Free Day

A Trip to the Pearl of the Orient


Sooyoung woke up to the ray of the sunshine. She looked over to her side to see Cheondung still sleeping. Pabo, you really are just innocent when you’re sleeping. She thought while smiling.
Her cellphone then rang.
“Hello?” she answered. 
“Hello. This is Mr. Nicolas.” The director said. “Apparently, you guys did great yesterday.  We have other schedules with other people today and we don’t need to repeat. Today will be your free day, see you two tomorrow.” Mr. Nicolas said all at once and hung up.
“Yes!” Sooyoung said to herself. 
Sooyoung looked over at Cheondung. “Huh? That’s odd. He’s still asleep-“ she said until Cheondung started to say things again. 
“Sooyoungie…” he said again. She then realized he was dreaming. “Hmm, wonder why he’s dreaming about?” she thought. She noticed he was sweating very much. 
“Aish, this pabo.” She said going into the bathroom to get a towel to wipe his sweat.
Just as she was about to start wipe his hair, he called out to her again, this time sweating more.
“Sooyoung-ssi! Sooyoung! Sooyoungie!” he started to shout softly. 
“Aish, I’m here pabo!” she said.
“Sooyoungie, don’t leave me….” He said again. This made Sooyoung stop what she was doing. 
“What?” she thought.
“Saranghaeyo Sooyoungie…Don’t leave me..Please….” he said almost whispering. Now this made Sooyoung literally stop.
“What did he just say?” she thought. She then noticed how much sweaty he is now. 
She wiped the towel through his hair still at shock with what he said not knowing he was slowly waking up.
“Sooyoungie?” this time he said awake. “What are you doing?” he asked as he noticed he was wiping his hair.
She didn’t answer but instead began wiping off the sweat of his face making him blush. 
“Still sleepy Doongie?” she asked while shotting him a bright smile still wiping his sweat. 
“Yeah.” He said before coughing and sitting up.
“Are you alright?” she asked as she noticed a wet spot on his back. “Aish, Pabo. You sweat too much. Take off your shirt.” She said while biting her lips.
Cheondung just smiled softly to see a kind Sooyoungie in the morning. “Gomawo.” He said as he took off his shirt. 
Sooyoung blushed when he saw his refined muscles and started to wipe his back first.  Cheondung closed his eyes and felt his heart beat faster when Sooyoung started to wipe his chest. 
Of course, Sooyoung was trying to rush since she felt really awkward especially after what she heard him say this morning.
She finished wiping and stood up. “Pabo yah, I’m finished.” She said while headed towards the bathroom. “Mr. Nicolas called.” She said.
“Jinjja? What did he say?” Cheondung asked. “Today’s our free day!” she answered cheerfully while washing the towel and hanging it.
“Ah, then why don’t I take you around?” He said as he stood by the bathroom door waiting for her. 
“Nae!” she answered excitingly pushing him while passing by. She washed her face first.
“Where do you want to go?” Cheondung asked. “Hmmm..” Sooyoung first thought while drying her face. “Shopping!” she answered.
“Yah, even when you’re in another country? Aish…..” he said in a complaining voice. 
“It’s final or else I’ll go by myself!” she said as she playfully pushed him out the room door.
“Aish, I’ll take you…” he said in defeat.
“Nae!” Sooyoung said before she slammed the door shut to change.
Cheondung just sighed and changed too.
*After about an hour*
Sooyoung came out from room wearing comfortable outdoor shorts, a nice shirt with long sleeves she rolled up until her elbows, and a cap with her hair flowing down. 
“I’m finished! Let’s go!” she said excitingly. 
Cheondung was wearing simple jeans with a shirt like Sooyoung’s also rolled up until his elbows with a cap. 
“Alright.” He said as if he was being forced. They left the hotel and got a cab.
note: Thank You for reading! I'll update soon :D Guess where they're going? hehehe
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okay so i have a start up for the next chapter, it's gonna end soon but i'm really busy so please just wait!


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katkat-17 #1
Chapter 3: I dont know if the mistake in tagalog is intentional but it looks like dungie really said it coz he is really not that fluent in tagalog...
Chapter 20: A very happy ending for the lovely couple
Chapter 20: awwwww nice one though I would have wanted Thunder to meet the girls :)

Good job
Chapter 20: Omo..! it's finished *sob*...
thank you so much for sahring this story I really like it...
in fact it's one of my favorites...

I really love this couple...
Sootuff #5
Chapter 20: So it's 5 years later!!
Yay they're getting married!!!
Seriously Cheondung and Sooyoung really look good together!
Thanks for writing this fic!
Sootuff #6
Chapter 19: Awww love their date!!
You thought me a lot about Philippine from your fic!

Hwaiting with your school!!
Chapter 19: Awww. That was so sweet :">

And you're graduating? Congrats! :D
Chapter 19: Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! I've been for this thanks s lot for for the update...kekeke
please keep updating...
Chapter 19: loved the chapter. keep updating
maea18 #10
Chapter 18: author-nim are you not going to update this story anymore?