Temptation of the Devil - Chapter 11

Temptation of the Devil

Dongwoo looked at Woohyun, who had fallen fast asleep on the sofa after a few drinks.  He smiled as he grabbed his phone and walked into the kitchen to make a call.

"Hoya," said Dongwoo talking on the phone.  "Yeah, he's sleeping like a baby.  Doesn't suspect a thing."

Dongwoo walked out from the kitchen to glance at the sofa, when he noticed that Woohyun was gone.  "!"

Woohyun stepped out into the night and tried to focus ahead.  Whatever he drank was making him very drowsy but he forced himself to stay awake.  Knowing he couldn't outrun Dongwoo in his current state, he hid himself behind some shrubs as he turned the corner.  He could hear Dongwoo running after him, calling out to him.

"Woohyun!" Dongwoo called out as he scanned the surrounding.  "I've underestimated you.  You're sharper than I thought."

Woohyun closed his eyes as he remained quiet.

"Well, it doesn't matter.  You can hide all you like," said Dongwoo.  "We know where to find you.  Might need a bit of help from some priest but hey, you leave us with no choice."

Woohyun opened his eyes when he heard that.

The loud banging at the church doors woke Father Myungsoo as he went to see who was making all the racket.  He opened the door to be greeted with a gun at his head.

Children's screams and cries were heard from the orphanage.

Father Sunggyu opened his door and ran to the orphanage to find men in suits armed with guns rounding up the children.

"What are you doing?" asked Father Sunggyu as he tried to intervene.

He paused in his step when he felt a blade at his neck.

"What do you want?" asked Father Sunggyu.

Hoya stepped forward with his sword in his hand.  "Your co-operation," he replied.

They men gathered everyone into the main church at gun point.  Father Myungsoo and Father Sunggyu tried to calm the little ones who were sobbing in fear.

"Why are you doing this?" Father Sunggyu asked.

Hoya looked at him and smirked.  "Don't worry, he'll be here soon," he replied.

"Who are you talking about?" asked Father Sunggyu.

"The man responsible for the deaths of my men.  A thorn in my eye," declared Hoya.

Just as he said that, the lights in the church out, plunging the place in total darkness.  There was a scream before a man fell dead to the ground.  Silence.  Then another scream.  One by one the men were being taken out.

"He's here," said Hoya as he readied his sword.

Hoya caught sight of the figure in black and charged towards him.  The two clashed, steel against steel.

"So you're the Red Demon," said Hoya.

The figure did not respond as the two continued to engage in battle.

Father Sunggyu and Father Myungsoo used the opportunity to evacuate the children outside the church.

"Sungjong, take the kids and run," instructed Father Sunggyu.  "When you get to safety, alert the police."

"What about you, Father?" asked Sungjong.

"Just go!" he ordered and Sungjong obeyed.

"What do we do now?" asked Father Myungsoo when the children were out of sight.

Before Father Sunggyu could respond, they found themselves once again at gunpoint, surrounded by Dongwoo and a group of men.

The figure in black kicked the sword out of Hoya's hand as he struck his sword down.  A shot rang out and he felt a bullet pierced his shoulder.  He turned to see Dongwoo aiming the gun at him, firing a second shot.  The second shot missed as he swiftly avoided it.

"We have the priests," declared Dongwoo.

When the figure heard this, he hesitated to attack any further and retreated.

He entered the mansion and pulled off his mask as he glanced over at the unconscious figure of Woohyun on the sofa.

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sushisuke #1
Chapter 18: I really hope that this story have sequel..it really good
Chapter 18: Chapter 18: you're stories are all very intriguing... i love how you play in every part... i thought i know the story but in the end their you are and your surprises.. this story is daebak... thank you author nim... fighting...
Chapter 18: Dude, all of your open ends are driving me crazy, but like I keep reading anyway knowing that it'll be like this...TT
Chapter 18: hmm, that was kinda sad. but i/m cured it with another woogyu fic that belong to you! <33
Chapter 18: I hope they would somehow find each other
again :'(
Chapter 18: I came back to reread this, again. Really, thanks for this.
hinata1242 #7
Chapter 13: in the of the chapter
i think that is sungjung
Chapter 18: Wowww.... sad... very sad end ... but hey not always the end of the UN gets happy
Chapter 18: Wow this is such a great story lucky i found it although i dont like the ending i hate sad ending after all...... so i hope there is a sequel and hopefully happy ending but in second thought maybe its find just the way it is since its what the story meant to be and what makes it great - kudos authornim!!!
Chapter 18: I'm a little confused. Sunggyu.. Died in the end or did he go somewhere else far away..?