Talk To Me

Living With 7 Romeos

"Mav, come back", the voice sighed in defeat.

"I will, after we finish our pro--", Mav replied, refusing to turn around until a hand suddenly grabbed her arm.

"You're just using that as an excuse", HoYa said in a firm voice.

"I'm not. Really, HoYa - ssi, I have to go. My friend is waiting for me at our apartment", Mav insisted. She had to create a reason. She was too afraid that HoYa might know why she left the apartment.

"You don't have class tomorrow, right?", HoYa asked, his grip still firm on her arm.

"Yeah. Why'd you ask?", Mav questioned him with doubt plastered all over her face.

"Let's meet tomorrow. Please", HoYa pleaded, hoping that Mav will agree.

"HoYa - ssi, I don't think--", Mav tried to decline HoYa's request but he was persistent and won't take no for an answer. Using his last bullet to take a shot, he let out a sigh before he took the chance.

"I won't be bringing SungGyu - hyung or MyungSoo", HoYa finally said, causing Mav to be shocked by his statement.

"Why?... How did...", Mav stuttered, unable to process what or how she should reply.

"I know... I noticed", HoYa remarked.

Despite everything that has been happening at the apartment, HoYa managed to restrain himself for making any comments or joining any discussions regarding what happened among Mav, MyungSoo, and SungGyu. He thought that it would be wise to observe first before he could make any statement. Besides, for him, ever since Mav started to live with them, the whole atmoshpere of the apartment suddenly became interesting.

"9 PM, here at this very playground", HoYa told her.

Mav was still in a daze. Is she that readable? She couldn't believe the fact that HoYa knew everything that happened between her and MyungSoo, even with SungGyu.

"Come on, I'll walk you home", HoYa offered, grabbing her hand as they made their way to her friend's apartment. Mav was still shocked to retaliate with the offer. Unconsciously, she just walked with him


"Mav, where is the apartment located?", HoYa asked, enabling Mav to return to her senses.

"Take a left turn and walk straight to that path", Mav instructed him.

"You know you could just drop me off here. It's already midnight", Mav insisted, to which HoYa refused.

"Which is why I'm walking with you until you reach your doorstep", HoYa replied, causing Mav to let out a huge sigh.

The two of them continued to walk in silence until both of them reached the doorstep of Carla's apartment. Sensing the awkwardness between them, Mav tried to break the ice.

"I'll agree to talk to you in one condition", Mav tried to compromise with HoYa.

"I'm listening", HoYa replied with his arms folded at his chest.

"We meet at the playground by 5 AM, not 9 PM", Mav offered, hoping that he would take it.

HoYa didn't immediately give a response. Mav could see that he was thinking about it, judging by the way his eyebrows were scrunched. 

Maybe 5 AM is a little too much, she thought. Thinking that the offer was too selfish, she decided to withdraw her compromise. 

"Uh, let's just stick to--", Mav was about to retract the offer when HoYa finally gave a reply.

"Okay, 5 AM at the playground", HoYa agreed, putting a hand in front of her.

"Do we... really need to shake hands?", Mav chuckled in disbelief.

"Could be necessary... or if you want to?", HoYa said with a grin.

As Mav took HoYa's hand to shake it, he took the chance to pull Mav into a hug.

"SungGyu's having a hard time. SungJong misses you... and MyungSoo seems sorry for what he had done. The apartment is not the same without you", HoYa whispered into her ear.

"But I've been living with you guys for only three weeks", Mav tried to convince herself that everything HoYa was saying was exaggerated.

"...and in those three weeks, you already became a part of us. I really do hope you'll come back soon", HoYa replied, pulling away from the hug.

"I better go now... I'll see you... later", HoYa bid her goodbye as he checked his watch, realizing that it was almost 1 AM.

"Take care, HoYa - ssi", Mav replied as she waited for his silhouette to slowly disappear from the street.


"Where have you been?", Carla asked Mav, curiosity evident in her eyes.

"Just out... went to the library for my research", Mav said in a disinterested tone.

"You could've called me, and who's that guy you were talking to?", Carla asked, her full attention directed towards Mav. Mav was quick in making an excuse.

"He's a friend of a friend. He asked for a favor", she quickly replied, hoping that Carla wouldn't ask more questions about him.

"Well, at least you have someone to take you home", Carla sighed in relief. She knew the dangers of being alone in the streets, especially during hours like this.

"Oh... I'm really tired. Good night, Carla", Mav said as she bade a good night sign to her, to which Carla responded with a nod.


As soon as she went straight to Carla's spare room (which she is temporarily occupying), she threw herself at the bed and began to stare at the ceiling. She couldn't get over with with what HoYa said. SungGyu being distracted, SungJong missing her, and MyungSoo...


The Kim MyungSoo.

Is actually feeling sorry?, Mav thought as she struggled to find a good sleeping position

Maybe I should go back.

But SungGyu...


She aimlessly grabbed her phone and tried typing SungYeol's phone number. She was desperate to have someone to talk to, in all honesty. His phone was ringing and Mav was hoping that he would pick up. Unfortunately, after eight attempts, he wasn't able to answer her calls.

He must be busy, Mav thought, trying to comfort herself.

For the rest of the hour, she tried to contemplate if she should return immediately at the apartment. She wondered how someone as small and unimportant like her able to affect the whole group. With HoYa's words, she couldn't help but feel guilty of what she has done. She knew that somehow, she had to fix the whole mess that she created... and to face MyungSoo with a brave heart.

Moments later, she started packing her things, putting her clothes inside her duffel bag. She grabbed a sticky note and wrote on it. Then, she quickly placed it on Carla's room before she left the apartment.

He'll help me, she quickly thought.


Dawn slowly crept upon the sky, and the sun's rays entered HoYa and DongWoo's room. HoYa was a light sleeper, easily woken up by scratches and muffles. He quickly stood up from his bed when he heard the doorbell rang. Trudging his feet as he made his way to the door, he suddenly remembered that he needed to meet Mav at 5'o clock. Opening the door while putting on his shoes, he was surprised to see a drowsy figure in front of their doorstep, holding on to what seemed to be a duffel bag. It took him seconds to realize that it was Mav.

"I thought we'll--", HoYa said in confusion, only to be interrupted by Mav.

"It would be a hassle for you to go there. Besides, I already made up my mind", Mav said in a sleepy voice.

HoYa took Mav's bag from her and placed it at the living room couch. He made his way to the kitchen to brew some coffee for the both of them. Mav, on the other hand, followed HoYa and sat on the chair next to the kitchen countertop, slowly watching HoYa's movements.

"This will take a while", HoYa commented, pouring some ground coffee beans in the coffee maker.

"I don't mind, but isn't it a little too early for coffee?", Mav asked, placing her head on the countertop.

"Well, since you're already here, I thought that you would want some", HoYa said with a smirk.

The whole apartment was filled with the aroma from the coffee that HoYa made. The smell even made Mav close her eyes, inhaling the luscious scent coming from the coffee pot. After brewing the coffee, HoYa grabbed two mugs from the sink and poured the beverage in it. He made his way on the seat in front of Mav as he handed her her cup.


"Ahh! This is really good!", Mav exhaled in delight as she took a sip.

"There's nothing I can't do", HoYa replied with a victorious grin.

Mav was still inhaling the scent coming from her mug when suddenly, HoYa spoke up.

"So... uh... do you mind telling me about it?", HoYa asked. Mav wasn't that slow to realize that he was asking what happened between SungGyu and her.

"To be honest, I felt like crying when he said that to me", Mav replied, averting her eyes from HoYa.

"Said what?", HoYa's curiosity started to heightened.

"That I was becoming a burden. I never intended to worry him. I guess he was too tired that time but I couldn't help but think that maybe if I left, some of his worries would be reduced... guess I was wrong", Mav said as she took another sip.

"You know, he only wants you to open up to him. He never had a younger sister before, you know... and when he saw you, it was his chance to experience what it's like to have one", HoYa explained as he took a sip.

"I never really thought of it that way. I'm really sorry, HoYa - ssi, for causing so much trouble", Mav apologized in a dreary tone.

"Don't be sorry, Mav. It's okay. You're here now and that's what matters", HoYa said, assuring her that there is nothing to worry about... well now since she's already here.

"You know, I never really had a chance to talk to you", Mav said, looking at him with a smile. Ever since she arrived at the apartment, she noticed that HoYa always distanced himself from Mav.

"Yeah, sorry about that. I was just being careful. I'm afraid that I might scare you... or something", HoYa scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Actually, it's the opposite. I wanted to ask you so many questions about why you loved to dance and such, since you're INFINITE's main dancer after all... by the way, I'm a fan", Mav chuckled.

"I thought you didn't know us", HoYa asked in confusion.

"True, I didn't know you guys at first but I did my research... and I wow. Just wow", Mav replied.

"Thank you", HoYa blushed after hearing Mav's comment.

"Why are you blushing?", Mav asked as she noticed HoYa's cheeks reddened.

"I'm not! Yah, your drink is getting cold", HoYa retorted, causing Mav to laugh.

"I hope I could talk to you more often", Mav said as she gulped the remaining drink in her cup.

"You know where to knock", HoYa smiled, pointing at his and DongWoo's shared room.


Their early morning conversation was disrupted by a creaking door. Mav flinched as she heard the creak while HoYa remained frozen in his seat.

"Mav, you're here!", a loud shout from SungYeol was heard.

Mav was too late to escape when SungYeol gave her a tight hug.

"It's good to have you back", SungYeol said.

"Well, thank you", Mav couldn't think of a proper reply at that moment.

One by one, the other members came rushing out of their rooms when they heard SungYeol's scream. They gathered around Mav and started hugging her. SungJong was smart to initiate a group hug, enthusiastically pulling Mav at his side. All of the were gathered at the kitchen... except for two members, that is.


SungGyu couldn't bring himself to go to Mav. He was astonished and at the same ecstatic that Mav already arrived, but he was also scared that Mav might brush him off if she sees him. On the other side, MyungSoo was contemplating if he should quickly apologize to her, only to sigh as he remembered that she was too angry at him. He went back to his room, defeated.


Both of them didn't realized that Mav saw them, a worried expression plastered on her face.

SungJong also saw it, and couldn't help but be worried about Mav again.

This is my chance, SungJong thought as he hugged Mav tighter.


A/N: This chapter is dedicated to my ever so loving "brother by bond" :) Belated Happy Birthday! I knew your birthday was on the 8th but didn't had the chance to greet you. :D See you soon.

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Started to write again. Will be doing one - shots next time but I assure the readers that this story will have a sequel. We're almost done with the first part. :)


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Chapter 20: Long time no see!
merleo7 #2
Okay, i created this Account bc i simply had to thank you for writing such a great fanfic!!! I love it with all my heart (although reading the newest chapter in uni wasn’t that much of a great idea since the people around me gave me weird looks) howeeeeever, I just really adore this story ;; great work!! Keep writing xx
1Dforever #3
Chapter 18: I love this story !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love this story :)
scorpiobaby99 #5
Chapter 7: I like this story! Looking forward for next chapter :D