TTW 2.0 03 - Audition

To The World [incomplete, hiatus]
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A week later the quartet found themselves in the school's auditorium at eight in the morning. They were informed by Gina to arrive early for the auditions and if they did then they wouldn't have to go to any of their classes, but could still receive the attendance and work for missing them. So here they were all comfy in sweats and hoodies awaiting for further details along with all the other auditonees although they felt they were kinda underdressed as the others were clearly trying to impress. Anyways, for the past few days the quartet have been practicing a few songs just in case another participate was doing the same song and didn't want to clash. So they prepared backup songs although they wondered if they should've even bothered as they didn't voluntarily sign up in the first place.

"This is still so early, bro." Serena said in-between a yawn while slouching in her seat. "Why do we need to be here so early though?"

"Gina said the auditions will be all day so it's better to just be here early than late to not worry about it." Jasmine stated as she also let out a yawn and was slouching in her seat.

"She better give me my credit for missing class right now." Katherine remarked almost half-asleep. "I just hope it isn't anything too important or I'm gonna spend all my time re-teaching myself the lessons for today.

"Me, too." Melanie agreed although she was the most alert of the four despite being sleepy herself. "I hope they provide us some snacks and drinks for waiting all day."

The group of four looked about them as they noticed that the auditorium was quite filled up save a few seats here and there. They continued talking as they wondered how many acts were actually going to perform and if the ones in charge of the event was going to be picky or not.

"Hello everyone and thank you all for joining us this morning for auditions."

Alice, the overall person in charged of Sing In May, stood on stage to welcome the participants getting the attention of everyone present. She then motioned for several more people to join her.

"This year joining me in the selection for those to participate in Sing In May are Yooyoung, Nara, Haley, Yoonjo, Yeoreum, Ara, and Seoyoung. So please be mindful of us and we'll be mindful of you."

The other seven introduced themselves before walking off the stage and down the area where several tables were set up like booths.

"Anyways, I'm going to divide you guys into certain sections before you audition. When I call out your name and or the group you're with, please make your way to one of the seven booths quietly and without disturbances led by one of them." Alice explained while holding several pieces of paper and motioning to the tables. "Please pay attention as once you move over to your assigned area where Haley, Yooyoung, and the others will hand you your nametags and other information. When everyone is settled the auditions will start at nine."

Name by name were called out as the auditionees listened attentively for their name and where to line up. Soon enough the participants moved from their seats to collect their nametags and learned at what time they would be doing their auditions. The quartet awaited for their group name to be call and wondered what Gina had chosen for them this time around. They realized that she's been giving them names whenever she roped them into a school event. This year so far they've been known as Love's Cupids and Love's Angels for the Red Day Festival and White Day Festival, respectively. Last year they were known as Red Cupids and White Cupids instead.

They didn't participate in last year's showcase, but Gina did get them to perform at the Winter Gala as Winter Fairies. They hoped that they wouldn't get roped into another one this year by their friend. They didn't really mind, but it was just a hassle to dress up and entertain for people that they didn't really associate with on a daily. Still though in the end they always got extracurricular activity credits and helped the Student Council Body make all the events a success in the end. So when the name 'byBloom' was announced, the quartet realized that was the name they would be going by for this event.

"I still can't believe we have to wear these until auditions are over." Serena complained as she adjusted the straps of the large nametag with her name on it.

"It makes us seem like trainees having an evaluation." Jasmine mused. "I kinda like it."

"Of course you would." Melanie remarked with a laugh as she got done adjusting her nametag. "I'm just mad that we're in the late afternoon."

"I know." Katherine agreed. "I would rather get it done and over with."

"Well, at least I can just sleep until it's our time to perform." Serena reasoned with a laugh. "I just wondered how many they're gonna accept."

"Gina didn't mention anything, but depending on how the acts go today we could have at least like twenty."

"That's roughly like an hour." Melanie calculated. "Wasn't it like two hours or three hours last year?"

"I think so." Katherine tried to recall, but it wasn't clear. "But last year was a competition and not a showcase."

"Oh yeah, Gina said the competition was a mess to deal with due to everyone not being on the same page." Jasmine explained remembering what happened last year. "Anyways, so they're doing a showcase and I think it's gonna be at least thirty to get in as many people as possible."

"What are they trying to get with the funds from this showcase for?" Serena asked once she was satisfied with her nametag placement.

"I think it's going to be for the All-Star Sports competition." Jasmine answered. "This time around they wanna try adding an actual obstacle course which fell through last year."

"Oh really? That'll be cool." Melanie said with a nod. "I know that Chunglim and Ahjoo wanted that for sure."

"Who?" Serena asked not remembering the names.

"Chunglim's the Treasurer and Ahjoo's the Historian of the Student Council. Didn't you vote for them?"


Melanie rolled her eyes.

"Anyways, they're really working hard this year to top last year and the years before that."

"At the expense of us like always." Katherine remarked with a laugh. "But I guess it's not that bad since they don't really know that and it's all Gina's doing."

"I thought they were also trying to raise the funding to have a water fountain install at the front, no?" Serena inquired with a thoughtful look. "Or was it to update one of the building in the back of the school?"

"It's something like that, too. The funds are always being used for the school one way or another." Jasmine answered recalling something. "Christine, the Vice President, has been trying to update some of the older buildings for future generations. Anyways, let's go get something to eat or drink. I'm hungry."

"Me, too." Melanie agreed while remembering something. "Oh, let's get boba. I've been craving an original milk tea lately."

"What flavor did you get again?" Katherine asked Serena upon seeing her drink.

"Um, a peace milk tea. It's not that bad though."

She offered the drink towards her friend.

"Do you wanna try?"

"No thanks. I'm good. Wintermelon is all I need."

"Let me try that mochi waffle you got." Melanie asked her sister as Serena handed one of them over to her. "Is it any good?"

"I dunno. I saw a post about it online and wanted to try it." Serena answered with a chuckle. "It looked good and smells lovely."

The group of four were casually heading back to the university after buying their snacks and drinks. They were enjoying themselves and taking in the sunshine until they ran into Melanie's ex again just outside the entrance of the university. This time there were two of his friends with him.

"Oh ho. Look who we have here." Scott exclaimed as he and his buddies blocked the quartet's path. "Must be fate bringing us together."

"You wished that was true." Jasmine stated as she instinctively moved to put a barrier between the male and her friend. "Why don't you buzz off?"

Scott cast her an annoyed look.

"This doesn't concern you."

"It does when you're trying to get back with my friend who doesn't wanna deal with you."

Scott scoffed.

"That's what you think."

"It's not what we think. It's what we know." Katherine clarified as she, too, joined her twin in blocking the male from Melanie. "Besides, what are you even doing over here?"

"I can do whatever I want." He answered with a snicker.

"Seriously, dude, why can't you just leave her and us alone." Serena told him. "There's no reason for us to associate with one another."

Scott cast his eyes onto Serena with a hard stare.

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