TTW 2.0 05 - Gym

To The World [incomplete, hiatus]
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"Ah, I'ma kill that boy." Serena muttered to herself as she arrived at the university early in the morning. "I need to stop answering the phone when he calls."

She walked through the gates and headed towards the gymnasium.

"Why couldn't he asked Melanie to bring it to him since she actually has class this early. Lucas is gonna pay for this."

She sighed grumpily while carrying his gym bag. Serena was annoyed since it was his fault that he left it at her place the other day all because he didn't want to go all the way back to his place. While grumbling to herself in the early hours, Serena heard several loud voices in the distance. She looked over to see why a bunch of girls were yelling so early in the morning when she noticed that one of them was Chaerin. She hurried rushed over when one of the girls not Shujun pushed Chaerin to the ground.

"How could you make it and we didn't?"

"Yeah! What did you do to buy your way in?!"

Two girls shouted as Serena pushed her way through the group and knelt down to see if her friend was okay.

"Are you okay?" Serena asked in concern while pulling Chaerin to her feet and placing the younger woman behind her.

She stared at the group and realized they were her former friends.

"What are you looking at?" Shujun snarled at her. "This doesn't concern you."

"It does now since Chaerin's a friend."

"Chaerin doesn't have any friends."

"Yeah, we were her friends before she betrayed us."

Two more of the group stated with mean looks. Serena tried not to roll her eyes and spoke in a neutral tone.

"Look, since y'all aren't friends anymore, then leave her alone."

"No." Shujun declined. "We need to find out why her group got chosen over ours."

Chaerin whispered to Serena that it was about the showcase's final lineup that was posted this morning on the campus bulletin boards. Lady Phoenix made it, but Campus Fairies did not.

"Why don't you go ask Alice, Nara, Seoyoung or any of the others about why you weren't chosen." Serena suggested in a firm tone. "Chaerin has nothing to do with who gets to be part of it or not."

"She totally has something to do with this."

"How could she get four other girls to help her out and succeed in being in the final lineup?"

"It doesn't add up."

"So she had to have cheated or something."

The same four girls stated with hostility.

"Yeah. It doesn't add up and we want answers." Shujun said with a snarky tone.

"Then asked Yooyoung, Ara, Yoonjoo, or Haley about it, too. They can give you the answers about that just like I mentioned earlier about the other three." Serena suggested one more time. "Chaerin isn't even in charge of it so she doesn't know."

Just as the others were about to protest and say some more hurtful things they were interrupted by a male voice.

"Is everything okay?"

The females turned their attention to see who it was and realized that it was Changbin along with Chan beside him. Changbin was the one that spoke and he didn't look happy. He repeated his question while looking between the girls and noticed that Chaerin was amongst them.


Just as Changbin was gonna make his way over Shujun stepped in to block his path.

"Is Chaerin your girlfriend?"

Changbin looked at Shujun then swept his gaze over the rest of her buddies before landing them back on her.

"And if she is?"

Shujun and company gasped and started mumbling amongst one another while Serena heard Chaerin scoffed. Upon hearing that scoff from Chaerin, Serena knew what that could only mean and supressed a laugh from escaping. Serena then caught eyes with Chan who gave her an amused look. She averted her gaze not sure why he looked at her like that.

"How could you choose her for a girlfriend? She's so plain." Shujun asked in disbelief.

"Then should I choose you instead?" Changbin mused with a of his head, but his eyes stated otherwise.

"Of course." She answered confidently like it was obvious.


"Why? You ask. I'm prettier. I'm popular. I'm not boring that's for sure." Shujun snided while shooting Chaerin a dirty look.

Then she began listing her reason.

"I got money. I have fashion sense. My hair is like perfect. I seriously have bigger s that's for sure. I actually have friends and I'm not a loner. I have more friends than she could count on one hand. My friends can even date your friends. Jooyi does modeling. Sujeong has studied abroad. Yu-"


Changbin cut her off and shot her a dark look.

"You will leave Chaerin alone. If I found out you and your friends are still messing with her, then you'll regret not heeding my warning."

The gaze went over to the other girls and Serena noticed the shivers that they got upon seeing the male's look.

"Got it?" He directed it towards Shujun who finally got the hint.

She could only nod not daring to reply before running off with the rest of her buddies in tow. Chaerin came from behind Serena and stood beside her with a look directed at her friend.

"Did you really have to go that far, Changbin?"

"Of course. No one messes with my friends and get away with it." He replied with a nod.

"Uh huh. Anyways," Chaerin looked at Serena to introduce her to the other two, "Changbin, Chan, this is-"

"Serena." Changbin answered with a smile.

Chaerin looked between the two confused.

"You already know each other?"

Serena shook her head to clarified the misunderstanding.

"Not really."

"But..." Chaerin trailed off not sure how to respond still perplexed.

"We met at an event a few weeks ago." Chan answered to clear up the situation. "We learned that she's friends with Jisung."

"Oh? You know Jisung, too."

"Something like that." Serena answered vaguely as possible.

"Don't you have class soon?" Changbin asked Chaerin as her eyes widened. "Oh, yeah, I do."

She looked at Serena.

"I'll message or call you guys about the showcase later."

"That's fine. We can talk about it later when we all have time." Serena assured her. "Now run along to class."

"C'mon, I'll walk you." Changbin offered as he and Chaerin walked off with a wave at the other two in the opposite direction.

Serena watched them for a bit with a small smile on her face before turning on her heels, but almost ran into Chan. She didn't know when he had moved, but she swerved around him to avoid colliding into him.

"Sorry. Bye."

Serena shot him a curt smile before walking towards the gymnasium again. Chan's face was amused as he, too, made his way towards the gymnasium. Serena glanced behind her and saw that Chan was also walking in the same direction as her. She had to control her thoughts that this wasn't a drama scene and that she was not in a drama series. Still though, it was beginning to feel like one ever since going to that group date almost three weeks ago. Serena felt like life wanted to mess with her or something like that. Anyways, she glanced behind her once more and Chan cast her the same amused look.

"Are you headed towards the gymnasium, too?" Serena asked just wanting to start small talk if he was or not.

"Yes. Are you?" He responded and asked back.

"Yes, but not to work out or do anything sport related."

"Oh? Then what are you going there for?"

"A friend forgot this," She held up the gym bag, "And I'm delivering it to him."

"Would you like me to carry it?"

"No thanks. I"m fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"You don't seem all that excited to return it."

"Yeah, well, I'm not a morning person."

"You must be a good friend then."

"I guess."

Serena shrugged with a small smile.

"So, who's your friend?" Chan asked a moment later.

Serena cast him a look wondering if she should tell him or not. Chan tilted his head curiously although a slight smile still graced his face.


"Lucas Wong?"

Serena just smiled with a nod although she was groaning on the inside. She now felt for sure that she was in a drama series.


The female was glomped by two males that were with Lucas once she reached the gymnasium.

"Ahh. Jeno! Chenle! Stop." Serena cried out as the trio went crashing to the ground.

Chan smiled u

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