed my eyes and glared daggers at my brother.

“I. Hate. You.” I mouthed at him. Again, all he uttered was a chuckle.

“Yeah whatever, go get dressed I’ll take you to school.” My brother offered. I sighed and quickly got ready for school. I put on my uniform ( and headed out.

“Awh… your little sister looks cute…” Joon commented as I made my way out of my room.

“Please don’t start… I hate this thing….”I told him, pulling on my skirt.

“You look so cute though…”Seungho said, slinging his arm around my shoulders.

“Ugh… just take me to school.” I told him heading towards the door.

“What about breakfast?” Seungho asked.

“I’ll eat at school…” I replied, knowing very well that I wasn’t going to eat.

“Alrighty…. Lets go…”My brother said, grabbing the keys of his old car.

We headed to school and I got ready to take my tests. For the most part I think I did well on my tests. I knew most of what was on them and went through each of the tests almost seamlessly. 

“How did your tests go?” My friend Ryuki asked me. He grew up in Japan but he moved here because of his dad’s job. He was one of the only friends that I had. It wasn’t because I didn’t want to make other friends, it was just Ryuki was the only one of my “friends” that took the time to get to know me. Ryuki was always there when I got lonely or when I needed just a little more motivation than what I could provide myself.

“Okay I studied hard last night. My brother came home with s and they all crashed at the house,” I told him, informing him about the night before.

“Well I bet you did amazing.” He assured me. I shrugged.

“I hope so, I do need to keep my class rank up,” I told him, heading out the front gate of the school.

“Well miss smarty how about we go get some lunch for that empty stomach of yours?” Ryuki asked, tapping my stomach lightly as he asked.

“Sounds great,” I told him while taking a quick turn towards the courtyard. However a honk quickly caught our attention.

“Aimee!” A familiar voice yelled. I looked over at the car and saw my brothers with s.

“Oppa what are you doing here?” I asked, walking towards his car, Ryuki followed me.

“Well we were going to go get some lunch and we figured you would want to come,” He suggested. I shrugged and looked over at Ryuki. He gave me a hand motion that told me ‘go ahead’. I smiled gratefully at him and looked over at my brother.

“Sounds good,” I answered. Ryuki  had already gone to the courtyard and I got in to my brother’s car. I knew that Ryuki understood that I never got to see Seungho, but I couldn’t help but feel bad for him.

“So who’s the boy?” My brother immediately asked, as we drove off. All of the guys were listening intently.

“He’s just a friend of mine.” I answered simply. I heard G.O start chuckling.

“That’s so cute. Are you sure he isn’t your boyfriend?” G.O asked. I shook my head.

“Nah he’s just my friend,” I replied. Through the rearview mirror I looked over at the guy’s faces. All of them seemed to have a numb faces except for Mir. I think I almost saw a look of relief on his face. I smiled and went back to looking outside the window.

“So we decided to go American and hit up some hamburgers.” My brother told me. I nodded knowing that he really didn’t want my opinion he just wanted to inform me. When we got there we sat down. I ended up between Seungho and Mir.

“I’ll go get our food,” Seungho suggested. He took Joon and G.O with him so I was there alone with Mir and Cheondoong.

“So…” I started.

“How was school?” Cheondoong asked.

“Decent, I think I did well on my tests.” I answered him.

“Your brother said you were very smart,” Mir commented. I nodded.

“I guess… I think it’s just because Seungho didn’t try as hard in school.” I told him.

“So what do you want to be when you grow up?” Cheondoong asked me. I shrugged.

“I haven’t really thought about it but I really like the whole films studies thing. That or mass communications.” I told them. They nodded.

“Well maybe you can come work with us some day,” Mir suggested. I shrugged.

“I think that would be fun. Plus I would get to see Seungho more often.” I commented. Soon we started to get very comfortable with each other.

“So who has the better smile? Me or Mir?” Cheondoong asked me. Both of them started to shoot smiles at me.

“Um… I like them both,” I said honestly.

“You have to choose,” Mir begged. I pouted.

“Um… Mir,” I quickly chose. He made a fist pump in victory.

“Awh… fine I admit defeat,” Cheondoong told me. I pouted at him.  Then my brother came back with our food and I ate comfortably. When Mir would turn or wasn’t looking I would steal some of his fries.

“Is it me or did I have more fries before?” He asked everyone. We all shrugged knowing very well that it as me. We continued eating and I kept stealing fries from him. It wasn’t until later on when he went to wipe some ketchup off of his face that he found out it was me.

“So it was you…” He said looking at me with a playful glare.

“Uh… surprise?” I said laughing.

“Geez Mir you’re so dense. She’s been stealing those fries since you sat down,” my brother told him. The guys laughed.

“It’s not my fault. I thought I was imagining things.” Mir stated defending himself. We all laughed and soon they dropped me off at school.

“Yah do well I’m going to come get you later,” Seungho told me. I nodded.

“Yeah yeah,” I told him. I waved him off and went to class.


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Nakamoto_Yusuki #1
Chapter 5: jealous mir.. XD
Nakamoto_Yusuki #2
Chapter 3: i thought ryuki is a girl XD
Nakamoto_Yusuki #3
Chapter 2: lucky! mblaq sleep in her house!
but aimee is studying too hard! well, a smart girl T.T
Nakamoto_Yusuki #4
Chapter 1: Wow! So lucky aimee that she is seungho sister and can meet mblaq!!!
skyerenciel #5
Chapter 44: I read your fanfic in one shot in one day! (Luckily you already completed it >.>) or maybe not? Another one for the epilogue :3
deedae #6
Chapter 44: Epilogue pleaseee..I love ur storyyy :D I'm new n can't stop read ur fic :"
Agh, it's almost midnight here and I just finished this story!
I loved this. I seriously did.
looking forward to reading more of your fics! c:
dejalynnsaili #9
babyindigo #10
i loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee it !!!!!!!!!!!!!! >.<