After the Show

The Love Contest

After the show, you couldn't stop the giant smile from spreading across your face. You were cuddling close to Kwangmin's side, with his arm slung over your shoulder. You were walking to the car with Minwoo and his girl. You didn't even bother to remember any of their names. You had a feeling that they wouldn't last every long.

You and Kwangmin finally approached the car. "See you at home," he said to Minwoo. You were just about to give a Minwoo a friendly goodbye hug, but Kwangmin grabbed your hand. "What are you doing?"

The look in his eyes were filled with sadness and sorrow. "I was just going to give Minwoo a goodbye hug. You're going to drop me off."

Kwangmin looked at Minwoo, and they stared at eachother for a long time. Kwangmin laughed an uncertain laugh. "You didn't see the pink paper that the management mailed to you?" You were confused. 

"What...? Pink paper? I didn't get any pink paper," you said.

Kwangmin gave you a tilted smile, and said, "You have to sleep at our house on the first night."

Your eyes widened. "What?! That's kinda-" But you were cut off by Minwoo. "Stupid? Dumb? Weird? Awkward? We know. We didn't agree with this either."

Well we're going to stop at my house, though, right? Kwangmin frowned, and replied, "The management also specifically told us not to go to any of our girls' houses after the show. I'm sorry. I thought you knew."


"What about my clothes? I don't have any. And I obviously don't have any at your house."

Kwangmin bit his lip, thinking. "That's right... We'll figure that out later. For now, let's get going before it gets any darker." You looked up at the sky. It was a dark shade of blue, but necessarily night yet.

"Aish. I guess," you muttered. You were beginning to pout, and started stomping to the passenger side, but Kwangmin slid in front of you, right as you were about to open the door. His dark brown hair was towering over his round eyes. A few seconds after, the funniest thing happened.

After gazing at you with a serious look, Kwangmin began blinking... Nonstop. He blinked several times, and continued to stare at you. You burst out laughing.

"BAHAHAHA. Oppa?! What was that?! That was hilarious!" you hollered. His cheeks turned red, and he tilted his head down to cover his face. "I tried to wink," he whispered. "It didn't exactly turn out how I wanted it to..."

You kept laughing, and you noticed that Minwoo started laughing, too. His girl was covering , giggling sweetly.

"It was so... So cute!" you yelled. He peeked at you through small strands of his hair. "Jin jjah? Do you really mean it?" You smiled even wider, and replied, "Of course! That was adorable!"

Then Kwangmin moved aside, opening the door for you. You smiled and said, "Thank you!" He bowed, and then closed the door as you tucked your legs safely inside of his car. Then he ran around the car to get to the driver's seat.

He got in, and immediately started to drive away. You watched as Minwoo and his girl also walked to his car. Then you and Kwangmin had a long chat as you drove to their house.

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please update soon ! ^^
Rheannalicious #2
LOL itd be funny if i put ..."Its all an act,"... And then your character said, "What? Sorry. I was distracted by your handsome face"
dorkzhang #3
update lmaoo
whoa~ that was awesome! update soon :)
what is hickey ? ^^ sorry ~
update soon ♥
Rheannalicious #7
Aigoo~ I have no time to update, so sorry if it takes a while >_<
dorkzhang #8
I'm loving these chapters yo. Update soon! ^^