Star City

A Trip to the Pearl of the Orient


Cheondung leaded Sooyoung into an amusement park not that far from the mall.

“Omo! It’s so pretty here!” Sooyoung said looking up at all the rides and games.

“I know right. Let’s play a game first!” Cheondung said childishly as he dragged Sooyoung into a game stand. It was a dart game.

Sooyoung tried to shoot but failed miserably. “Aish. I was never good at games.” She said as she sighed in defeat. Cheondung just chuckled silently at her expression.

It was his turn to shoot dome darts. All three of them succeeded. “Congratulations Sir! What prize would you like?” the man in charge asked.

Cheondung quickly glanced at Sooyoung who was still sad. “Can I have that one?” He said as he pointed to the white teddy bear with a cute cap on.

He then went to Sooyoung and gave it to her.

“Eh? What’s this?” she asked as she took notice of the bear.

“It’s a teddy bear of course. You can have it.” He said smiling childishly.

“Jinjja? Gomawo!” Sooyoung thanked as she hugged the toy.

Cheondung then held her hand. Sooyoung blushed what he did but he was just walking calmly looking for other games to play.

“Look! It seems like it’s an interesting game to play!” he said as he dragged her again to another game stand.

They basically played games for about 3 hours and every prize Cheondung won, he’d give it to Sooyoung. But Sooyoung felt a little guilty about it and was bothering her.

Cheondung noticed this. “Sooyoungie is there something bothering you?” he asked. She looked up to him and forced a smile. “Ah yes! I’m fine!” she told him as she kept hugging the teddy bear he gave awhile ago.

“Okay, why don’t we go to the Ferris wheel? I heard there will be fireworks soon!” he said excitingly as he again dragged her to the Ferris wheel line.

As soon as they got into the Ferris wheel cart it started moving up and they could clearly see the skyline of Manila. Cheondung was looking out in awe since it was a long time since he saw this. Sooyoung was also in awe but something on her mind got more attention.

“Cheondungie?” she called him.

As soon as he faced her, he felt those warm lips on his own again. Sooyoung parted away seeing in his eyes he wanted more.

She chuckled at his childish expression. “Pabo yah, I love you too!” she said as she covered her face with the teddy bear.

Cheondung was surprised. “Wait, how did you know?” he asked.

“It’s pretty obvious and…. You said it while you were asleep this morning.” She said as she smiled.

“Aish, I really do sleep talk. But, I guess it’s okay. “He said while smirking. The Ferris wheel then came to stop.

Cheondung whispered in her ear. “Yah Choi Sooyoungie, I love you.” He said as he began to lean forward.

This time, Sooyoung also leaned forward until their lips met once again in sync with the fireworks. They both finally knew what they really felt for each other. No one was struggling to get out of each other’s embrace.

After a couple of minutes, they parted for air.

“Kyeopta!” Cheondung said while making her blush. The Ferris wheel finally moved again and they exited the amusement park hand in hand.

*At the Hotel*

Sooyoung lied down on the bed exhausted. “I’m so tired!” she complained while accidentally hitting the person lying down besides her.

“Ow! That hurts!” Cheondung said rubbing his arm. “Mianhae Doong.” She just said before turning over to his side facing him.

Cheondung kissed her forehead before turning off the lights.

“Good Night Youngie!” he said before falling asleep next to her. 


Note: I'm sorry if this was kinda short ^_^" i'll update again as soon as possible :) Pls. do comment and subsrcibe! Thank You for reading as always :)

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okay so i have a start up for the next chapter, it's gonna end soon but i'm really busy so please just wait!


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katkat-17 #1
Chapter 3: I dont know if the mistake in tagalog is intentional but it looks like dungie really said it coz he is really not that fluent in tagalog...
Chapter 20: A very happy ending for the lovely couple
Chapter 20: awwwww nice one though I would have wanted Thunder to meet the girls :)

Good job
Chapter 20: Omo..! it's finished *sob*...
thank you so much for sahring this story I really like it...
in fact it's one of my favorites...

I really love this couple...
Sootuff #5
Chapter 20: So it's 5 years later!!
Yay they're getting married!!!
Seriously Cheondung and Sooyoung really look good together!
Thanks for writing this fic!
Sootuff #6
Chapter 19: Awww love their date!!
You thought me a lot about Philippine from your fic!

Hwaiting with your school!!
Chapter 19: Awww. That was so sweet :">

And you're graduating? Congrats! :D
Chapter 19: Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! I've been for this thanks s lot for for the update...kekeke
please keep updating...
Chapter 19: loved the chapter. keep updating
maea18 #10
Chapter 18: author-nim are you not going to update this story anymore?