Last Morning in Manila

A Trip to the Pearl of the Orient



Sooyoung streched her arms while yawning to find a pair of warm chocolate orbs greeting her a good morning. "What's this? You woke up earlier than me?" she asked chuckling then giving "her" Doongie a light peck on the lips. Cheondung laughed softly. "Early? It's already 8:00am, it's not me waking up early but you waking up late." He told her as he gave Sooyoung a back hag who was already in sitting on the bed. "Really? But it seems so dark!" she told him as she noticed the dark clouds outside their hotel windows. 

"Then I guess it's pretty obvious now that the weather isn't really our liking." He said as he pouted on Sooyoung's shoulder who was getting a bit uneasy. Then just out of nowhere, a loud noise of thunder was heard. Sooyoung instantly went to hug Cheondung behind her, her body obviously shaking and her teeth stuttering. "Well there, I never knew that you were afraid of thunder." Cheondung as he comforted her by caressing her hair. "Pfft. Like I ever told you anything." she said as she buried her face into his chest scared for another roar.

A couple of minutes passed by and Sooyoung decided to let go of Cheondung. She walked towards the windows to open the curtains to have a better view of the sky but what she saw made her grasp.



"Doongie! Look!" Sooyoung shouted as Cheondung fastly went by her side. "Oh no.." He muttered. "This doesn't look good." Cheondung gulped as he remembered it was already rainy season. And heavy rain in the metropolitan area is no joke. Just when things ought to get worst, Sooyoung's cellphone rang. She quickly answered it. 


"Sooyoung!" She could tell it was her fellow members trying to use just one cellphone. "Sooyoungie! You're still in the Philippines! Bad News! Weather reports say that a big typhoon will cross Manila today! You're flight is back home is tonight right?!"

All the girls were hurling questions and warnings at her that it was making her even more worried. "Would you guys please quiet down!" Sooyoung shouted. Then as expected, the girls on the other line became silent.

"Ah I'm sorry for snapping but seriously guys, I just woke up." she apologized. "We're sorry too Unnie" Yoona spoke up. "Well, we've just wanted to make sure you're still safe and sound. I hear rains are terrifying. Please keep warm. SM says this might delay your return." Taeyeon told her carefully. "Are you alone?" Maknae asked. Sooyoung slighty glanced at Cheondung who was staring at her intently and silently.

"not really. Cheondung's here. I'm pretty sure I'll be alright." she assured. Mouths going "Ahh" could be heard on the other side. "Yah! Choi Sooyoung did you get yourself a boyfriend there! I smell something fishy!" Tiffany squealed to the cellphone. "Uhhh" Sooyoung quite surprised by the question, just stuttered. 

"Girls, next schedule is ready. Faster!" She was sure it was their manager who called out to the girls on the other line. "Well Sooyoungie, we have to go for now. But you have a lot of explaining to do!" Tiffany told her before hanging up. Sooyoung just sighed knowing she just had to tell them soon. Then she looked at Cheondung who was now staring blankly to the dark sky outside. Smirking, she lighting punched him on his shoulders.

"Hey, what was that for?!" Cheondung asked in surprise. Sooyoung just giggled then went outside of the room. Still in question, he just followed her outside. Sooyoung was already at the kitchen preparing some hot chocolate while he just sat on the chair staring. 

The sound of the mug hitting the table snapped him out of his daydream and he looked up to see his girlfriend with questioning brows. "Hey, what's with you today? You're staring blankly a lot, it's nervewrecking." she said as she sat on the chair opposite to where he was before taking a sip from her own cup of chocolate. "Well, I don't really know. I think I just feel...bored." he told before giving a big yawn. The girl tried suppressing her soft laugh before the hot choco she was drinking would eventually spill from . "Bored? It's still morning, yet you're already bored?" she asked while still giving little coughs from her action a few seconds ago. 

Cheondung just sighed and pouted. "Or maybe it's just that I'm going to miss being with you everyday." He said with a proud smirk upon seeing Sooyoung blush and choke at his words. "Wh-what did you say?" she said while coughing embarrassingly. "Nothing!" he answered then got up to put his mug in the sink and lie down on his stomach on the couch. 


Sooyoung just got up and put her mug too in the sink before surprisingly sitting on Cheondung's back. "Ouch! Heavy!" Cheondung complained as he couldn't get up because of the tall girl that was sitting on his back. "That's what you get for being so moody today! ~merong~" With that, Cheondung just stopped struggling and sighed. Silence fills the air with both of them looking out their clear wall/window. It was dark and scary. Then, just as expected, rains starts tapping on the glass as it gets harder and the sounds become clear to both watcher's ears. 

"It's raining now." Sooyoung whispered into the air calmly. "It's pretty obvious don't you think?" Cheondung answered wittingly earning him a smack for being so philosophical. "Hey!" he hissed. "Not my fault for saying something obvious." she said before pinching his cheek. "I don't think this won't clear up by tonight." Cheondung blurted out loud. "Isn't it quite obvious too?" Sooyoung teased.

They gave each other a glare before bursting out laughing. Getting quite uncomfortable with their position, both got up to sit upright on the couch. As if on cue, a cellphone rang. They checked it and it was their manager. Both of them gave a worried look  before answering.


A/N: Well it's been a few months! hehe I think I just filled this chapter with fluff although it's a bit short haha :D It's based on what has been happening in Manila this past week and I'm really praying for everyone there! Thank You so much readers! Sorry for the very late update because I'm really very busy nowadays, especially since I'm a senior! >< too much stress!! I don't think I can update soon after this though again since I also have exams coming up, so please have patience with me! Anyways, it's ending soon! WooHoo!! :) So again, thank you all so much for your support! ;)


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okay so i have a start up for the next chapter, it's gonna end soon but i'm really busy so please just wait!


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katkat-17 #1
Chapter 3: I dont know if the mistake in tagalog is intentional but it looks like dungie really said it coz he is really not that fluent in tagalog...
Chapter 20: A very happy ending for the lovely couple
Chapter 20: awwwww nice one though I would have wanted Thunder to meet the girls :)

Good job
Chapter 20: Omo..! it's finished *sob*...
thank you so much for sahring this story I really like it...
in fact it's one of my favorites...

I really love this couple...
Sootuff #5
Chapter 20: So it's 5 years later!!
Yay they're getting married!!!
Seriously Cheondung and Sooyoung really look good together!
Thanks for writing this fic!
Sootuff #6
Chapter 19: Awww love their date!!
You thought me a lot about Philippine from your fic!

Hwaiting with your school!!
Chapter 19: Awww. That was so sweet :">

And you're graduating? Congrats! :D
Chapter 19: Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! I've been for this thanks s lot for for the update...kekeke
please keep updating...
Chapter 19: loved the chapter. keep updating
maea18 #10
Chapter 18: author-nim are you not going to update this story anymore?