Chapter 13: Fight

A Trip to the Pearl of the Orient


The trio came by to a stop at one of the popular fast food restaurant named Chowking. It offered a different variety of Chinese food and a popular Filipino dessert, also Sooyoung’s favorite, Halo-Halo.

Cheondung held Sooyoung’s hand when they got in.

“Hey, what are you doing?!” Sooyoung said embarrassed as she took away her hand.

“What’s your problem?” Cheondung said. He was taken aback since he didn’t like how his “girlfriend” was acting. He folded his arms and made an annoyed sound while Sooyoung did the same not looking at him.

Dara looked at them clearly annoyed with their actions. “Would you mind actually telling me what’s going on?” she asked with one of her eyebrows up.

Sooyoung didn’t say anything.

“Hmph.” Was all could Cheondung say.

Dara sighed and looked at Sooyoung. “Sooyoung-ah?” she said as she tried to call the younger female’s attention.

“Unnie?” Sooyoung said as she snapped out of spacing out or rather thinking.

“Would you mind go getting a table? A lot of customers are coming, we might have nothing to eat/sit on. I’ll do the ordering. Is that okay?” Dara asked.

“Of course!” Sooyoung said with a crooked smile and went off in search of vacant tables.

Dara then turned around at Cheondung with an opposite expression she just had. “What did you do to her?” she asked angrily.

“What? I didn’t do anything!” he told his sister. Dara sighed as she went deeper into the line.  “uh-huh…” she said sarcastically.

Cheondung gave up. “fine okay… I think she’s a bit moody. But. I was also an insensitive jerk.” He said while almost whispering the last sentence.

His sister’s expression changed from an annoyed one to a sweet comforting one. She then sighed then pointed at Sooyoung who was sitting on the table she found, busy playing on her iPhone.

“Yah, you go tell her that.” She said giving him a wink.

Cheondung sighed and realized she was right. He headed towards Sooyoung and sat down next to her. Sooyoung was still busy looking at her phone to notice him since she had earphones on. Cheondung was getting a bit anxious on what she was looking at so he decided to take a peek.

A gush of jealousy came rushing in him. He couldn’t believe she watching one of the SNSD and Super Junior joint performance where she was partnered with Siwon.

When Cheondung glanced at her face, she was actually smiling. He couldn’t take it anymore. He grabbed her phone away from her.

“Yah! Cheondung! What are you doing?!” she scolded as she tried to get her phone back. But Cheondung put it inside his bag quickly and held it in his arms.

Sooyoung was really annoyed now. Wait, she’s furious now. She tried to calm herself first and decided she’ll deal with it later. She then looked at Cheondung who only was spacing out looking down at the table with deep eyes.

Since she was really angry at him now, she didn’t bother to ask him if there was anything wrong. Sooyoung just sighed.

After awhile of silence, Dara came holding a tray of food which looked like noodles. “Here guys, eat up!” she said cheerfully. But she noticed the dark silence again between the two. She sighed loudly.

“Spill up now, what’s the matter with both of you…again?” the elder asked as she gave them their noodles.

“He got my phone..” Sooyoung mumbled but it was enough for Dara to hear. Dara then glared at her brother.

“What? I’ll give it back to her later!” he said as he hurriedly put the food into his mouth.

“You better.” Sooyoung told him coldly, she too started eating.

Dara could only give the two a sorry smile. “Couples these days…” she said to herself as she started eating.

A few moments passed and they were all finished eating and went outside.

“I’m sorry if I couldn’t get Halo-Halo, they said it was unavailable.” Dara said with an apologetic smile.

Sooyoung who was a bit disappointed just smiled back at her. “It’s okay Unnie! There’s always more anyways.” She told the older girl.

“Maybe next time, I can treat you guys back in Korea okay?” Sooyoung just nodded her head at Dara’s question.

“Anyways, today is the last day I’ll be here unfortunately. 2NE1’s flight is tonight midnight. Let’s see again back home!” Dara said as she stretched out a hand for Sooyoung.

Sooyoung accepted it and both shake hands. “Of course!”

Dara then turned to look at her brother who was still in a daze. “Yah! Doong! Wake up!” she shouted.

“Huh? Oh, noona.”  He said.

“I’ll be going now. I’ll see you back in Korea, take care of Sooyoungie right now.” She said as she smiled to him.

Cheondung just nodded. Dara then whispered something to his ear. “You better do take care of her, you’re the only one she can rely on here.” She said as she pulled back and smiled.

“I’ll catch you guys next time!” Dara said as she waved goodbye and left.

Sooyoung waved back but Doong was just there with his eyes wide open still shocked at what his sister just said.

“Sooyoung.” He called her.

Sooyoung just turned to him. “What?” her voice still annoyed from what happened earlier. 

Cheondung wasn’t looking at her anymore but was still at her side. “Let’s go back walking.” He told her softly.

“Walking? But I thought-“she was interrupted when his hand intertwined with hers. She was surprised so she looked at him but he was still looking down.

He then started walking while still holding her hand. She didn’t say anything and just followed.

They were walking on the busy streets and lights of Manila. They didn’t seem to notice that both of them would find time to glance at one another. But unfortunately for them, their eyes didn’t meet like what they expected. Boys and girls of different ages pass by them; some would even compliment on how they look cute together or rather, how well they matched.

When they were almost there, a young beggar girl came to them, opening her right palm while the other was on her stomach indicating that she’s hungry.

Sooyoung felt sad when she saw her. Cheondung loosened his grip on Sooyoung’s hand so she could get something.

She got what it seemed to be a nice fresh biscuit she still had. She handed it towards the girl who happily received it.  Before running off, the girl cheerfully told her “Salamat Po!” and finally turned her back at them.

Cheondung could see Sooyoung smiling after that.  Sooyoung knew what that word meant and it made all her worries go away.

She looked at Cheondung who still had a blank face but could see that his lips were slightly curving upwards. She took his hand and this time, was the one who dragged him.

“I can see the hotel from here! Hurry up Doong!” She told Cheondung.

Cheondung just smiled and followed her. 


Author's Note: Hello! Exams ended :3 I think this is my longest chapter yet (?) ^^ Thank You very much for reading! Looks like they got into a fight again huh? tsk tsk so much for jealous Doong :) Anyways, 

*salamat=thank you (incase you didn't know)

I'll update again as soon as possible! Pls. do comment and subscribe as you like! 

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okay so i have a start up for the next chapter, it's gonna end soon but i'm really busy so please just wait!


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katkat-17 #1
Chapter 3: I dont know if the mistake in tagalog is intentional but it looks like dungie really said it coz he is really not that fluent in tagalog...
Chapter 20: A very happy ending for the lovely couple
Chapter 20: awwwww nice one though I would have wanted Thunder to meet the girls :)

Good job
Chapter 20: Omo..! it's finished *sob*...
thank you so much for sahring this story I really like it...
in fact it's one of my favorites...

I really love this couple...
Sootuff #5
Chapter 20: So it's 5 years later!!
Yay they're getting married!!!
Seriously Cheondung and Sooyoung really look good together!
Thanks for writing this fic!
Sootuff #6
Chapter 19: Awww love their date!!
You thought me a lot about Philippine from your fic!

Hwaiting with your school!!
Chapter 19: Awww. That was so sweet :">

And you're graduating? Congrats! :D
Chapter 19: Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! I've been for this thanks s lot for for the update...kekeke
please keep updating...
Chapter 19: loved the chapter. keep updating
maea18 #10
Chapter 18: author-nim are you not going to update this story anymore?