
The Love Contest

You couldn't believe your ears. All of a sudden, Kwangmin came, strolling out of the kitchen, not caring about anything Hyunseong had just said about him. You looked up at him, tears coming to your eyes.

"Kwangmin... Is that true? You're just using me?" you said, hoping that it wasn't. 

"Yeah... It's true," he replied broadly.

A single tear ran down your face, dripping down under your chin and onto the floor. "Don't cry," Hyunseong spoke. "It will only show him how weak you are. Crying won't help the situation."

You immediately brought your hands up to your face and wiped away the drops of tears. Kwangmin laughed. "It's so easy to break someone's heart. We've only known eachother for a day."

"But I felt special knowing that I was the one chosen for the Boyfriend contest by you. Not any of the thousand girls, but me!" you yelled at him. That's when Jeongmin, Donghyun, Youngmin, and Minwoo walked in with their girlfriends. They could see how hard you were trying not to cry, and Kwangmin standing normally, with his hands stuffed in his pockets.

"Aish... Kwangmin. You promised this time," said Youngmin. He looked disappointed, and hurt that his brother betrayed him. Then Donghyun pulled out of his girlfriend's embrace and walked over to you. He hugged you tightly, and whispered, "It's alright.  Kwangmin doesn't deserve you."

"Hey Hyunseong. Thanks for keeping an eye on this girl," he added. Hyunseong nodded.

Kwangmin couldn't see anymore. Not with your face pushed into Donghyun's chest. Knowing that, you cried. Hard. The sounds of your sobs were muffled, but still easy to hear. You tried calming down, but it was too difficult. Your tears were pouring out nonstop, and you were breathing big, choppy breaths.

"Aigoo. I made her cry," Kwangmin said, sounding almost fascinated. "I guess it's time to move on again." he began to walk away, but he was stopped when Jeongmin reached out and grabbed his wrist. "Kwangmin... Even if you wanted to, you have to stay with her. Remember what the manager said. We all have to stay with them for at least three months." He lowered his voice down to a quiet whisper. "It's for the fans. Them," he said, shifting his eyes towards the girls. "For the money."

"Aish. Fine. I get it," he said firmly. He walked back to your side, glaring at Donghyun. "Yah! Get away. She's mine." His charisma transformed back into his 'original' self. Donghyun glared back and replied, "Kwangmin. She already knows that you're faking. Don't try to hide who you really are." You nodded in agreement.

"I already know that. But remember what the manager said. It's for the money!" Youngmin, Minwoo, Hyunseong, and Donghyun looked downto the floor, ashamed.

Donghyun sighed, annoyed. He leaned over and planted his head next to yours. "Don't fall for any more of his tricks. Minwoo already told me about you two this morning. I didn't say anything, but I was going to talk to Kwangmin after breakfast."

Kwangmin was listening, and then butted in, "I know that. I already saw it coming."

Donghyun looked furious, but still didn't say anything. He stared into your eyes and continued, "I don't want you to get hurt again. None of us do."

Your brushed away the tears. Your face was red from bawling. "Yeah. I know. Thanks." You gave him a hug. Then you walked past him, soon facing Kwangmin.

"Let's go upstairs!" he said cutely.

You sighed. "Fine. But don't expect anything from me."

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please update soon ! ^^
Rheannalicious #2
LOL itd be funny if i put ..."Its all an act,"... And then your character said, "What? Sorry. I was distracted by your handsome face"
dorkzhang #3
update lmaoo
whoa~ that was awesome! update soon :)
what is hickey ? ^^ sorry ~
update soon ♥
Rheannalicious #7
Aigoo~ I have no time to update, so sorry if it takes a while >_<
dorkzhang #8
I'm loving these chapters yo. Update soon! ^^