Temptation of the Devil - Chapter 8

Temptation of the Devil

Awhile later, there was a knock at Woohyun's door.  He quickly ran to open it, hoping it was Father Sunggyu.  His face fell when he saw that it was the doctor.

"They asked me to come check on your fever," informed Sungyeol, noting the disappointed look on Woohyun's face.  "Were you expecting someone else?  Father Sunggyu, maybe?"

Woohyn's eyes widened in surprise.  "How-"

Sungyeol laughed.  "It's written all over your face," he replied.

Woohyun lowered his head.  "I don't understand him," he said.  "One minute he can be so harsh and the next he can be so kind."

"Do you like him?" asked Sungyeol.

Woohyun nooded slowly.

"You do realise he's a priest, right?" asked Sungyeol.

Woohyun nodded.

Sungyeol's eyes lit up with delight.  This is going to be fun, he thought to himself.

Father Sunggyu sat in the confession box waiting for the next person to enter.  He heard the door closed as someone on the other side.

"Blessed me, Father, for I have sinned," he heard the voice say.

"It's been...hmm...forever since my last confession," continued the voice.  "Wait.  Scrap that.  This is the first time I'm confessing something ever.  Lately, I've been having these thoughts about this person.  I dream about us being together, going on dates, getting married and having kids."

"It sounds to me like you're in love with this person," Father Sunggyu replied, wondering if it was his imagination or if the voice sounded familiar.

"Love?  Yes, I think I'm in love with this person," came the reply.

"Loving someone isn't a sin," he replied.

"Then why won't you love me?" came the abrupt reply.

He almost fell out of his seat.  "What?" he asked in case he heard wrong.

"I'm in love with you, Father Sunggyu," came the response.

"WHAT?" he screamed.  "Woohyun, that better not be you over there!"

Sungyeol stood nearby trying to hold in his laughter when he heard Father Sunggyu screaming at Woohyun.  Let's see you get out of this one, Father, he thought.

Suddenly Sungyeol felt someone slap him across the back of the head.

"Hey-" he started to say before he realised it was Father Myungsoo.

"What did you tell him?" asked Myungsoo, looking very unimpressed.

"Just how to confess his sins," replied Sungyeol.

Woohyun was sleeping in his bed when a hand covered his mouth.  He woke with a startled shock and looked to see who it was.

"The boss wants to see you," informed the man in a suit.

Woohyun nodded as the man released his hand from his mouth.

"How did you find me?" asked Woohyun.

"You should know what we are capable of," replied the man.  "He is waiting."

Father Sunggyu was in his room when he heard footsteps outside.  He peered through the side of the curtains to see Woohyun following a man in a suit.  He thought for a moment before heading out the door.

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sushisuke #1
Chapter 18: I really hope that this story have sequel..it really good
Chapter 18: Chapter 18: you're stories are all very intriguing... i love how you play in every part... i thought i know the story but in the end their you are and your surprises.. this story is daebak... thank you author nim... fighting...
Chapter 18: Dude, all of your open ends are driving me crazy, but like I keep reading anyway knowing that it'll be like this...TT
Chapter 18: hmm, that was kinda sad. but i/m cured it with another woogyu fic that belong to you! <33
Chapter 18: I hope they would somehow find each other
again :'(
Chapter 18: I came back to reread this, again. Really, thanks for this.
hinata1242 #7
Chapter 13: in the of the chapter
i think that is sungjung
Chapter 18: Wowww.... sad... very sad end ... but hey not always the end of the UN gets happy
Chapter 18: Wow this is such a great story lucky i found it although i dont like the ending i hate sad ending after all...... so i hope there is a sequel and hopefully happy ending but in second thought maybe its find just the way it is since its what the story meant to be and what makes it great - kudos authornim!!!
Chapter 18: I'm a little confused. Sunggyu.. Died in the end or did he go somewhere else far away..?