How Far I'll Go

To The World [incomplete, hiatus]
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Genevy's best bet into escaping from out of Yuta's sight was to basically enter another room as soon as possible once she left the room she had been in not that long ago. The passway was pretty long and nothing but doors for a good few yards until you reached the front of the place again. Unfortunately for her though she didn't have the time to do so when she heard Yuta call out her name again.


"Crap." Genevy muttered to herself as she took off in a sprint down the long hallway with Yuta not that far behind.

"I really hope he's not in good shape because that would totally for me right now."

Genevy prayed that was the case as she rounded the front desk and burst through the doors and out into the night air. Without hesitation she made a right and took off in that direction towards a 7-Eleven. She thought she would be okay and slowed down her steps, but she suddenly felt a tug from behind due to someone pulling on the strap of her bag and prevented her from taking another step forward. She tentatively took a glance over her shoulder and saw that it was Yuta.

"Hi." He greeted her brightly with a wave, but still kept a hold of the strap. "This is a really nice bag, especially of the Rilakkuma on it."

"Um, yeah tha-"

Genevy stopped mid-sentence when she twirled around to jerk her bag from out of his reach, but in the process she had misstep breaking one of her low heels. While she tried to correct her steps she ended up stumbling backwards and landing on her with Yuta watching all of this going down with a shocked expression. He supressed a laugh while turning his head the other way so that she wouldn't notice him laughing at her misfortune.

Genevy let out an inaudible sound upon realizing her situation in the middle of Hongdae's streets during the night time. She let out a deep sigh while picking up the broken piece of the heel with her left hand. She knew she shouldn't have listened to Skyler in wearing the heels. It really wasn't her thing, but she assumed it was a fun night out that it was okay to just deal with it. She avoided looking at Yuta as she was already feeling embarrassed about it all and turned away to walk off. Yuta noticed and called out to her once again.

"Hey, Jyongri, wait up."

He ran to catch up to her and moved to block her path with a charming smile. Genevy just stare at him before casting him a suspicious look when he turned around with his back facing her, squatted down, and held out his hands in a way for her to get on his back while glancing over his shoulder at her with a warm smile.

"Um, what are you doing?"

She questioned him with a suspicious look while he answered her with an obvious tone.

"Giving you a piggyback ride."


"Because you can't walk around like that."

"I'm fine, Yuta. I just need to get to a shoe store and buy new ones."

"I'll take you there by carrying you then."

"Uh, no thanks."

She awkwardly walked around him due to the unevenness of the heels and continued to her previous destination like nothing was wrong. Yuta once again blocked her path and offered his back towards her once more. Genevy ignored his offered once more by walking pass him again. Just as she thought that he had gotten the hint that she wasn't interested she suddenly felt a hand wrap around her forearm and swung her around to come face to face with an unamused Yuta.

Just as she was about to say something she caught the smirk that immediately appeared upon his face before he crouched down and lifted up her left foot to quickly remove the broken heel from it. After doing so, Yuta stood up right again and casually tossed the damaged heel into a nearby trashcan. His attention returned to Genevy with a satisfied grin gracing his lips. Genevy's jaws dropped at what he did as she was unable to form any words to say anything.

"Okay, now you're left with no choice, but to accept my piggyback ride." Yuta informed her as he sat on his heels with his back offered to her once again.

Genevy pushed him away from her.

"No way. You took my shoe and just threw it away without my permission."

"I'll buy you a new pair."

"There's no reason for you to buy me a new pair."

Yuta let out an annoyed sigh as he swiftly turned around and lifted up her right foot to remove the heel from there as well. He stood back up and once again tossed it into the same trashcan like he did the other half. Yuta cast her a a smug smile.

"Now there's a reason for me to buy you a new one."

"I can't believe you just did that."

Genevy tossed the broken heel piece at him out of frustration which didn't phase Yuta at all as the small item fell to the concrete floor.

"Why would you even do something like that?"

"Because I can. Now," He gazed at her with a mischievous smirk, "Do you want a piggyback ride or should I carry you bridal style?"

Unlike Genevy, Alice had made a left towards the metro station, but this confused Taeyong.

"Um, Chaewon, aren't you heading this way to the Sindorim Station?"

"Ah, no." Alice answered him with an awkward smile. "I'm going to Sangsu to head to the Itaewon Market first before heading back home."

"Oh, if that's the case, then we can still take another station from there to get back home."

"It's fine, Taeyong. You don't have to accompany. You can just head on home. I don't want t-"

"Oh, it's fine. I don't mind at all, Chaewon."

Taeyong shot her a friendly smile as he made his way towards her side and the duo began walking towards Sangsu.

"I'm also pretty sure that Haneul would kill me if she knew I left you on your own, too."

Alice rolled her eyes.

"She's been distracted with a lot of other things so I don't think she'll notice."

"I've noticed that a lot about her lately. Anyways, how do you know Haneul?"

Taeyong briefly glanced at Alice before facing forward again.

"I mean, she said you guys were her closes friends, but for as long as I've known her best friends were always Danah, Jisun, Mima, Soyi, and Narae. Then again, she has a lot of friends and so I've just never noticed you four before."

"Ah, um, well..."

Alice wondered what to say if she wanted to speak the truth or tell a lie. She told him the truth without saying much further.

"We're roommates. We don't reallly do what she likes to do for fun and the likes. That's probably why."

She then noticed that she was walking a few steps ahead of Taeyong and looked over her shoulder at him. She slowed her pace so that he could catch up to her.


The two continued on with polite chatter about Haneul and his group of friends on their walk to the station. Alice let Taeyong do most of the talking. It wasn't until she noticed that he would lag behind her and so she just had to mention it.

"Um, could you like walk beside me or ahead of me please? I hate when people walk behind me."

"Oh, sorry." Taeyong apologized as he matched her pace. "I'm just used to walking behind the others to make sure everyone is there."

Alice scoffed with a laugh.

"You sound either like the leader of a boy group or a mother herding her children."

"Technically, you're not wrong."

Taeyong also joined in with a laugh of his own.

"I feel like they depend on me a lot and so I look out for them without realizing it."

"That's not a bad thing. It makes you responsible and a person they can rely on and always go to whenever needed."

A thoughtful expression passed by Alice before she looked over at Taeyong with a slight annoyed face.

"Then again, them needing you can be a bit annoying and a little too much as they won't stop bothering you."

Taeyong laughed at her words with a nod in agreement.

"Yeah, that happens a lot. Do you also speak from experience?"

"You have no idea. Genevy is like that despite being two months older. She's such a child."

Taeyong was confused at who she was talking about, but didn't mention it. He changed the topic instead.

"Anyways, what are you planning on buying in Itaewon?"

"Could, you, like, change, the, way, your, hands, are, placed, around, my, neck?"

Yuta struggled in-between breaths due to Genevy's grip around his neck as she relented in the male to piggyback her. Also, she didn't want to be too close and opted for a weird position leaving her to like unintentionally choke the male as he carried her on his back. Genevy re-positioned herself so that she was slightly leaning forward with her arms drap over his shoulders instead of her hands around his neck.

~Actually, I just want a moment beyond the future, I feel so lonely when I'm dying to see you~

Although having heard Yuta suggest the new position, she was still lost in her own thoughts. To distract herself from being in this position she unconsciously sang out loud her favorite part to the song of Flower's Crimson Dress that's been stuck in her head for a month or so now since it's release.

~Loneliness becomes more painful with a cold and chilling night life, my tears flow through my deep darkness~

She continued not realizing that Yuta could hear her, especially when he was able to actually understand the lyrics. At first he had thought Genevy was talking to him until he noticed that she was singing instead.

~Actually, I would be with you at any time no matter what, I would like to hurt you while I'm crying alone~

Yuta didn't bother mentioning that he could hear her as he didn't mind and quite like her voice. Also, he was curious as to why Genevy was randomly singing in the first place and why was it a Japanese song as well.

~This way I will not be able to fall in love... I do not want an unsatisfied love, I just want to keep watching you wandering in the moonlight~

When he assumed that Genevy had finished singing and was going to compliment her, but held in a laugh when she suddenly changed into another song which was completely different from the one she was singing earlier.

~See the light as it shines on the sea, it's blinding, but no one knows, how deep it goes~

Genevy suddenly switched to How Far I'll Go by Auli'i Cravalho out of the blue and she wasn't even sure how this song popped up, but she just we

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