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This is MBLAQ

The next day I woke up at 7 am but soon fell back asleep when I knew I had nothing to do. I curled up in a ball and took advantage of the warmth in my fuzzy blankets. I thought I heard noises but I figured that it was the trees or the wind. I shrugged it off. I hugged my pillow and dozed off again.


“Jagiya…” a voice called me.


“mmm..” I answered to it. Then I heard a chuckle and something wrap around my waist.


“Oh c’mon jagi wake up. I’ve been gone for so long and I missed you.” The same voice insisted.


“mmm…” I muttered and snuggled even closer to my pillow. The voice stopped talking and I finally fell asleep. A little while later I felt someone shaking me, but I didn’t bother to open my eyes to see who it was.


“Aimmeee wake up!” the voice called. I assumed it was Sungyeol since he liked to come and bother me some morning when he was bored and his parents made him wake up early.


“Yah Sungyeol leave me alone! I’m sleepy.” I scolded only to receive a hard shake in return.


“SUNGYEOL! I’M YOUR BOYFRIEND!” the voice yelled. I rubbed my eyes and was surprised to find Mir on my bed with an annoyed face.


“Mir?” I questioned, almost thinking it was a dream.


“Yes Mir…. But I bet you’d rather see Sungyeol.” He muttered. I quickly pounced on him and hugged him.


“No no… I want to see you. Ahh I missed you so much.” I told him kissing both of his cheeks before going in to kiss his lips.


“Yah what does Sungyeol do here in the mornings huh? You should be expecting me not him.” He scolded, kind of angry. I smiled at his jealousy and kissed him again.


“Sheesh don’t worry. Sungyeol comes in to wake me up when he gets bored. Nothing more,” I assured him. He eyed me suspiciously, probably still annoyed.


“I don’t like that other guys come to visit my girlfriend in the morning.” He told me. I leaned in and kissed him lightly.


“Yah you’re the only person I’m kissing though. You have my love. There is no need to get jealous of others. Plus I was lonely when you were gone.” I told him. A small smile found its way to his face and he hugged me tightly.


“I missed you too.” He admitted, squeezing me tight.


“Ahem. Lets eat, Joon brought some breakfast,” Seungho told us.


“Hold up, Did Seungho use the spare key to let you guys in?” I wondered. Then Mir nodded incriminating my brother.


“I need a new lock,” I muttered, earning a chuckle from my brother who left the room.


“Yeah you do... that way we can keep Sungyeol out.” Mir added. I laughed and took his arm off of me. “Yah! I’m not kidding!” He yelled at my leaving figure. I laughed and went in to the bathroom to make myself look presentable.


Then I met up the guys in the kitchen.


“Hello fellas! How was Japan?” I asked. They were all stuffing their faces so all they really offered was a thumbs up. I rolled my eyes and joined them in eating. Then the doorbell rang and Seungho offered to go get it.


“So what did you do while we were gone?” Cheondoong asked me. I ate some rice and shook my head.


“Nothing, I sat here bored waiting for you guys to come back.” I told them.


“Well get ready because we are coming back strong!” G.O warned me. I shrugged ready for the challenge.


“Ah… Oppa’s I brought some sliced fruit!” a familiar, irritating voice rang through.


“Hyomin?” I questioned, irked at seeing her.


“How did you get here?” Joon wondered.


“Oh I went to your dorms but your manager told me that you guys were eating here. He conveniently gave me the address.” She said, placing the fruit on the table.


“You guys are going to have to change dorms if she knows where you guys live,” I muttered, earning a chuckle and squeeze from Mir.


“I brought the fruit hoping that you guys would forgive me for all the trouble that I have caused.” She told us, specifically Mir and I. I didn’t say anything. I didn’t want to say anything. I knew that she hadn’t forgiven me and I knew that she wasn’t here for forgiveness.


“Umm it’s okay Hyomin just come and eat,” Seungho said from behind her, making her sit. The rest of breakfast was awkward. Hyomin kept trying to get close to Mir and I tried to get him away from her.


“Well hey we have rehearsal so we should get going soon,” G.O said, motioning everyone to leave. I nodded waving, but Hyomin clapped happily.


“Oh oppa can I go see you guys rehearse?” She asked Mir. He looked at her awkwardly not knowing what to say.


“No sorry Hyomin. We can’t bring visitors to the practice room today.” Seungho quickly added.


“Oh well… work hard!” She cheered them. They left quickly leaving me with Hyomin. The door closed and she turned to glare at me.


“So I see you got together with Mir.” She shot at me. I nodded proudly.


“Yes, we are happy.” I stated. She cackled darkly.


“Well that’s good. I guess I should leave too. Uh  nice house by the way,” She sneered, looking around with a stuck up expression. I rolled my eyes at her.


“Yeah whatever, bye.” I told her, pushing her out of the door and locking it.


Aish I hate her… what the hell is she up to though?


I sat on my couch wondering what the hell she could be up to. Then the doorbell rang. I went to open the door and was surprised to see Mir. He quickly kissed me and waved.


“I didn’t want to kiss you in front of the guys, and we need to plan a date soon so call me tonight okay?” He told me, kissing my cheek and running off before I could answer. I touched my cheek where he had kissed me and waved. Then a couple minutes after I had entered my house the doorbell rang again. I opened the door and this time it was Sungyeol.


“Let’s play so games,” he said making himself comfortable in the living room and putting in his gaming system. I shrugged and nodded.


"Sure lets play."


However, I was playing right in to someone’s plan…

so yeah i havent updated still im sorry but im trying not to slack in school and still offer you guys a pretty decent chapter ^^: bare with me I'm doing the best i can... on a side note


what does everyone think of MyName?

Im not sure about them yet and I'm not sure why they keep comparing them to infinite. I will wait and develop an opinion on these guys. for now they are on my waiting list ^^;. I definitely don't hate them but I don't love them yet.


Until then...enjoy this wonderful old school Infinite dancing to gee gif. ^^ i'm i the only one jealous that they are sharing a show with Apink? >.< NOO T.T

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Nakamoto_Yusuki #1
Chapter 5: jealous mir.. XD
Nakamoto_Yusuki #2
Chapter 3: i thought ryuki is a girl XD
Nakamoto_Yusuki #3
Chapter 2: lucky! mblaq sleep in her house!
but aimee is studying too hard! well, a smart girl T.T
Nakamoto_Yusuki #4
Chapter 1: Wow! So lucky aimee that she is seungho sister and can meet mblaq!!!
skyerenciel #5
Chapter 44: I read your fanfic in one shot in one day! (Luckily you already completed it >.>) or maybe not? Another one for the epilogue :3
deedae #6
Chapter 44: Epilogue pleaseee..I love ur storyyy :D I'm new n can't stop read ur fic :"
Agh, it's almost midnight here and I just finished this story!
I loved this. I seriously did.
looking forward to reading more of your fics! c:
dejalynnsaili #9
babyindigo #10
i loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee it !!!!!!!!!!!!!! >.<