Temptation of the Devil - Chapter 7

Temptation of the Devil

"Let me see your back," said Father Sunggyu, opening a first aid box.  "It's best to try and minimise the bruising.

Woohyun panicked.  "I'm fine," he replied, refusing the help.

"You're worried I'm not a doctor?  Fine, I'll get him to come," said Father Sunggyu.

"No!" shouted Woohyun.  He noticed the surprised look on Father Sunggyu's face.  "It's ok," he replied in a softer tone.  "Please, just let me rest.  I'll be fine."

When Father Sunggyu left the room, Woohyun took off his shirt and looked at his back in the mirror.  How could he let anyone see this?

The next morning Woohyun found Father Sunggyu in a small room, with shelves on either side of the walls, filled with old books.  He wondered how long it had been when the room was cleaned since it was rather messy and the books were placed all over the place.  Father Sunggyu seemed to be busy reading something since he didn't even notice Woohyun was staring at him.

"What are you doing?" Woohyun asked suddenly, breaking the silence.

Father Sunggyu jerked in surprise.  He turned around, bumping into one of the shelves, tilting it.  The books from the top shelf starting to raining down.

"Watch out!" Woohyun shouted running over to him.

Before he could react, Father Sunggyu found himself lying on his back, with Woohyun on top of him.  The books fell onto them, but Woohyun's bump took the brunt of it all.  Even after the last book hit the floor, the two remained in the same position.  Neither moving nor speaking.  In the silence, all they heard was their hearts beating fast.

Father Sunggyu stared up at Woohyun with eyes wide in surprise.  Woohyun felt himself unable to control his body as he slowly leaned forward, closing the distance between them.  Their lips were only inches apart when they heard someone at the door.

"Ahem!" Father Myungsoo cleared his throat.

The two immediately broke out from their trance as Father Sunggyu pushed Woohyun aside.  He quickly got up and walked out of the room, avoiding Father Myungsoo's eyes as he did so.  Woohyun frowned and pouted as he watched Father Sunggyu's departing figure disappear from sight.

"He's sure in a hurry," said Father Myungsoo.  "I was going to ask if he could go do the grocery shopping before the storm comes."

"I'll go," Woohyun volunteered.

Woohyun exited the store to find that the storm had already rolled in.  Thunder roared and lightning flashed as the rain poured down.  He thought to wait it out but after half an hour, the rain still hadn't ease so he decided to make a run for it.  With both hands carrying the bags of groceries, he started heading out under the grey clouds.

Father Myungsoo gasped when Woohyun arrived back at the church drenched from head to toe.

"Better go dry off before you catch a cold," said Father Myungsoo.

Woohyun smiled.  "I'm not that weak," he replied.

Maybe I am, thought Woohyun as he lay in bed that night, feeling hot and sweaty.  He felt so restless he just wanted to close his eyes and sleep.  Drifting in and out of consciousness, he suddenly felt a soft hand touch his forehead.  He wanted to see who it was but his eyes were so heavy.  The touch of the soft hand was replaced by a cold wet cloth pressed against his forehead.

His fever had gone down by the time he woke up early next morning.  When he opened his eyes, he saw Father Sunggyu sitting in the chair beside the bed with his head resting on the bed.  Father Sunggyu suddenly opened his eyes and sat up.

"Ah, you're awake," said Father Sunggyu getting up from his seat.

"Did you stay with me all night?" asked Woohyun, slightly happy.

"You must've been dreaming," replied Father Sunggyu as he walked out in a hurried pace.

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sushisuke #1
Chapter 18: I really hope that this story have sequel..it really good
Chapter 18: Chapter 18: you're stories are all very intriguing... i love how you play in every part... i thought i know the story but in the end their you are and your surprises.. this story is daebak... thank you author nim... fighting...
Chapter 18: Dude, all of your open ends are driving me crazy, but like I keep reading anyway knowing that it'll be like this...TT
Chapter 18: hmm, that was kinda sad. but i/m cured it with another woogyu fic that belong to you! <33
Chapter 18: I hope they would somehow find each other
again :'(
Chapter 18: I came back to reread this, again. Really, thanks for this.
hinata1242 #7
Chapter 13: in the of the chapter
i think that is sungjung
Chapter 18: Wowww.... sad... very sad end ... but hey not always the end of the UN gets happy
Chapter 18: Wow this is such a great story lucky i found it although i dont like the ending i hate sad ending after all...... so i hope there is a sequel and hopefully happy ending but in second thought maybe its find just the way it is since its what the story meant to be and what makes it great - kudos authornim!!!
Chapter 18: I'm a little confused. Sunggyu.. Died in the end or did he go somewhere else far away..?