To The World [incomplete, hiatus]
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"This is the right place, right?" Serena asked as she and Melanie stood outside a cafe at four in the morning.

"Yeah, it should be." Serena stated as she confirmed the location on her mobile device. "This is the address that Ten sent me."

Serena tiredly rubbed her face while re-positioning her glasses.

"Tell me those two did not just lied to us for the fun of it."

Melanie did the same, but had a more annoyed tone to her voice.

"They better not or I'm kicking both of their asses."

The duo were only in shorts with a hoodie thrown over them while wearing flip-flops. They each received a call from Ten and Lucas about ten minutes ago while sprouting out that they had just gotten into a bit of a sticky situation and needed someone to help them identify themselves. If money could have helped them, then it would, but it couldn't and really needed the girls to come help them. Of course, without a second thought upon hearing the urgency in their tones the female pair hurried to where the boys were located to aid them. What they expected was to either be met at the hospital or police station, but not at a late night cafe.

"Cousins! Happy April Fool's Day!"

Ten's excited voice brought the pair's attention away from each other and to the prankster. Lucas came right after him with an even larger grin upon his face.

"Ladies! You came." Lucas exclaimed loudly. "C'ome inside. We got everything all set up."

"No. You come over here so I can kick your ." Melanie deadpanned while shooting him a dark look. "We thought you guys were in trouble."

"Oh, but we are." Ten piped up with a sweet smile. "We ordered too much and cannot finish it just the two of us."

"Like hell I'm gonna help you two." Serena tsked while turning away. "I'm going back home. in' April Fool's Day bull. The ."

"Me, too." Melanie chimed following suit. "Y'all always wake us up for stupid ."

Ten rolled his eyes before speaking.

"It's not our fault you guys seem to fall for this trick every year."

"Yeah, just come inside and let us explain about this one." Lucas coaxed them with a gentle tone.

"No." The female pair chorused before being yanked back and pushed inside the cafe against their will.

Melanie and Serena sat before Lucas and Ten as well as five others of their NCT group. They were Kun, YangYang, Hendery, WinWin, and Xiaojun. The pair stared at the group wondering why there were more people involved than the two males initially stated.

"I apologized on behalf of those two." Kun said as he gestured at his two friends while casting the two females a sympathetic look. "They don't think some times."

"We know." The pair chimed while dismissing the whole thing.

"It's fine. So why are we here?" Melanie asked getting right to the point while eating a slice of strawberry cake.

"Yeah, why are we here?" Hendery wondered looking at the whole group. "I never got told why we had to come."

"Me, too." Xiaojun added with a slight yawn. "I was told that there would be food, but all I see is nothing but sweets."

"Hey, you two look very familiar." YangYang stated as he leaned on the table and peered at the females closely. "Have we met before?"

"No." The pair answered in sync causing the males minus Ten and Lucas to arch an eyebrow curiously.

"Are you sure?"

The pair nodded in confirmation.

"But I really think you two look super familiar." YangYang insisted as he was about to move towards them, but Kun restrained back in his seat.

"Don't scare them, YangYang. Calm down."

Serena was the one that spoke upon recognizing Kun.

"I remember you though."

She pointed at Kun who stared at her with a tilt of his head.


"Yeah. I haven't been to the club in a while, but the cooking club is still active right?"

"Yeah, it is. Are you a member?"

"Tentatively. I've been busy with other things and haven't attended since early last year. You go by another name, don't you?"

"Yes, my Korean name, but family and close friends calls me by my real name."

"I see. That's why."

"You're part of a cooking club?" Lucas asked Serena in an incredulous tone.

"Yes, don't be surprise." Serena confirmed while making a shooing motion at him. "Now stop talking about it."

"Wait a minute. I remember you two now though." WinWin interjected as he recalled their encounter. "You're familiar because the two of you left the group date early on White Day because of that Scott guy. Right?"

Lucas and Ten's facial expressions suddenly harden.


"It's nothing." Melanie dismissed knowing that the two would get upset about it.

"It's not nothing, NiNi. Did Scott actually show up in person? Why didn't you tell me? You know how much I hate that guy. Right?" Ten asked with a concern tone. "I pretty sure we made it absolutely clear for him not to bother you ever again."

"Yeah. He knew what was gonna happen if he showed his face around you again." Lucas added with his jaw tensed. "I seriously hate that guy."

"It's fine. NaNa helped me, but I have to thank WinWin and the rest of your nine friends for making him back off." Melanie responded while gesturing at WinWin. "If it weren't for them, who knows what he would have tried that day. I think Serena may have done some work on him though since he was about get physical."

Lucas grinned as his attention went to Serena and she avoided his gaze, but that didn't deter him.

"Aww, I knew our precious NaNa would be the one to get down and dirty. No wonder you can't find someone."

"It's because I'm not looking, Lucas. Leave me alone and that's not the point." Serena deadpanned while redirecting the conversation back to the reason they were all there. "Anyways, that's enough about us and not something y'all should be worry about."

She glanced at the other five males and shot them an apologetic look.

"Sorry about that slight topic though."

The quintet dismissed it with sympathetic smiles.

Hendery then repeated his curiosity from earlier. "So why are we here again?"

Serena and Melanie found themselves back at the boys' complex building decorating the boys' living room while the other seven had gone to do something else. The duo weren't sure what it was or even why they stuck around to decorate, but here they were.

"Y'know, we could have just left once they left, right?" Melanie stated the obvious as she was attaching the ends of balloons to a plastic piece that was supposed to make an archway of sort over an entry way.

"Yes, I know, but knowing how we are we didn't." Serena confirmed while working on hanging ribbons from one wall to the other and all around the living room. "I think we should cut those two from our lives and never respond to them ever again."


Melanie just slipped in the last balloon with a proud smile.

"Finally. It's done. This is kinda pretty. I wonder how it'll look once I attach it to the wall."

Melanie went to the entry way that Ten had told her where to put it once it was done. After attaching it to the wall did she step back to admire her work.

"Does it look good, Serena?"

Serena glanced over from her place to observe the balloon archway.

"Yeah. Although I still don't get what they're celebrating."

"Who knows. You almost done?"

Melanie yawned while facing her cousin. Serena taped up the strings before nodding with a yawn as well.

"Yup. Okay, let's go."

Just as the pair finished decorating did they saw YangYang and Hendery entering the living room with panicked, but excited looks. Before the female pair could ask them what they were doing, the male duo told the girls to hide. Totally confused, the girls just watched them dive behind the couch. Before they could even question what they were doing they suddenly heard footsteps of people approaching and felt several things hit them. They tried to shield themselves from the attack, but it was too late as they were now stained with water, flour, and eggs along with it's shells.

"The man." Both girls exclaimed in annoyance while glancing at their clothing.

"Oh ." Renjun, Jaemin, and Jeno gasped upon realizing their current situation.

"Did you guys get th-" Haechan asked although he didn't complete his sentence upon seeing the two females with a confused expression. "Who are you two?"

"No one." The girls answered at the same time.

"Omona, they're stalkers! Get them!" Haechan announced as he didn't easily recognized the pair compare to his friends.

"No, wait!"

Both Hendery and YangYang came from out of their hiding spots, but they were now covered in the same things as the girls.

"What's going on here? It better not be another April Fool's prank." Taeyong asked upon hearing all the commotion before looking around the living room in horror and then noticed the girls with furrowed brows. "Um, should I ask what even happened here?"

"We're just gonna go. Bye-bye." Serena announced tired and annoyed as she walked off first after wiping away the junk off of her as much as possible.

Melanie looked at the males with a tired smile after doing the same thing with the mess all over her.

"Just tell Ten and Lucas that we got everything done for them. Bye."

She waved at them before following afte

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