Temptation of the Devil - Final

Temptation of the Devil

Woohyun opened his eyes to find himself in a luxurious room with a finely dressed man by his side.

"Ah Woohyun, you've finally woken," said the man with joy.

Woohyun paused a few moments before finally recognising the man.  "Father," he said.

The man seemed overjoyed when he heard Woohyun called him that.

"What happened?" asked Woohyun touching his head to feel the bandage around it.

"You've been sleeping for some time," replied the man.  "Doctors told me you may never wake up, but I knew you wouldn't give up that easily.  It's good to have you back, son."  The man hugged him.

Woohyun returned the hug.  "Where's mother?" he asked.

The man looked at him in surprise.

Woohyun stepped out of the luxury car dressed in a black suit.  Two bodyguards were by his side as he walked on the street.  A person walking from the other direction brushed shoulders with him as they passed each other.  Woohyun stopped and turned to look at the man.

"Sorry," Woohyun apologised before walking off.

Tha man remained standing where he was.  He closed his eyes as the tears started to well in his eyes.  After a few moments he opened his eyes.  A bitter smile on his face.

"Goodbye," he whispered as he walked ahead to where two figures stood waiting.

"Are you sure about this?" asked Myungsoo.

"What else can I do?  He doesn't even remember me," Sunggyu replied sadly.  "This may be for the best."  He walked on leaving the other two looking at each other.

"Was it the right decision that day?" asked Sungyeol.

"If not, how would it be possible for the best neurosurgeon with a year's waiting list to operate on him.  Only the most powerful man could have such influence," replied Myungsoo.

The two sighed as they followed Sunggyu to the car.

As Woohyun passed by a church, he suddenly stopped walking and looked at the church.  There was something familiar about the place, yet he could not remember what it was.

"Young Master, is there something wrong?" asked one of the bodyguards.

Woohyun shook his head.  "No," he replied.  "It's just...I think I've been here before." 

He tried to remember.  Tried to search his memories but there was a blank gap which he could not fill.  He shook his head to clear his mind as he continued on.  Within a few steps, he suddenly stopped as a memory flashed before his eyes.

He approached the church to find a young man staggering towards him, bleeding from the chest.  He reached out and caught the young man as he collapsed into his arms.  He looked at the unconscious man's face and his heart almost skipped a beat.  What was this feeling he was experiencing?  He reached out a hand and caressed the man's face before snapping out of the trance he was in.  What am I doing? he thought, coming back to his senses.
He carried the unconscious man in his arms and entered the church.

"Myungsoo," he called out.

A man in a black robe came out upon hearing his name to find him with an unconscious person in his arms.

Sunggyu snapped back to reality when he heard Sungyeol start the car.

"That night, he thought it was me," said Myungsoo as he sat in the front passenger seat.  "You never told him."

Sunggyu smiled bitterly.  "That I fell in love with him the first time I laid eyes on him?" he said.  "It's far too late now.  I just wanted to make sure he was okay and he seems to be doing well.  We can go now."

"Well, this is goodbye forever," said Sungyeol as he stepped on the accelerator and drove off.

Woohyun came running back to the place where he had bumped into him.  His two bodyguards close behind.  He looked around, frantically searching the street for that familiar face.  His face.

"Sunggyu!" he called out.






Author's note:

Thank you for all your comments.

Hope you all enjoyed it.

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sushisuke #1
Chapter 18: I really hope that this story have sequel..it really good
Chapter 18: Chapter 18: you're stories are all very intriguing... i love how you play in every part... i thought i know the story but in the end their you are and your surprises.. this story is daebak... thank you author nim... fighting...
Chapter 18: Dude, all of your open ends are driving me crazy, but like I keep reading anyway knowing that it'll be like this...TT
Chapter 18: hmm, that was kinda sad. but i/m cured it with another woogyu fic that belong to you! <33
Chapter 18: I hope they would somehow find each other
again :'(
Chapter 18: I came back to reread this, again. Really, thanks for this.
hinata1242 #7
Chapter 13: in the of the chapter
i think that is sungjung
Chapter 18: Wowww.... sad... very sad end ... but hey not always the end of the UN gets happy
Chapter 18: Wow this is such a great story lucky i found it although i dont like the ending i hate sad ending after all...... so i hope there is a sequel and hopefully happy ending but in second thought maybe its find just the way it is since its what the story meant to be and what makes it great - kudos authornim!!!
Chapter 18: I'm a little confused. Sunggyu.. Died in the end or did he go somewhere else far away..?