Dangerous Prank

Living With 7 Romeos

"Ahh! So tired", HoYa remarked as he entered the apartment.

The members arrived at the apartment, their sluggish bodies struggling to sit on the couch. Despite having a day off, they decided to go to the company building and have their dance practice for their upcoming comeback and concert. After 4 hours of executing knife - like choreographies, the members were exhausted and decided to go home. 

"WooHyun - ah, where are you?", SungGyu called out.

"In here, hyung", WooHyun answered back from the balcony.

The others were lying on the floor with the exception of DongWoo who was able to hover the whole couch. With sweat dripping from their faces, MyungSoo took the initiative of getting some towels from their cabinet, to which the members thanked him for the gesture.

Unlike his usual routine, SungGyu didn't check on Mav, much to SungJong and MyungSoo's surprise. Instead, he immediately went to the bathroom and took a shower. The others went inside their respective rooms, leaving WooHyun ang SungJong behind at the living room.

"Aren't you hungry? Do you want me to prepare something?", WooHyun asked SungJong.

"I'm still full, but thanks hyung. By the way, why did you leave early?", SungJong both replied and asked, curious about the abrupt departure of WooHyun at the company that afternoon.

"Something just came up, don't worry. It's all fine now", answered WooHyun with a smile, causing SungJong to be more confused.

SungJong didn't bother to pry WooHyun as the latter suddenly left the living room and went to the kitchen. Quickly standing up, SungJong went towards Mav's room to check on her. 

"She might be sleeping. It's best not to disturb her", WooHyun informed him, seeing SungJong made his way to Mav's room. SungJong mouthed an "Okay, hyung" to WooHyun in reply.

SungJong slowly opened Mav's door, making sure that she doesn't wake up. Realizing that WooHyun's assumption was correct, SungJong decided to take silent footsteps as he approached her bedside.

She looks so... beautiful, he thought as he could feel his heartbeat getting faster.

He took the courage to remove the hair that was covering her face, allowing him to see her fully. He couldn't help but stare at her lips... how he was craving to touch them. He knew that it was too dangerous to do so. He immediately retracted his fingers that were coming close to her lips and placed them on his lap. He stared at her for a few minutes before he finally left the room.


On the other side of the apartment, SungGyu kept tossing and turning at his bed, causing MyungSoo to wake up from the ruffling of his bed sheets.

"Hyung, can't you sleep?", an irritated MyungSoo asked.

"Sorry, MyungSoo. I'll try to be quiet", SungGyu apologized.

Despite not moving anymore, he still couldn't sleep. His mind couldn't forget the events of yesterday. The breakdown... the kiss...

Why did you MyungSoo do that?, he thought. He was too afraid to bring up the topic to MyungSoo that afternoon since he feared that MyungSoo won't be able to recall it. Also, he was afraid that bringing up that incident would cause the tension between Mav and MyungSoo to grow. He wasn't blind to not notice the way MyungSoo treats Mav; roughly pushing her aside everytime she gets in his way and the continuous mockery he gives her. Recalling that incident with them will only add fuel to the fire.

He also couldn't help but worry about Mav. After MyungSoo almost kissed her, he couldn't forget the look on Mav's face as she pushed him away. What surprised him the most is the hug that Mav gave to MyungSoo depsite what happened. He was sure that Mav feels awkward with MyungSoo that morning. He witnessed how Mav's body stiffened when she saw MyungSoo behind her at the kitchen. Somehow, Mav's repsonses to MyungSoo bothered him.

SungGyu was still up when he heard the door to their room open, only to see SungJong approaching his bed.

What was he still doing outside?, SungGyu thought, as he mind continued to wander about the events these past few days.

Worried that he might wake up late tomorrow, he decided to listen music as his remedy to sleep. He grabbed his phone and earphones and played some classical songs. It worked as SungGyu's eyes become heavy and eventually, drifted to sleep.


"I gotta go. I need to catch up with my friend. He's going to pick me up at the bus station", Mav informed the others as she grabbed her bag from the couch and went to the front door to put on some shoes.

"Wait, aren't you going to eat breakfast?", a concerned WooHyun asked, causing SungJong and MyungSoo to be surprised.

"...and did you say 'he'?", SungJong asked with a bewildered expression.

"Wow, never thought that Mav could find a boyfriend that fast", SungYeol said teasingly.

"He's not my boyfriend... I'll explain later. Anyway, I'll be coming home late again. Bye!", Mav explained and rushed at the front door. The apartment was filled with silence after she left, but was broken after SungYeol spoke up.

"That was... unexpected", SungYeol remarked.

"Maybe she just needs to do something with that guy... anyways, we need to hurry. SunHo hyung would be here any minute now", WooHyun said, quickly finishing the last bite.

MyungSoo was surprised by WooHyun's sudden remarks about Mav. He felt irritated after hearing what WooHyun said. He needed him for his plan to kick Mav out of the apartment.

Drastic times call for drastic measures, he thought as he figured out a plan to make Mav leave willingly from the place.


"Thanks for picking me up MinWoo - ssi", Mav thanked her classmate as she made her way inside his car.

"No problem. Uh, let me get that for you", MinWoo reached out for Mav's seatbelt and fastened it.

"Thanks. Let's go", Mav remarked. The two set off from the bus station and headed towards the university.


"Are we late?", Mav asked her groupmate, Carla as she sat on the grass.

"Nope, right on time actually", Carla answered her as she moved to her right, providing some space for Mav to sit on.

One of their classes was cancelled for that day. Instead, the professor suggested that they meet for their research project. The trio, Mav, MinWoo, and Carla decided to meet at the field so they won't be distrurbed by others in their classroom. One by one, ideas were flowing out from their minds. The designated hour for the meeting was already over and the group decided to call it a day.

"Oh, don't forget, we'll be having our next meetings outside", Carla informed MinWoo and Mav.

"Oh, okay. After classes, then?", Mav asked.

"Yeah. Let's meet again tomorrow after class... sorry guys but I need to catch up with my other classmates for my other project", MinWoo told them, waving goodbye as he made his way to his class.

"See you tomorrow, Carla", Mav also said her goodbyes to Carla.

"Take care", Carla answered back.


At the apartment, the members arrived early since they gave an astounding performance in front of their choreographer and boss, earning them an immediate leave at the company. SungGyu and WooHyun went to their rooms while the rest were on the couch, watching some random variety show. However, one member had other plans as he made his way to his room and started prepping himself.

"I'm going out", SungYeol told HoYa and MyungSoo, emerging from his room.

"Oh, hyung, where are you going?", SungJong asked, coming out from the kitchen with a banana on his hand.

"I... uh... I'm going to meet JongIn", he informed.

"Don't they have to practice for their monthly assessment?", HoYa asked him, feeling a hint of suspicion.

"I'll be meeting him at the company... then, uh, we'll just hang out somewhere", SungYeol stuttered, quickly tying up his shoelaces.

"Well, be careful, hyung... and we need to be early tomorrow so don't stay out too late", MyungSoo told him, sounding like a concerned mother.

Without looking back, he dashed out of the apartment, leaving a stunned MyungSoo, SungJong and HoYa looking at each other.

"Oh, where did SungYeol - lie go?", DongWoo asked, emerging from the bathroom with a towel draped at his waist.

"He went out... going to JongIn", HoYa answered.

"Oh", DongWoo could only remark, making his way to his room.

He's been acting weird this days, he thought as he pulled out some clothes to change into.


"I'm home", Mav shouted as she entered to the apartment. To her surprise, she was only met by silence.

Huh, maybe they all went out, she thought as she put her shoes on the rack and made her way to the kitchen.

What she didn't notice that someone was at the apartment all along, slowly watching her, planning his first move.

Well, here goes nothing, he thought as he went out of his room.


"Mav!", L greeted her, causing Mav to spit some drops of water she was drinking.

So disgusting, L thought.

"Y - yes, L - ssi?", Mav stuttered, taking a step back, shocked by his enthusiasm. She still couldn't move on from that drunk incident she had with him. However, what surprised her the most was L's enthusiastic tone in calling her. As far as she knows, L doesn't greet her that way... he usually doesn't greet her at all.

"Could you do me a favor?", L asked, looking at her eyes sweetly. Mav couldn't help but feel nervous as her heart started to skip a beat.

"Uh, yeah, sure, what is it?", Mav complied, causing L to be amused.

"I need this sort of drink. It's a lemon drink mixed with green tea and honey, for my vocal chords...", L started to inform her. Mav casually nodded.

"...and I kind of need to drink one now since I'm not feeling well... I can't go out by myself... you, know, reporters and such...", L continued.

"...and you're requesting for me to buy it for you?", Mav deduced.

"If you want... I mean, if you don't, then it's okay...", L told her, showing of some aegyo to convince her.

"It's fine. I'll do it", Mav agreed, causing L to be a bit stunned.

Well, that was easy, L thought.

"You see, it can't be bought at the nearby convenience store. It's 5 blocks away and you have to take a right turn. You'll see a small store at the left corner", L instructed her.

"Okay... Uh, I'll be back in a bit, L - ssi", Mav told him, slowly making her way to do front door.

"Thank you so much", L thanked her, showing his last aegyo performance.

As Mav disappeared from the apartment, L couldn't help but smirk.

Tsk. That'll hold you off, he thought as he made his way to couch to watch some TV.


"Yah, Kim MyungSoo, could you please move?", SungJong pushed L to the side of the couch. After the little rest they had that afternoon, the other members decided to go out for themselves, leaving L behind. This was a perfect opportunity to commence L's plan for Mav. However, the others went back earlier than he thought, with the exception of HoYa.

It's only 9 PM though, he thought as he continued to switch the channels with the remote.

"MyungSoo, have you seen Mav?", WooHyun asked him as he sat down on the floor, catching SungGyu''s attention.

"Dunno, she must have been here... and went out again", MyungSoo replied, his eyes glued on the TV screen.

That's weird, she never said anything about going out after her class, SungGyu thought.

"Well, let's just wait for her", SungJong remarked, lying down at the couch with his legs folded.

"We need to go to sleep now. Let's just watch that tomorrow", SungGyu instructed the others. Much to their dismay, they could only comply to SungGyu's request.

"But what about Mav?", SungJong asked him.

"She'll be home soon. I'm sure she'll be fine", SungGyu said a bit harshly, causing SungJong and WooHyun to be taken aback.

To be honest, SungGyu was a bit disappointed at Mav. He promised to be her "Oppa" in time of need. He was willing to listen to her. He was waiting for her to open up that incident with MyungSoo. Instead, he noticed that Mav has been avoiding MyungSoo, bothered everytime MyungSoo was around.

So mucn for being that, SungGyu thought as he and the others made their way to their repsective rooms.


"Turn right and at the left corner...", Mav mumbled as she made her way to the store. Instead of a store, she was only greeted by a dark alley.

He said the store's located here though, she thought.

She decide to enter the alley, trying to confirm if a store was really there.

Nope, nothing, she thought as she left.

She decided to ask around for the exact store that L told her about. She saw a group of guys by the corner and decided to ask them.

"Excuse me, but do you know--", Mav asked but stopped, only to be realized that they were drunk.

"Well, who do we have here?", one guy said, looking at Mav from head to toe.

"Uh, sorry if I disturbed you. Good--", Mav was about to leave when another guy held her wrist.

"Why are you leaving so soon? You just got here", the guy holding her wrist teasingly said. Mav could smell the alcohol from his breath.

"Let me go", Mav pulled her wrist away, taking a few steps back, only to stopped by another guy who held her waist.

"Come on... let's have some fun, shall we?", the other guy asked, slowly caressing her arm. 

Mav shivered in fear. She struggled to be free but she was outnumbered. 1 versus 5, she wanted to scream for help but a handkerchief was placed on , preventing her to do so.

Somebody help me, Mav thought as tears rolled down from her eyes.


HoYa just left the company building after another rigorous dance practice. Being the perfectionist that he is, he decided to got to the dance room instead of hanging out with the others.

He was on his way home, walking through the streets of Seoul. He didn't want to bother their manager and decided to go home by foot.

"Help me", he heard a muffle cry coming from an alley.

At first, he decided to ignore it but he sensed that something was going on when he heard some manly chuckles coming from the alley. Taking a step back, he walked towards the alley slowly, only to be shocked at the scene. A girl was surrounded by five guys, trying to go near her. The girl was struggling, breaking free from their hold, only to be caught again by another guy. HoYa was about to call for help when suddenly, he recognized the girl's face.

Is... that... Mav?

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Started to write again. Will be doing one - shots next time but I assure the readers that this story will have a sequel. We're almost done with the first part. :)


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Chapter 20: Long time no see!
merleo7 #2
Okay, i created this Account bc i simply had to thank you for writing such a great fanfic!!! I love it with all my heart (although reading the newest chapter in uni wasn’t that much of a great idea since the people around me gave me weird looks) howeeeeever, I just really adore this story ;; great work!! Keep writing xx
1Dforever #3
Chapter 18: I love this story !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love this story :)
scorpiobaby99 #5
Chapter 7: I like this story! Looking forward for next chapter :D