The Big Surprise

The Love Contest

You came home from school that day, exhausted. You couldn't help but wonder about your entry letter. Right when you got home, you jumped onto your bed, stretching your body like a cat. You yawned. And then you drifted off to sleep.

The whole last month was filled with anxiety. Everyday, you checked the mailbox and the dining room for any new mail mentioning the Boyfriend contest. 

One afternoon, after community club, you hopped lazily onto the couch, resting your legs upon the footrest. You shoved your hand down into the opening, to get the remote planted in between the cushions. Then you firmly pressed the green power button to flip on the t.v.

Right after turning it on, you immediately jumped up out of your seat. My pictures are on television! You waited impatiently for any explanation of why you were there, for everyone to see. A pretty woman with slightly-curled black hair, tight nose, and long eye lashes suddenly popped onto the t.v, smiling brightly.

"The previous pictures shown were taken from you, who was recently chosen in the Boyfriend contest by Kwangmin Jo."

You felt tears coming to your eyes, and your shoulders starting to slump. "Wha.... What?" you whispered. A smile forming on your face, you preformed a continuous show of high-pitched screams, jumps, and much arm waving. You couldn't keep yourself from smiling.

You fell asleep that night with a huge grin stuck on your face. You couldn't even bite your lip to stop the tips of your mouth from curling upwards. Your stomach was stuffed with butterflies, your shoulders were tickling with excitement, and your large grin caused your cute cheeks to raise high to your eyes. I made it? Out of thousands of fans, Kwangmin Jo chose me? The thought made you giggle yourself to sleep.

The next day, you sat up, stretching your arms to the sky, and then rubbing your eyes with your fists. "Aigoo. Was I dreaming...?" you asked yourself. You immediately ran to the computer, checking the internet for any news about the Boyfriend contest. You started to fan girl scream. It wasn't a dream, thank goodness. 

You turned your head to look at the clock. It was nine fifteen. You stood up, walking to the door to go downstairs, but the phone rang.

You sighed, making a U-turn, and grabbing the phone that sat upon your desk, ringing happily. "Hello? Who's this?" you said groggily. 

"Uhm.... Hello. Is this you>/you> ?" said a slightly deep, man's voice. He sounded nice and friendly. 

"Yeh," you replied. "But who's this?" He coughed, clearing his throat. "Ahn young ha sae yo! It's Kwangmin Jo. Pleased to meet you. I am the one who chose you for the Boyfriend contest. I'm excited to meet you, and hope that we have much fun together! If you're wondering how I got your phone number.... my manager got it from your family, in exchange for a v.i.p. backstage pass. I also called to inform you that the show will be starting tonight at 8:00, so please don't be late!"

Your body tensed up, and your hand reached up to cover your mouth, but you still managed to speak. "Ah.... Yeh. Thank you for choosing me also. It's an honor. And believe me.... I won't." Then he hung up, and you were left there, frozen in shock, which didn't last long. After a few seconds, you started to fan girl scream.

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please update soon ! ^^
Rheannalicious #2
LOL itd be funny if i put ..."Its all an act,"... And then your character said, "What? Sorry. I was distracted by your handsome face"
dorkzhang #3
update lmaoo
whoa~ that was awesome! update soon :)
what is hickey ? ^^ sorry ~
update soon ♥
Rheannalicious #7
Aigoo~ I have no time to update, so sorry if it takes a while >_<
dorkzhang #8
I'm loving these chapters yo. Update soon! ^^