To The World [incomplete, hiatus]
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This was the next phase of Skyler's birthday event whereas they would began a formal dance of partners. Basically, it was a way for Skyler and Hansol to share a dance together in the disguise of her friends also partaking in the event as to seem like she wasn't the only one. Plus, adding Jungwoo just made it more fun as well to Skyler. Although the quartet questioned her why she would do something like that when she and Hansol were on rocky roads. Skyler explained to them that it was just a misunderstanding and that the girl that appeared like his date was actually a childhood friend and a cousin of the bride-to-be.

Anyways, the quartet left it alone and just let it be as Skyler can deal with it since it was her own issues. They were just gonna be there again as listening ears since they knew how she was. Other than that, Skyler and Hansol can bond leaving the four to do what Skyler wanted them to help out with. Other couples were more than welcome to join as well making it even more secretive to Skyler's planning. Honestly, Skyler had way too much fun in preparing for her party. Skyler then faced the DJ with a slight grin and made a sign for the DJ to turn off the quartet's mic until it was over.

"DJ Amourette, if you could play some Yiruma pieces as the girls decide on their partners one by one that would be much appreciated."

DJ Amourette flashed Skyler an OK sign as Kiss the Rain soon filled the room a few seconds later.

"Okay, everyone, if you're chosen, lucky you! If not, then please do not be disappointed. It's all for fun. Anyways, ladies, please decide who will go first as Jungwoo will go after you four."

Skyler giggled upon seeing her friends play the game. The quartet quickly did a game of rock, paper, and scissors to get it all done and over with. They were going to do just one round, but that wasn't always fun and so did a few rounds until the lineup emerged. It ended with Serena losing and being the first one to choose her partner. Then it was followed by Katherine. After her, Melanie was third, and lastly Jasmine to choose fourth. In truth, even if it was a simple game, it really wasn't. It was already planned thanks to Skyler as she wanted them all to pick someone from Hansol's group of friends to add more fun to everything. By fun, she wanted just a tad bit of drama of the other guests in not getting picked.

Anyhow, since Serena was the first one who had to discreetly go about like she was choosing a random partner, but in reality she already knew where she had to go and pick as it was more like who to pick as she wasn't that familiar with Hansol's friends except for Ten and Lucas. So she slowly made her way out to the crowd with a nervous smile. She pretended to look like she was contemplating on who to choose. She pointed at a random table, but the other three shook their heads and pointed further back. Serena rolled her eyes as she walked with a bounced to her steps as she quite like Yiruma's songs until she neared Hansol's group of friends.

Serena scanned the tables while trying not to make any eye-contact with the males in hopes of not becoming suddenly shy under their watchful gaze. She for sure was not gonna choose Ten or Lucas as she would be found out immediately if in close contact and she didn't want to have to explain herself. Well, at least hopefully not tonight, if possible. Anyways, continuing to scan the males indifferently Serena's eyes unconsciously noticed one of Hansol's friends that stood out with a healing smile as she unknowingly smiled at him upon seeing his own smile. She remembered him earlier having passed by their table not that long ago, but had paid no real attention to him or any of the others at the tables.

Catching Serena's attention, the male suddenly then playfully pointed at himself while mouthing 'me' as his smile grew widered having reached his eyes. Serena inwardly groaned upon seeing his smile. She was definitely affected by it once she noticed how the smile had reached his fox-like eyes. Even though she knew it was more in the playful manner, but still she was effected. She was honestly a er for smiles that reaches the eyes. She was about to shake her head in rejecting him in hopes of picking another person that made her less aware of how hot she felt all of a sudden. Unfortunately, Skyler noticed from all the way where she was from and announced the pairing with a giddy tone.

"And RinaTokki has chosen Nakamoto Yuta to be her dance partner!"

Serena cast Skyler a confused expression before seeing a hand in her line of sight offering for her to take it a moment later. Serena glanced at it before trailing her eyes to see the owner of it and inwardly groaned once again upon recognizing it to be the one with the smile she was surely effected by earlier. Nakamoto Yuta. Serena would surely get Skyler back once this was over. Serena watched Yuta as he motioned with his chin at his offered hand for her to take it. She cast him a slow smile with a steady breath as she placed her right hand in his left one while leading him back to the front.

"Okay, first pair down!" Skyler announced before looking over at Jasmine. "Now it's RinKoyang's turn to chose!"

Yiruma's Kiss the Rain was still playing as Katherine made her way out with quick steps as she didn't want to take too long like Serena just now, plus she also didn't want Skyler to call her out like she had done to Serena as well. Already knowing where she was headed, Katherine smiled at every single guest she passed by until she got to the large group of males who were already smiling yet confused on why a second candidate was being chosen among them. Katherine was just gonna pick the closes person and at the edge of the table, but her clumsy self ended up tripping while walking.

While trying to balance herself to not fall, Katherine ended up taking a few more steps than intended and not so elegantly landed into the arms of one of Hansol's friends who stood up to assist her. When she felt another body against hers Katherine quickly stood up right and try to back away, but she also happened to bumped her head against his chin and she wished that she could just dissolved away right then and there. This was totally becoming embarrassing regardless of her wearing a mask or not. She was feeling hot and bothered. Katherine was close to making a run for it when Skyler's voice brought her back to reality.

"RinKoyang has chosen Jung Yoonoh, also known as Jaehyun, as her dance partner!"

Katherine awkwardly smiled at Jaehyun who was still easing the slight pain upon his chin. She felt bad and was about to apologize, but she couldn't bring the words out and remained silent. Nevertheless, he cast her a bright two-dimpled smile with the left deeper than the other right while offering his right hand for her to take. Katherine nervously took it with her left as she led them to the front all the while trying to not freak out about what had just happened and how someone like him could be so devastingly handsome up close. It didn't help that the background music was Yiruma's either. A new set of piano keys were heard as Kiss the Rain ended and River Flows In You began afterwards.

"Hehe, second pair down and two more to go!" Skyler exclaimed while casting Melanie a look. "Alright, NalyGae, please choose your partner!"

Melanie cast Skyler a pleading look, but the latter just shot her a smirk while motioning for her to grab her partner while mouthing for Melanie to go and hurry up. Still, Melanie let out a soft sigh before making her way out towards the crowd. She pretended to scan potential candidates and was even tempted to choose someone that wasn't from Hansol's group of friends, but she knew that Skyler would later give her for it. So Melanie didn't want to hear any of that from her and casually weaved herself among the crowd until she reached Hansol and his friends like she hadn't even intended to pick one amongst them.

Softly humming to the tune of River Flows In You to calm down her nerves despite appearing composed on the outside, Melanie cast them a soft smile. She was also feeling tired inside for some reason, but she kept a steady gaze among them before sweeping her eyes upon who she should pick. Her eyes caught those of Ten and a second later with Lucas to which both of them squinted at her as if she looked familiar to them. Quickly averting her gazes from them while making up her mind as she didn't want to stand there for much longer and have them realized who she may be, Melanie casually offered her left hand to the closes person in front of her without paying much attention.

"Oh, ho ho. What is this? Is NalyGae offering her hand to Na Jaemin or Lee Taeyong? Which of them could it be? Or maybe it's both!"

Skyler's voice immediately brought Melanie's attention to see if that's how it looked like while her eyes widened upon it being true. Her hand was held out in-between the two males and she wasn't sure what she should do now. Although she wondered how good was her friend's eyesight to see something like this from so far away. She cast both males a polite smile and hoped that one of them would just grab her hand so that she could get this done and over with. None of them did so as both Taeyong and Jaemin looked at one another wondering who was gonna take Melanie's offered hand.

Not really caring who it was gonna be she was just gonna play a game of eeny-meeny-miney-mo in her head to pick one of the two guys. Just as she was about to start Melanie then noticed that one of them put up a hand like he was shrugging. Melanie made a quick decision of what she wanted to do given this split momement and without a care she grabbed his hand and pulled him up and from out of his seat. The male was startled by the sudden action that he bumped into Melanie, but luckily both held their stance and kept their balance without falling and toppling over one another. More like the male was good on his feet and that Melanie's tug wasn't that strong as expected.

"Wow, wow, wow! NalyGae has boldly chosen Lee Taeyong without waiting for him to properly stand up!  She's a feisty little pupper isn't she? Kidding, kidding, or am I?" Skyler joked with a loud laugh and knew that her friend was gonna give her the death glare for basically calling her a dog.

Melanie did just that as she took her place next to her friend with Taeyong standing next to her while still trying to get his composure intact.

"Okay, third pair completed!" Skyler countined speaking. "MinHolang, would you please go and pick out your partner!"

Just as Skyler had finished talking did Jasmine began walking out quickly to the audience compare to the other three. Jasmine knew who she wanted as her partner and with this new surge of confidence thanks to the mask she was wearing, Jasmine wasn't gonna hold anything back with this golden opportunity. Honestly, Jasmine wasn't gonna deny any given chance to be in close contact with this person or anyone within the group circle.

"Wow! Look at her go. MinHolang knows where she's headed off to with sure steps! I wonder who it could be!" Skyler announced good-naturedly as Jasmine walked right up to Hansol's group of friends. "We're all gonna find out real soon though!"

Jasmine only had eyes for one guy and one guy only since attending SM University. That guy was Johnny Suh who has captured her heart and attention and even if she tried, she couldn't think about no one else, but him. Even if he may not know who she is and if they're ever meet again like this, Jasmine was gonna live life to the fullest and enjoy every single moment of it with happiness. Although the mask was the one that kept the barrier between them. So when Jasmine stopped right in front of Johnny and offered her right hand out for him to take with one of the sweetest smile Jasmine has ever given to anyone, Johnny was a little surprise by the straightfowardness of one of the VIP guests.

"Oh wow! Who would have thought. MinHolang's lucky dance partner is Seo Youngho, also known as Johhny, ladies and gentleman." Skyler announced with excitement. "MinHolang definitely has good taste and knows what she likes and wants. Nice."

Although Jasmine was sure and confidence earlier when she offered h

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