Boyfriend's House

The Love Contest

Soon enough, you arrived at Boyfriend's house. 

"So you all live here together?" you asked Kwangmin. He nodded and replied, "Uh-huh. Me, Youngmin, Minwoo, Jeongmin, Hyunseong, and Donghyun. All six of us."

"Ahh... I see," you said. After parking, you filed out of the car, following Kwangmin right by his side. Aigoo. I don't want to get lost.

He pulled a shiny silver key out of his pocket, and fidgeted with the door, soon revealing a bright light as he opened the garage door.

"Finally home," he said. He grabbed your hand, apparently leading you upstairs to his room. You tried looking at the whole house while you zoomed through, but only managed to see a part of it. This is a big house.

"This is my room," he announced proudly, as he slammed the door open. You both entered together, fingers still grasped tightly together. 

His room was huge. It had a big king bed facing a plasma screen tv. You tilted your head, and leaned your body slightly forward from the doorway to see the giant bathroom. You thoughtlessly wandered through his room as if you were Alice in Wonderland.

"Your room... is humongous," you said.

He nodded. "I guess. I've never really thought about it."

A few minutes later, as you were examining his amazing room, you heard the garage door slam shut and the vibration under your feet. "Everyone's home now," Kwangmin said, smiling, and gesturing to the door.

You both walked downstairs to see everyone sitting in the living room. "So..." Hyunseong began. "I guess we're going to give all of you girls a tour of the house... Though I see Kwangmin  already started." Kwangmin grinned.

Almost immediately after, Everyone got up, and began taking seperate ways through the house, every Boyfriend member taking their couple with them. After the tour, Kwangmin lead you back into his room. "So that's it. And we're back to my room."

"Yep. I guess we are," you added. You both stood there awkwardly, in complete silence.

"So... What do you want to do?" he asked.

"I'm not sure," you replied. "It doesn't really matter. We can do whatever you want to do."

"Well let's get things settled first then, I guess." He walked over to his walk-in closet, and began scanning through his clothes. Then he pulled out a medium-sized red t-shirt and took a step towards his dresser, pulling out a pair of small boxers. Eeeeeep!

"I know it'll still be big, but it's the smallest clothes I have for you. I don't think Minwoo is going to like me asking to borrow clothes from him." 

You held out your hands, and Kwangmin placed the clothes on top. "It's fine," you said. "It'll do."

He walked out of the closet and said, "If the boxers are too big, and slip down, just tell me and I'll ask Minwoo. But that's our last option, of course."

Then he closed the door, leaving you in his closet, expecting you to change.

You held out the clothes, straight out in front of you. Next you quickly lifted up your dress (afraid that someone might walk in), and stepped into the boxers. You pulled them up, and they were surprisingly fitting. I'm wearing Kwangmin Jo's boxers. 

Then you pulled off the rest, and pulled his shirt over your head. It was slightly big, but it fit. After neatly folding your dress, you tucked it into one of his drawers. You opened the door and your cheeks immediately turned into a soft pink. 

Kwangmin wasn't wearing a shirt.

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please update soon ! ^^
Rheannalicious #2
LOL itd be funny if i put ..."Its all an act,"... And then your character said, "What? Sorry. I was distracted by your handsome face"
dorkzhang #3
update lmaoo
whoa~ that was awesome! update soon :)
what is hickey ? ^^ sorry ~
update soon ♥
Rheannalicious #7
Aigoo~ I have no time to update, so sorry if it takes a while >_<
dorkzhang #8
I'm loving these chapters yo. Update soon! ^^