INFINITE's Anniversary

Living With 7 Romeos

"Mav, I'm going out for a while", SungJong shouted, as his voice echoed through the living room.

Mav suddenly came back to her senses and went outside her room.

"Where are you going?", Mav asked, making her way to the living room.

"To the hospital for my check - up", SungJong answered while tying his shoe laces.

"Are you sick?", Mav asked again, this time, her voice was full of concern.

"Not exactly. I'll tell you soon", SungJong told her, ruffling her hair as he made his way towards the front door.

"I'll see you later", SungJong said.

"Take care!", Mav replied, waving her hand with a worried look.


With nothing much to do for the whole afternoon, Mav decided to study in advance and do some research regaring the topic outline given to her by her professor. Two hours later, she decided to eat a snack and take a nap. Heading to the kitchen, she quickly grabbed an apple and milk box while peeking at MyungSoo's slightly opened room. She was wondering if MyungSoo had eaten lunch since he didn't join them. Shaking off her thoughts, she went to her room and slowly closed her door.


Ugh! This is frustrating...

The kimbap looked delicious though... and there's still one roll left.

Did they leave it on purpose?

Did she?

Is she still outside? I ought to take a quick bite.

Aish! Should I go to the convenience store?

No. Too risky. 

Wait, what was that? Was that her?

I'm... hungry...

Okay, I'll just wait for her to go back.

The food looked delicious.


Night time came, and one by one, the members arrived at the apartment. SungGyu immediately went to Mav's room to check on her, only to find her sleeping. Chuckling and shaking his head, he went to the kitchen to prepare dinner for her.

"Wow! This is a first", WooHyun remarked, seeing SungGyu slicing some cucumbers.

"I didn't know that hyung could cook", DongWoo said as emerged at WooHyun's side.

"I thought you're full, hyung. We just ate", WooHyun added, placing his arm at SungGyu's shoulder.

"It's not for me", SungGyu said with a smirk.

Quickly finishing the meal, he grabbed a tray and placed the plate on it and a glass of orange juice. As he made his way to Mav's room, he bumped into SungYeol, causing the tray to shake a bit.

"Oh, sorry hyung. I was about to give this to Mav", SungYeol apologized, holding out a tub of vanilla ice cream.

"Just leave it in the freezer. She'll just eat some of that tomorrow since it's already late", SungGyu instructed him, in which SungYeol nodded.

SungGyu slowly entered Mav's room and placed the tray at her desk, noticing her laptop that is still open. Curious about its contents, SungGyu peeked at the laptop, wherein he saw her paper for one subject. Shaking his head, he gave Mav one last look and closed the door.


Ugh, what time is it?, Mav wondered as she stood up from her bed, looking at her desk clock.

"Wait, I slept through the night!?", Mav panicked, quickly heading to her laptop to turn it off. As she sat on her desk, she noticed a tray with kimbap, a banana, and some sliced cucumbers. Her hunger immediately took over as she grabbed the plate and ate the kimbap pieces. 

I wonder who prepared this, Mav thought as she swallowed another piece of kimbap.

When she finished her food, she quickly grabbed the tray and went to the kitchen to wash them. As she was about to go to her room, she saw a note on the refrigerator.

Mr. Park's BBQ Resto, 7 PM, Celebration

She wondered what occasion will the members celebrate tomorrow. She recalled that the next birthday that they will celebrate was SungYeol's on August...

"Ah! It's their anniversary", Mav muttered, panicking on what to do for that event. She quickly went to the refrigreator to check the food supply, to her relief, was enough for tomorrow.

I know what to do, she thought as she made her way back to her room.


Mav woke up earlier than usual. She immediately went to the kitchen after fixing her bed, and prepared seaweed soup, kimchi soup, kimbap and sliced fruits. She wanted to surprise the members without them seeing her so she quickly took a bath and left the apartment by 6 in the morning. 


The classes were stressful as their professors announced the upcoming exams and projects that they have to complete for the next 6 weeks. Mav could already feel the tension forming in the room as her colleagues looked for possible groupmates on one research project. Luckily, she was able to find 2 classmates who were willing to form a group with her. The whole classes progressed with students conceptualizing different ideas and research methods for their projects.


"Hyung, look at this", HoYa grabbed DongWoo by his shirt and showed him the food that was prepared on the table.

"I guess Mav already knew what day it is", DongWoo remarked with a huge smile plastered on his face.

The other members quickly arrived at the dining table, taking a seat and grabbing their forks and chopsticks.

"Mav outdid herself today", WooHyun commented, eating his first piece of kimbap.

"By the way, where is Mav?", SungYeol asked, looking at the empty seat beside SungGyu.

"Who cares? Let's just eat", MyungSoo sneered as he finished his portion of kimchi soup.

SungGyu couldn't help but smile at the thought that Mav made an effort to prepare something special for them for the group's anniversary. Little did he know that another member was smiling the whole time they were eating, appreciating the food that Mav made.


"Kids, you will be recording the dance for 'Last Juliette' for your fans. Get ready at the dance studio", SunHo instructed them.

One by one the members started warming up their bodies; stretching their arms, doing push - ups, twisiting their neck. Each member found a spot in the dance studio to practice the routine before they start recording the music video.

"Hyung, how many times will we record this?", SungYeol asked HoYa, who was busy warming up his legs.

"Maybe 9 or 10, I don't know. Let's just do our best to finish early", HoYa encouraged SungYeol, patting his shoulder as he went to his postion.

After warming up, the members made their way to their initial postions in the dance. They were all set to record when suddenly, DongWoo went at the bench where his bag was placed and started fishing out his phone.

"Ya, JaDong, what are you doing? We're about to start", SungGyu reprimanded him, only to be shocked by DongWoo's reply.

"I'm calling Mav, letting her know that we'll be coming home late", DongWoo replied while his eyes are glued on the screen of his phone, causing SungGyu and SungJong to be surprised.

"You can tell her later. Right now, we need to--", WooHyun retorted when DongWoo started talking.

"Yo, Mav! Did I dusturb you?... Yeah, we'll be coming home by 11 so don't wait for us... Yup... We're going out... Oh, thanks for the food, by the way... Okay, bye", DongWoo hung up as soon as he finished talking with Mav.

"Hurry, hyung", HoYa motioned him to return to his position. 

MyungSoo rolled his eyes in disbelief. Why do we need to tell her everything about our schedule?, he thought as he straightened his shirt. On the other hand, SungJong was still dazed at DongWoo's phonecall. How he was able to talk to Mav so casually even if he only knew her for 11 days amazed him. He wanted to be like that with her but it's going to take a lot of effort to get to that phase.

"All right, let's start. 3, 2, 1...", HoYa initiated and with his signal, the music started...


Even though it's INFINITE's anniversary, it was still a usual day for Mav, except that the members will be celebrating in the evening. Upon arriving at the apartment, she quickly did her chores and went straight to her bed. It was a stressful and tiring day for her, and all she wanted to do was to take a nap. She made her way to her room, placed her bag at the chair and threw herself at her bed, not caring what time she will be able to wake up.


"One more shot, one more shot", the members started to cheer for SungGyu as he held the shotglass and drank its contents. The members cheered even louder when he finished the drink.

"Yah, why do I have to take more shot? SungJong, you should do another one", SungGyu pointed at SungJong, feeling a little light - headed.

"No, I'm fine, hyung", SungJong refused, his hands making a shaking gesture of decline.

"Yah, you're *hick* so *hick* unfair", SungYeol shouted, causing SungJong to bite his lip in frustration.

"Okay, I'll drink but only one shot", SungJong compromised.

"No, since you don't drink that much, why not make it 7 shots for a change?", MyungSoo suggested, rubbing his forehead.

"Yes. 7 shots for 7 members. Come on, SungJong. It's not like we drink everyday, plus it's our anniversary as a group. Could you not make an exception?" HoYa pleaded.

SungJong let out a huge sigh after hearing HoYa's request. It was true that they don't drink everyday but at a time like this, he thought that someone needed to be sober to help the others who are too drunk to stand. However, he couldn't say no to HoYa. He picked up his shot glass and made a toast.

"To us, to another year of success", SungJong cheered, causing the members to clap and shout at him.

"Yeah", the members shouted alltogether.

Finishing his first shot, SungYeol filled SungJong's shotglass with soju, in which SungJong drank in one shot. The same thing happened until he drank to his last shot. After the 7 shots, SungJong felt dizzy and decided to rest his head at the wall.

Guess no one's going home sober tonight, he thought.


The small party continued until everyone was too tired drunk to stand. Out of lightheadedness, SungYeol began searching for Mav's contact number through his phone and called her.

"Hello? SungYeol - ssi?", Mav answered him.

"Mav - ssi!!! Tehe... You're *hick* really pretty!!! Did you *hick* eat the ice cream *hick* I brought?", SungYeol asked her, laughing as he uttered every word.

"Sungyeol - ssi, are you drunk?", Mav asked, her voice full of concern.

"No!!! Why would *hick* we be *hick* drunk?", SungYeol shouted at the phone.

"I'm coming over", Mav told SungYeol, and hung up on him.


Mav couldn't help but feel restless. The members were all drunk. She's afraid that something might happen to them on their way back, and to think that the manager wasn't with them. She quickly grabbed her wallet and cardigan and left the apartment. She was lucky enough to be able to call a taxi at that time of night.

"Good evening. To Mr. Park's BBQ Resto, please", Mav told the driver the location they needed to go to.

The ride felt seemingly long to Mav. She kept on biting her nails and fidgeting at her seat, staring out of the window every now and then.

I hope at least one of them is sober, she thought as her eyes wandered at the streets of Seoul.

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Started to write again. Will be doing one - shots next time but I assure the readers that this story will have a sequel. We're almost done with the first part. :)


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Chapter 20: Long time no see!
merleo7 #2
Okay, i created this Account bc i simply had to thank you for writing such a great fanfic!!! I love it with all my heart (although reading the newest chapter in uni wasn’t that much of a great idea since the people around me gave me weird looks) howeeeeever, I just really adore this story ;; great work!! Keep writing xx
1Dforever #3
Chapter 18: I love this story !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love this story :)
scorpiobaby99 #5
Chapter 7: I like this story! Looking forward for next chapter :D