Playing in to a trap

This is MBLAQ

It was sort of late and Sungyeol was still at my house. He wanted to go get some snacks from the convenience store, but I promised Mir I would call him to set a date, so I made sure to do that first.


“Hello,” Mir answered. I sat on the couch with Sungyeol next to me. Honestly he just wanted me to hurry so we could leave, but I decided to take my time.


“Hey Mir… we were going to set a date right?” I asked.


“Oh yeah… I forgot. Look we are still in rehearsal so I’ll call you okay.” He told me. I was a little disappointed but I knew the nature of his work.


“Okay I’ll wait for you.” I told him.


“Thanks babe. Talk to you later,” He told me.


“Alright bye,” I hung up on him. I frowned and Sungyeol immediately noticed.


“Did you guys not schedule a date?” He wondered. I nodded. He hugged me and then stood up from the couch.


“Let’s go get some snacks then! My treat!” he insisted. I rolled my eyes knowing this was more about him than about me but I went along with it.


We strolled up to the convenience store and he wanted to buy EVERYTHING. The plus side was that he was treating, so this wasn’t coming out of my wallet.


“Are you not going to get anything?” He wondered as he kept pulling things and putting them in his basket. I shrugged and grabbed the thing that was closest to me…a bar of chocolate.


“Chocolate?” I said putting it in. Then he stopped stocking up and turned to look at me.


“Aimee… I know you are upset but… in order for me to get my snack on you can not be depressed. I can’t have my best friend all sad while I’m chowing down! You can’t do this to me!” He exclaimed grabbing my shoulders. I couldn’t help but laugh at how childish he was acting, but I knew that he was being genuinely honest.


“Alright alright… I’m not depressed. Just a little bummed. Let’s just get our grub on okay?” I told him. He nodded and we started choosing out snacks. It was actually kind of fun. We kept pulling and placing things in to the basket. I felt bad that in the end Sungyeol had to pay a lot but he insisted.


When arrived at my place. We sat watching TV and munching away.


“Does Mir hate me?” Sungyeol suddenly asked. I looked at him questionably.


“No… why would you say that?” I wondered. I knew Mir didn’t have the best opinion of Sungyeol, but it was mostly because of the incidents that have happened between Sungyeol and I.


“He doesn’t seem to like me much. I can tell by the way that he looks at me. I figured since you are my super totally awesome friend you would be honest and tell me,” He guilt tripped me. I sighed and took some candy out of a bag.


“Well…you aren’t his favorite person in the world.” I told him truthfully.


“Aish… well he must hate that I spend so much time here.” He commented. I shrugged.


“Well we are friends. What is wrong with you spending time here?” I questioned, but before he could answer my question the doorbell rang. I quickly got up and answered the door.


“Mir!” I exclaimed. I hugged him tightly. “What are you doing here?”


“Is Sungyeol here?” He questioned. I furrowed my eye brows. Why would he need to ask that?


“Umm… yeah why?” I wondered. I really didn’t expect what happened next.


“Let’s break up,” He declared. My eyes shot open.


“WHAT!” I screamed.

Soo yess.... this was all planned and you will find out how this happens next XP ^^ please stay tuned!

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Nakamoto_Yusuki #1
Chapter 5: jealous mir.. XD
Nakamoto_Yusuki #2
Chapter 3: i thought ryuki is a girl XD
Nakamoto_Yusuki #3
Chapter 2: lucky! mblaq sleep in her house!
but aimee is studying too hard! well, a smart girl T.T
Nakamoto_Yusuki #4
Chapter 1: Wow! So lucky aimee that she is seungho sister and can meet mblaq!!!
skyerenciel #5
Chapter 44: I read your fanfic in one shot in one day! (Luckily you already completed it >.>) or maybe not? Another one for the epilogue :3
deedae #6
Chapter 44: Epilogue pleaseee..I love ur storyyy :D I'm new n can't stop read ur fic :"
Agh, it's almost midnight here and I just finished this story!
I loved this. I seriously did.
looking forward to reading more of your fics! c:
dejalynnsaili #9
babyindigo #10
i loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee it !!!!!!!!!!!!!! >.<