The Truth

The Love Contest

"Hey. What are you guys talking about?" you whined. Kwangmin exchanged Hyunseong a worried glance, but Hyunseong didn't seem to be at all.

"Kwangmin, you got yourself into this. It wasn't me. If you hadn't done it, we wouldn't be in this situation. And someone was bound to find out sometime. Is it that hard just trying to stop?" he said, looking annoyed.

Kwangmin rolled his eyes. "Aish. Can't you just leave me be? I'm perfectly fine the way I am." His normal personality had suddenly changed to cold, and mean instead of the nice, bright Kwangmin he really was.

Hyunseong clenched his fists, obviously aggrivated. "Kwangmin. Have you ever thought that someone could get their heartbroken over a stupid reason like this?"

He thought for a moment, and then replied, "Nope! I don't really care!"

Hyunseong was fuming. "You're disgusting." Then he walked over to you, grabbed your wrist, and pulled out into the living room. You jerked away. "Hyunseong. I'm not going to listen until you tell me what's up. What were you and Kwangmin talking about in the kitchen?"

"Listen you, Kwangmin isn't as nice as you think. Don't let him touch you or anything," he breathed. 

"I told you that I'm not going to listen until you tell me!" you yelled.

"You just have to do as I say. If you don't, you might get your heart broken. Kwangmin is just using you. Please. You have to take my word." he pleaded. The look in his eyes told you that he really cared, and was in no way of joking. You couldn't understand why it was so important.

"I believe you," you whispered. "but tell me what's going on. If you really want me to do as you say, I have to know what I'm actually dealing with." 

He exhaled a long, and slow breath. "Okay. It is fair that you know, but don't blame me if you don't like what I'm about to say. Kwangmin hides it very well." Is it really that bad? You gradually nodded your head.

"Kwangmin isn't as kind and sweet as you think he is. Really, he's an immature backstabber, who doesn't mind breaking other people's hearts. He uses girls to play around with them, and when he gets bored, he moves on to someone else. That's when his real self comes out. He tells them the truth about how he really is, and leaves them crying, not caring the slighest bit."

He paused for a second, and then added, "Now. Now do you understand? All of the members of Boyfriend know about him. Even his own brother. We're trying our best to help all of the girls he picks up, and not let them fall into his trap. It's all an act, you."


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please update soon ! ^^
Rheannalicious #2
LOL itd be funny if i put ..."Its all an act,"... And then your character said, "What? Sorry. I was distracted by your handsome face"
dorkzhang #3
update lmaoo
whoa~ that was awesome! update soon :)
what is hickey ? ^^ sorry ~
update soon ♥
Rheannalicious #7
Aigoo~ I have no time to update, so sorry if it takes a while >_<
dorkzhang #8
I'm loving these chapters yo. Update soon! ^^