Temptation of the Devil - Chapter 2

Temptation of the Devil

"The bodies of the eight men were found in an alley early this morning.  Each men bore a tattoo of a snake on their arm believed to be the mark of the Chul Moo Group..."

He turned away from the tv screen in the window of the store as he headed over to his friends.

Passing by the large park, he noticed a familiar face.  He almost died of shock when he saw the scene.  Father Sunggyu was smiling and laughing as he watched a group of children playing baseball.  He saw him patting a pretty looking boy gently on the head.  He saw the warmest smile displayed on his face.  His gentle demeanor now reflected his perfect appearance.  He wondered if maybe he had imagined it all last night.  He frowned at the sight of them all enjoying themselves.

"Woohyun!" a voice called, jolting him back to his senses.

He turned to see his friend approaching him.  "Dongwoo," he said.

"What are you looking at?" asked Dongwoo, draping an arm around his neck.

"Nothing," he replied, grimacing slightly from the wound in his chest.

"Where were you last night?" asked Dongwoo, oblivious to Woohyun's expression.

"Just had some stuff to do," Woohyun replied vaguely.

"The guys are over there, come on," said Dongwoo as he dragged Woohyun with him to the group of guys loitering nearby.

As they walked towards the group, Woohyun caught sight of a ball heading their way, hitting one of the guys in the back of the head.

"What the hell?" said the guy as turned around and he picked up the baseball.

A little boy was running towards the ball but stopped when he saw the angry snarl on the guy's face.  The little boy seemed frightened.

"You little brat!" said the guy as he grabbed the little boy by the collar.  "I'll teach you a lesson or two."

Tears welled up in the little boy boy's eyes.

"Hey-" Woohyun was cut off by another voice.

"Leave him alone," demanded the voice.

Woohyun looked and saw Father Sunggyu approaching with the pretty boy by his side.

The guy looked at Father Sunggyu and released the little boy.  "Who the hell are you?" asked the guy as he grabbed Father Sunggyu's collar.

"I'm his guardian," replied Father Sunggyu.

"Well, I'm going to need compensation for medical bills," threatened the guy.

Father Sunggyu looked at him.  "You're a big guy, you can take it," he retorted.

This angered the guy.  "Well, then I guess you can take this too!" he said as he punched him in the jaw.

Father stumbled to the ground.  Woohyun felt his body wanting to move towards him but before he could move, the pretty boy was already by his side, helping him up.

"Father, are you okay?" asked the pretty boy.

He smiled at the boy.  "I'm alright, Sungjong," he assured the boy as he got up.

"Now, will you give us back the ball?" asked Father Sunggyu, unfazed by what has just happened.

The guy smirked at them.  "Sure," he replied as he hurled the ball into distance.  "Go fetch!"

Father Sunggyu glanced at Woohyun before heading off in the direction of the ball with the children.

The guys laughed as they walked away.  Woohyun's eyes followed Father Sunggyu's back.  His heart felt heavy for some reason.  

The little boy was searching amongst the shrubs when he saw someone pick up the ball.

"This yours?" asked Woohyun handing him the ball.

The little boy hesitated.  Woohyun beamed him a smile as the boy slowly reached for the ball.  The little boy smiled with delight when the ball was finally in his hands.  Woohyun smiled and patted him gently on the head.

Father Sunggyu stood nearby watching the scene but did not interrupt them.

Woohyun arrived at their usual bar to find Dongwoo happily chatting to the bartender there.

"Hey, where are the others?" asked Woohyun.

Dongwoo turned to look at him with glazed eyes.  He had been drinking.  "Ah, they said they were gonna jump some priest guy I dunno.  Didn't see the fun in that.  I like alchohol better."

"Priest?" Woohyun's eyes widened at the shock realisation.

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sushisuke #1
Chapter 18: I really hope that this story have sequel..it really good
Chapter 18: Chapter 18: you're stories are all very intriguing... i love how you play in every part... i thought i know the story but in the end their you are and your surprises.. this story is daebak... thank you author nim... fighting...
Chapter 18: Dude, all of your open ends are driving me crazy, but like I keep reading anyway knowing that it'll be like this...TT
Chapter 18: hmm, that was kinda sad. but i/m cured it with another woogyu fic that belong to you! <33
Chapter 18: I hope they would somehow find each other
again :'(
Chapter 18: I came back to reread this, again. Really, thanks for this.
hinata1242 #7
Chapter 13: in the of the chapter
i think that is sungjung
Chapter 18: Wowww.... sad... very sad end ... but hey not always the end of the UN gets happy
Chapter 18: Wow this is such a great story lucky i found it although i dont like the ending i hate sad ending after all...... so i hope there is a sequel and hopefully happy ending but in second thought maybe its find just the way it is since its what the story meant to be and what makes it great - kudos authornim!!!
Chapter 18: I'm a little confused. Sunggyu.. Died in the end or did he go somewhere else far away..?