TTW 2.0 07 - Black Daytime

To The World [incomplete, hiatus]
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"When was there a performance stage part of the Black Day Festival?" Serena asked once she and the other three were inside the Student Council room to change into their outfits. "I honestly don't remember having one last year."

"They added it this year." Katherine answered while putting on her black wings.

"Why is everything so early." Serena complained as Melanie rolled her eyes.

"Everything is too early for you."

Serena nodded already agreeing with her sister's words.

"I'm pretty sure it was on the fence for a while though." Jasmine mentioned as she put on her long black wig and adjusted to her liking. "They've been getting a lot of feedback about wanting a performance stage since Valentine's Day and White Day got it over the years. So the Student Council decided to finally have one this year for Black Day."

"That makes sense." Melanie said with a nod while applying black lipstick to her lips. "I remember Gina talking about it this school year, but not really sure if she wanted to do it or not."

"Well, now we are like always." Serena sighed as she situated the face mask to her satisfaction. "It's not a bad thing, but aren't there like other better singers and performers that could do this?"

"There are some better people to do this." Gina answered with a gleeful tone as she entered the room.

"So why not ask them?" Serena scowled.

"Because you four always make it come out successful, but also I know that Jasmine and Katherine actually like doing this."

"Haha, guilty." The twins answered. "We do."

Melanie laughed before looking at Gina.

"So what's our name this time around and what songs are we doing?"

The Black Day Festival had two parts to it with three hours for each part. During the day it was called Black Daytime while during the night it was called Black Nighttime. During the day had various events that differed from the night events if you couldn't attend one or the other. There was a jjajangmyeon eating contest that settled the semi-final round at night and if you didn't want to join the eating contest you could make your own jjajangmyeon instead. The Student Council had a booth selling solo merchandises at discounted prices. There was also a salon-like area where you can get your nails and make-up done in all black. Another area where you can make your own solo shirt and a photobooth where you can take various photos by yourself with various props. Now there was a Solo Karaoke for singles to sing whether they were happy or not about their current relationship status. This was of course after the stage performances from the quartet.

"Hello everyone!" Demian, a student council member that was in charge of the Black Day Festival event, announced excitedly.

Those in the quad that was present for the stage section cheered loudly as the others were about the campus participating in the other events.

"So this year we're introducing the Solo Karaoke for the first time!" Demian stated with excitement. "Before we allow the rest of you to sing to your heart's desire, we actually have our special guest coming out to perform for you guys."

Demian motioned to the other end of the makeshift stage where Serena, Melanie, Katherine, and Jasmine appeared in their get-up to stand alongside the male.

"This time around please give a warm welcome to Dark Angels who will perform for us to acknowledged this new segment to the Black Day Festival." Demian said as he began clapping to lead the others to do the same before talking.

"Once these wonderful ladies are done do we began the actual karaoke. So, please anticipate Fallen Angels' performance!"

Demian walked off while wishing the four good luck as Jasmine started the ment.

"Hello everyone. One, two..." She started while looking at the other three.

"We're Fallen Angels!" They finished as a group with a bow before righting themselves again.

Jasmine continued to talk.

"It's an absolute honored to be up here to acknowledged this new segment to the Black Day Festival. So we hope you enjoy our performances and please watch over us kindly."

The crowd cheered and Jasmine waited until they quieted down before introducing the first song.

"So first off, the first song we'll be singing for you is Right Now. This is dedicated to those that can't forget that one person."

The group stood in their place as they waited for the song to start before Katherine starting off the song. They kept the lyrics the same despite it being sung from a male's point of view. Once that song came to an end did Serena introduce the next song after they took a few moments to catch their breaths and drink some water.

"This next song is One By One." Serena introduced. "And it's dedicated to those that wished for a love one to comeback to them."

The quatet stood in their current position as the song began. This time Serena started out the song followed by Melanie and then Katherine with Jasmine taking the first rap and Melanie doing the other rap part with Jasmine singing in the chorus. One By One ended and Melanie spoke next after taking a break.

"The next song, What Do You Know, is dedicated to those that had broken up with their significant other without understanding why they did."

Jasmine started the song with the talking part before Melanie actually sang the first verse. They once again kept the lyrics the way they were as the song was sung by both female and male. When the song came to an end the quartet rotated position as they took another moment to catch their breaths and drink some water. After doing that did Katherine speak next.

"Alright, now we're actually gonna dance and sing for y'all." Katherine announced with a laugh. "This goes out to those that were placed second and wished to continued be by their special someone's side and can't leave. This is Black Tinkerbell."

The girls stayed in their poses as the song started before Serena sang first and they started moving. Katherine sang next followed by Jasmine with Serena for the pre-hooked and Melanie doing the chorus. Once the song ended, the quartet took a breather, drank some water, and Serena introduced the fourth song.

"The next song is for those that backed off from a relationship that wasn't going anywhere despite loving the person sincerely." Serena spoke. "I hope you enjoy our performance of I'll Back Off So You Can Live Better."

When the song began it was Melanie who started the song before they began dancing and Jasmine again doing the rapping parts. Even though the twins loved doing this, the other pair of sisters didn't mind and were enjoying it just as much. The quartet momentarily forgot their worries and other things in life as they performed for others in their disguise. Anyways, when the song came to an end the four took another break before Melanie did the next talking ment.

"Hope all of you are enjoying everything so far for Black Day. The next song is The Reason I Became A Witch. This goes out to those that have become spiteful after a break or see love differently than before. Enjoy!"

Fallen Angels got into formation and Serena did the intro part before she and Jasmine went back and forth with the second introducation before Katherine actually sang and started out the song followed by Melanie. The song came to an end and the girls once again took a moment for drinks and a breather. Jasmine spoke to announce their final stage.

"I hope you all have enjoyed our stages so far and the event itself if you got around to it. Unfortunately this will be our last performance before Solo Karaoke officially begins."

The crowd booed at the fact as Fallen Angels chuckled. Jasmine continued speaking.

"Anyways, don't worry, we'll be back before you know it. Anyways, this last song is dedicated to those that are enjoying being by themselves and enjoying the solo life. So please enjoy, Supa Solo!"

The quartet once again got into formation as they enjoyed their last performance. Jasmine and Serena once again went back and forth for the intro part of the song with Melanie actually singing the actual verse followed by Katherine. When it ended the girls lined up to bow and bid the crowd goodbye as their final moment as Fallen Angels.

"One, two..." Jasmine began as they finished as a group, "This was Fallen Angels. Thank you!"

Demian came back on stage while clapping and speaking at the same time.

"Thank you so much, Fallen Angels! Please give these lovely ladies a warm round of applause!"

The crowd did just that as Demian took center stage while motioning towards the quartet.

"Thank you once again, Fallen Angels, for your wonderful performances! Please enjoy the rest of the festival."

Demian motioned to the side to indicate for them that they were free to go. The girls bowed to him in thanks before rushing off the make stage as Demian began explaining how the Solo Karaoke was going to work for the remainder of the event. The pair of sisters returned to the student council room to change out of their outfits and back to their usual wear.

"So, are we gonna hang out for the rest of the Daytime or attend the rest of our classes?" Katherine asked the others as they left the student council room after changing back to their usual wear.

"I'm gonna go home and sleep. Forget class." Serena answered before remembering something once the quartet were out of the building. "Wait, don't we have to decorate the gymnasium later at four for the Nighttime part?"

"Mmhmm." The trio hummed as Serena sighed deeply.

"Let's grab some jjajangmyeon. I'm hungry." Melanie suggested. "I heard that Mina and Chanmi are running the booth so they can hook us up."

"I'm down. We can even make shirts, too." Jasmine agreed. "Nancy promised me a shirt this year."

"She promised me one, too." Katherine mentioned with a slight chuckle. "She said she'll get a baggy purple shirt ready for me this year."

"Well, at least she knows you like your shirts baggy." Jasmine mused as Katherine chuckled in agreement.

"I wondered what kinda of items they're selling this year though." Melanie said. "I hope they have more designs this year."

"Not sure, but Gina said that the designs are a lot better this year as Dia designed them compare to last year's designer." Katherine answered.

"I would hope so. Last year's design was very basic and didn't sell that well that they had to hella mark it down." Serena said with a frown. "I remember one of them were trying to sell it for a lot more than it should've been."

"Okay. So we're hanging out at the quad then." Jasmine confirmed with a smile as she began leading to the area.

At that moment Serena felt someone grabbed her arm and began leading her in another direction. She briefly glanced to see who it was and saw that it was Jisung. Before she could say something Jisung had already spoken for her.

"I'm gonna borrow Serena for a while. Bye!" He exclaimed before picking up his pace with Serena reluctantly allowing him to drag her away.

The twins cast Melanie a weird look. Melanie shrugged with a laugh.

"I have no idea what goes on in his mind." She responded.

"Are you sure they're friends?" Jasmine asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"Definitely. Serena just likes saying they aren't."

"That sounds like her." Katherine agreed before noticing another person coming towards them. "I think someone's gonna take Melanie away."

"What?" Melanie said with a questioningly look before noticing Lucas a few feet away. "Oh."

"Hi, guys!" Lucas greeted them happily. "Are you guys busy at the moment?"

Before Melanie could declined playfully Jasmine had already answered eagerly.

"No, we're not busy at all. What's up?"

"Where are you taking me?" Serena asked Jisung once they entered inside one of the music buildings. "Are you majoring in music?"

"Yeah, didn't I tell you that?" Jisung responded while casting his friend a curious look.

"I don't remember. You tell me a lot of things."

She then shook off his grip and continued to follow on her own accord.

"Besides, don't you have class or whatever to get to besides bothering me like always?"

"Nope. I saw you and wanted to show you something."


"Because you're a good friend of mine."

"Don't you have other better friends that are just as good as me?"

Jisung shot her an annoyed look as she cast him a playful one in return. He brushed it off as he led the both of them to one of the rooms and Serena followed him in. She noticed that it was like a recording studio of sorts. She wondered why he wanted her here. Jisung pointed to one of the swivel

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