Chapter 29

Life as their wives

Last time:

Naeun turned the TV off and took some pictures of them with their sisters.


The girls woke the boys up and told them to go to their rooms, before cleaning the mess. Chorong suddenly said: 'I can't believe it, in three days is our coronation and in 2 months is the yearly summer dance of the school, before the holidays start.' 'Can't believe it either Unnie, but I just hope that I could go with Jimin or maybe Paul...' said Eunji. Namjoo tried comforting her older sister by patting her back and giving her a reassuring smile. 'Wait, don't we have school tomorrow?' asked Hayoung. The rest eyes widened and Yookyung said: 'Hurry up, we already have 2 in the morning. You guys know exactly how we are if we don't get enough time to actually sleep like an actual human being and go to school.' So the girls practically sped trough their house to clean up and then went to bed.

The next morning Namjoo was the first to wake up, so she started making breakfast, when suddenly she felt a pair of arms around her waist. Namjoo almost screamed if it wasn't for the hand keeping shut. She turned the stove off and turned around and was met with the face of an almost still asleep V. She heard him say: 'What are you doing, my little flower?' Namjoo stared at him and then she dragged him to sit on the couch in the living room. She then went to the kitchen, to get a glass filled with freezing cold water and when she was back in the living room and V tried to hug her again, she splashed the water onto his face. V was now fully awake and glaring at Namjoo and then said: 'Why did you do that?' 'Because you backhugged me, while I was cooking and you were still half asleep.' Namjoo answered  and went back to the kitchen to finish making breakfast. V stared after her and then went to the kitchen aswell. Namjoo then asked: 'Shouldn't you be changing or something, I mean we have to go to school later.' V forgot about school and ran to his room to get changed into his uniform. The rest of them started coming down already changed into their uniforms, when Jungkook suddenly asked: 'Namjoo-noona, why was V-hyung running around his room like a maniac?' Namjoo just shrugged her shoulders and gave them all their breakfast. All of them thanked her and started eating, she put Vs plate on place at the table and then went to her own seat to eat her own breakfast. The doorbell suddenly rung and Namjoo went to open the door. It was Draco and both of them hugged. Draco then did something unexpected and kissed her cheek. V who was coming from his room saw that and thought: 'The did that motherer just kiss her cheek?' Namjoo then blushed and said: 'Yah ... stop making me blush you idiot!' V was blinded by jealousy went to the dining room and just ate his food, ignoring the questioning chairs. After five minutes they heard the front door close and Namjoo came into the dining room with seven boxes. She gave each of her sisters one and the last one was for her. When they opened it they saw seven beautiful short white dresses in it and each if the boxes had a note that said: 'Your dress for the evening tonight'
They all then went to their cars and drove to school.

(Time skip: evening)
The girls were getting ready for their evening as did the boys. The girls were wearing the dresses Draco gave them, while the boys wore suits. After all of them finished getting ready, they drove to the location, Draco wanted them to go to. When they got there, they went in and saw that the whole restaurant was booked just for them and their friends. They all ate the food they ordered and the desserts made by their friends. During that all of them happily chatted. After that they all went home.

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