Last Adventure

A Trip to the Pearl of the Orient


“Cheondung-ssi, Sooyoung-ssi, it seems like your flight is rescheduled due to the storm. Your new flight is on the day after tomorrow.” Their manager said before hanging up.

“Ahh So we have one more day to ourselves?” Sooyoung asked smiling. Cheondung just smirked back at her before tackling her to the bed. “What do you want to do?” He asked ever so innocently. Sooyoung just put her hands on her chin in a thinking position. “I don’t know yet. Well, these past days we’ve already rode the train, went shopping, and went to an amusement park. What else have we not yet done?” she thought out loud.

Cheondung then stood up and went to the desk. He took out something like a brochure and read it. “Seems like we haven’t been to the Philippines’ heaven yet.” He said with his eyes still locked on the reading material.

“Philippines’ Heaven?” She asked with an arched eyebrow.

“Tagaytay.” (pron: Ta-gai-tai) He finally faced her smiling saying this.


Both of them were now at the hotel lobby waiting for the shuttle to pick them up and bring them to Tagaytay. “So, what attractions can we find in Ta..ta..” Sooyoung had trouble pronouncing the name of the place. “Ta-gay-tay.” Cheondung interceded. “Well, there’s horseback riding and has lots of pretty sites.” He added.

Sooyoung just nodded with a duck face causing Cheondung to laugh a bit. Then in about a minute, the honk of their shuttle was heard and they went on immediately. They sat down near the back; Sooyoung was the one in the window seat.

It took them about a few hours before they managed to reach the place. When they got there is seems as if there were lots of Japanese and Korean tourists in groups. Most of them recognized who Sooyoung and Cheondung was.

The couple bowed to them and even a few asked for their autographs. “Ah are you two together now?” one of them asked. Sooyoung looked away embarrassed and Cheondung’s head was slightly looking down. “Um I guess you could say that ehehe” Cheondung answered quite hesitantly with his hand behind his neck.

The tourist who asked the question seemed surprised yet happy at the same time. “Really? I always knew you two would look great together! My granddaughter is apparently a Sone and an A+. She loves both of you two very much that’s why I asked for your autograph. She would be thrilled if she knew.” The old tourist said before bowing to them once more and left with her group of tourist friends.

Cheondung and Sooyoung looked at each other for a few seconds and then laughed. “Ah who would’ve thought too.” Sooyoung said as she slightly hit Cheondung before dragging him off to the tourist station. “Hm where will we go first?” He asked. Sooyoung looked thoroughly at the map given to them. “I think horse riding would be so much fun!” she answered excitedly.

After several minutes of walking to the place, they finally arrived at the ranch. There were lots of horses ready to be ridden on and it seems there were also lots of children too.

Both of them went inside the center to pay and after that, they finally went out to get their horses. Sooyoung got a white female horse while Cheondung has a chocolate brown one. Well, apparently it was Sooyoung’s first time to go horse riding and she didn’t know how to get on one while Cheondung was already riding on top of his.

“Yah Doongie-ah can you help me!” Sooyoung yelled at him. He just sighed before getting of the horse but apparently something scared the big horse and yelped backwards making Cheondung fall hard on his bottom. Sooyoung tried her best to keep herself from laughing Taeyeon-style and sat down on the ground because of immense suppression of her laughter.

“What’re you laughing at?” Cheondung said apparently annoyed while giving her his hand for help to get up. “Nahh come on and get me up there!” Sooyoung just answered him with a big smile like a kid’s.

Cheondung just sighed again for the nth time but also smiled and finally got her up the horse. “You better hold on tight if you don’t wanna end up like me earlier” he said sheepishly before heading to his own horse.

Sooyoung rolled her eyes while smiling before doing as he said. Both of them were now riding around the ranch which was apparently located in a wide plateau where they could actually see the view lower of them. It was really amazing sight to see.

 After a while, they apparently got the handle of it and tried racing each other a few times. Though Sooyoung had won the first, Cheondung was able to get the two next races.

Time passed by really fast and their time for horse riding was finally over. “Oh gosh that was amazing!” Sooyoung exclaimed while going to the store to buy some water. “Horse-riding, check. Where else do you us to go?” Cheondung asked. “I already have my pick. It’s your turn now to choose.” She told him before gulping in water. He smiled before opening his brochure. It took him awhile to choose but after hard thinking he finally thought of something.

“How about we go golfing?” He asked. Sooyoung arched an eyebrow up. “But we also have lots of those in Korea, don’t you want something more Philippine-ish?” she questioned back. “Apparently this golf has some unique rules of its own. I’ll tell you when we get there now come on!” He told her before grabbing her hand and heading out to the golf course.


After about several minutes, the two had finally arrived at the golf course. They headed inside the center to rent some clubs and golf balls with Cheondung leading.

“Ah tell me again the difference?” Sooyoung asked before sighing again. She then unexpectedly felt her head face up with Cheondung’s thumb on his chin. “Hey, we haven’t even started yet.” He told her as he was getting really close to her face.

Sooyoung stepped back before hitting his hand away. “We’re in public for crying out loud!” she yelled while Cheondung just laughed. “Well if you don’t want to get embarrassed more come with me!” He said softly.

He took her hand and they started walking through the golf course. Soon they stopped walking when they could see a beautiful lake. But they couldn’t proceed further down the hill because of some platforms.

“A lake?” Sooyoung asked. “Yup. A lake. We’re only allowed until here because apparently, the challenge here is to get your golf ball go to the lake. The opposite eh?” He told her. Sooyoung finally got what he said and both of them had another contest.

Time again flew by and both of them were at their last round of their game. Cheondung was up first but apparently his golf ball couldn’t reach. “Aish! It was so close too!” he exclaimed. Sooyoung was just smirking before positioning herself.

She aimed carefully before hitting the golf ball. Both of them looked up to see where the ball would land and fortunately for her, the ball hit the middle of the lake perfectly. “Ha! In your face!” She exclaimed at Cheondung before jumping up and down while the boy was just smiling.

They apparently went to other different places and had even more fun. The day seemed like only an hour and the sun was already setting before both of them decided to go back to the hotel. “Oh wait, I need to buy some presents for the other girls!” Sooyoung thought out loud and asked where she could buy gifts.

The two of them went to a market called “The Good Shepherd” and they bought lots of presents especially food. “The girls would love all these!” Sooyoung said quite satisfied. “Yeah I’m sure they do and I’m not quite surprised most it is food.” Cheondung commented.

Sooyoung just stuck out her tongue at him before heading back to the waiting area for their shuttle. “Hey! Wait for me!” Cheondung shouted before running behind her.

They arrived just in time and the shuttle was ready to go. Apparently they sat at the same seats as they did earlier this morning.  Sooyoung fell asleep on the way and Cheondung couldn’t help but also fall asleep and his head dropped slowly on top of hers which was resting peacefully on his shoulders.


A/N: FIRST OF ALL I AM SO SO VERY SORRY FOR UPDATING VERY LATE! It seems like a series of events just came randomly and I have gotten so busy. It'll be 5 months now before I graduate High School and everything's really stress. I come here to release stress out and I am so thankful to all of you who are patient! Ahh this is so close now to the ending! hehe Please leave a comment I want to know your thoughts! 

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okay so i have a start up for the next chapter, it's gonna end soon but i'm really busy so please just wait!


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katkat-17 #1
Chapter 3: I dont know if the mistake in tagalog is intentional but it looks like dungie really said it coz he is really not that fluent in tagalog...
Chapter 20: A very happy ending for the lovely couple
Chapter 20: awwwww nice one though I would have wanted Thunder to meet the girls :)

Good job
Chapter 20: Omo..! it's finished *sob*...
thank you so much for sahring this story I really like it...
in fact it's one of my favorites...

I really love this couple...
Sootuff #5
Chapter 20: So it's 5 years later!!
Yay they're getting married!!!
Seriously Cheondung and Sooyoung really look good together!
Thanks for writing this fic!
Sootuff #6
Chapter 19: Awww love their date!!
You thought me a lot about Philippine from your fic!

Hwaiting with your school!!
Chapter 19: Awww. That was so sweet :">

And you're graduating? Congrats! :D
Chapter 19: Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! I've been for this thanks s lot for for the update...kekeke
please keep updating...
Chapter 19: loved the chapter. keep updating
maea18 #10
Chapter 18: author-nim are you not going to update this story anymore?