Lost (Well, not really)

A Trip to the Pearl of the Orient

Sooyoung's POV (first time in the story haha)

So I am basically stuck in a place where I'm not familiar too and the guide I have with me, a.k.a., my boyfriend, was seperated due to the busy trains. 

"So what now?" I said a loud and sat down on one of the benches. My eyes wandered, looking at the different things around me; busy people waiting for the next train, a directory/information clerk, and a bunch of food stalls. To be honest, I was getting really hungry so I went to a donut stall. 

"How much is the donut?" I asked in english as best as I could. "30 pesos Ma'am." she answered. I quickly got my wallet and paid for the donut. Since I was so hungry, I was able to finish it in a matter of only a minute. Then I stood up again and went to the directory. I tried my best to understand where I was but to of no avail. I sighed loudly. 

An old woman then stood beside me and started looking at the directory too. She then looked at me and smiled. 

Cheondung's POV

I was dialing her number again and again. "I'm sorry but the cellphone is out of coverage." the dial tone kept saying. Ugh. I closed my phone and decided to get off the next station and board another train back. 


The people standing, including me, fell over because the train suddenly stopped. "I'm sorry passengers, but the train seemed to have gotten a malfunction. No one is allowed to get out until it is fixed."

"Shoot." I basically sweared. Now how the hell am I gonna get to her! I mentally screamed.

Sooyoung's POV

The old woman kept smiling at me and I just decided to smile back. She then came closer and took a better look at me. Okay, it was getting a bit wierd. 

"Hmm" she muttered. I just kept quiet and gulped as I was getting a bit nervous.

"You're Korean aren't you?" she asked me in my language. I sighed a bit of relief and she just chuckled at my reaction. "Don't worry, I'm a Korean halmoni living here. You seem oddly familiar. Have I seen you before?" she asked. *halmoni=grandma

"Ah, good afternoon Halmoni. Um.. maybe on TV?" I laughed a bit when I answered that. She looked at me with a questioning eye. I chuckled more.

"I'm Sooyoung. Choi Sooyoung." I said. She then also laughed. "Ohoho how could I not recognize you! My grandchildren are big fans!" she exclaimed. 

"Really?" My eyes became bigger. "Of coarse dear. Would you mind signing this book I bought for them? I'm Jihee by the way." she told me while handing me a book. I quickly got it, signed it and gave it back. 

"Thank you dear. I'm pretty sure they would love this. May I know why you're here?" Jihee-ssi asked again. 

"Ummm.. for an ad shooting. I'm just enjoying my last day here." I told her. "Is that so? If you mind, would you like to accompany me for a bit?" she asked everly so gently.

I couldn't say no. I had the urge to learn more and see more. This was the perfect oppurtunity. Cheondung was quickly moved to the side of my head as I became more excited. "Sure! I'd love to!" I said enthusiastically. 

We went out of the station and rode what I think was a jeepney. There I saw the busy people and streets. Some were rushing, others were pleasantly walking by. Drivers would shout for passengers and kid were playing on the sides.

I wonder where Cheondung is though. Jihee-ssi then shouted "Para!" and we got off. *para=stop*

"Halmoni, where are we going?" I asked her as I looked around. It was a nice scenery. "We're going to the flower shop dear." she told me as she got my hand.

We soon entered a peaceful road and eventually the flower shop. It was very nice inside and I could smell the different sweet fragrances of the flower. 

I was always behind Jihee-ssi as she picked out her flowers. Those we're a bit unfamiliar but they looked and smelled so lovely. "Halmoni-ssi, what are those flowers?" I asked.

"Oh these, they're Gumamelas. Nice eh?" she said as she handed them to me. I just nodded. 

She went to the counter and paid for it. We went out and rode a tricycle. I was really curious already to where we're going but I just kept quiet.

The trycicle stopped and she told me to get out. I was shocked and became suddenly sad when I saw where I was.

We were at the memorial park. 

"Sooyoung-ssi, come on, let's go in." She told me. I was surprised, she was actually smiling. I followed along.

We then reached the certain grave and she put the flowers infront of it. 



"You see, my husband lies here. He worked as a soldier and was assigned here in the Philippines so we had no choice but to move here. My son at first was a bit sad when we first came here, but he quickly got used to it and started to enjoy. But unfortunately, his father died while going on a certain job. They were attacked by rebels and apparently, they were defenseless at that time. So he parted from us. Our son was so devastated by it, that he ran away." she said.

"Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that Halmoni-ssi. Where did you find your son after that?" I asked.

She turned to me and had a sad smile. 







"We didn't meet again after that. He was 17 when he ran away so pressumely, he had the capable knowledge of where he was going to go. After what it seemed a week, a letter was sent to me. It was from him. It says that he went back to Korea using his savings from ever since he was a child. At that time, I didn't know what to do. So I just sent him back a letter. Little did I know it, we were communicating well through letters so my worry was fading. Then he started sending me photos of him and his now family. So I don't really mind now." she said with a sad smile.

I think my eyes were getting teary. I mean, who wouldn't be sad? "Halmoni-ssi, is it okay to ask where he is now?"

She looked at me again.

"He also passed away. 


**Note: Omo, it's already been a month and a half! I'm so sorry Time passed by so fast I was so busy during February and early March! Please do forgive me. But I will be ending this fic now and I won't start my KyuYoung-chaptered fic until this is finished. But it will be soon :) maybe at CHapter 20? hehe btw, isn't the halmoni nice? heheh you'll find out soon what will happen next ^^. Btw, I hope I didn't scare you with the picture heheh. Please do comment!


cr: jenuy@wordpress for the pic

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okay so i have a start up for the next chapter, it's gonna end soon but i'm really busy so please just wait!


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katkat-17 #1
Chapter 3: I dont know if the mistake in tagalog is intentional but it looks like dungie really said it coz he is really not that fluent in tagalog...
Chapter 20: A very happy ending for the lovely couple
Chapter 20: awwwww nice one though I would have wanted Thunder to meet the girls :)

Good job
Chapter 20: Omo..! it's finished *sob*...
thank you so much for sahring this story I really like it...
in fact it's one of my favorites...

I really love this couple...
Sootuff #5
Chapter 20: So it's 5 years later!!
Yay they're getting married!!!
Seriously Cheondung and Sooyoung really look good together!
Thanks for writing this fic!
Sootuff #6
Chapter 19: Awww love their date!!
You thought me a lot about Philippine from your fic!

Hwaiting with your school!!
Chapter 19: Awww. That was so sweet :">

And you're graduating? Congrats! :D
Chapter 19: Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! I've been for this thanks s lot for for the update...kekeke
please keep updating...
Chapter 19: loved the chapter. keep updating
maea18 #10
Chapter 18: author-nim are you not going to update this story anymore?