Chapter 24 (Hayoungs and Jungkooks wedding)

Life as their wives

The last wedding, it was the maknae couples wedding. The omegas and female children with the girls and the alphas,betas and masculine children with the boys. 

(With Hayoung)

Hayoung was around in her room, after the boys finished her make up and hair. You could see that all the color has faded from her face and her skin now looked as pale as white. The girls were worried for their little sister and they tried to calm her down, but that didn't help, she was still pacing around. Chorong then decided to get Jackson for help and went out of the room. When she came back with Jackson, Luhan was holding her because she almost fell down ,he then sat her on the couch and sat next to her. Jackson was worried for his mother, when he saw how pale she was and went to her. Hayoung gave him a small smile and he asked: 'What's wrong eomma?' 'It's just that I'm nervous and I'm scared about the fact, that something might happen.' Hayoung said. Miyoung then asked: 'What do you mean with: ' something might happen.' aunt Hayoung?' 'I mean that the Devil Queens might do something or Van Croc might show up.' Hayoung said and everyone in the room reassured her that nothing will happen and that the guards would keep them safe. 

(With Jungkook)

BTS was already finished with their make up and hair and were now sitting on the couches in the room. When Chorong came in and told them she needed Jackson for a moment, he thought that something happened to Hayoung, but quickly calmed down and thought of Somin. As he thought of her, she came into the room and Jin,Jhope,Suga, EXO and the kids got disgusted by her and her friends sickening perfume. Sohyun then said: 'What?' 'Can you girls please go out, because I can't smell, because of  your disgusting stench.' said Soonyoung and the girls gasped at that. Sohyun slapped him in the face and V got angry at that, as did EXO, the rest of BTS and Donghyun. Chanyeol then called the guards and they took the girls away. Soonyoung looked like he was about to cry and V went to him and said guiltily: 'I'm sorry about Sohyun Hoshi, I never thought she would do that.' Soonyoung saw how sorry his father was, through his eyes and said: 'It's okay appa.' V then gave him a hug and then whispered to him: 'Just because I've only known that you are my son,  since three days, doesn't mean that I don't care for your well-being.' Both smiled at each other, but their father son moment was destroyed by Apinks mother. She told that the wedding would begin in five minutes and they went to their respective places. Soon the music started playing and Apink came out, followed by their father and Hayoung. When they reached the front Hayoung took Jungkooks hand and Jungkook thought: 'What did I do to deserve someone as beautiful as her as my wife.Wait do I still have feelings for her.' He quickly shrugged it off and thought about Somin and how happy was, to have her. Both of them then said their vows and they were then declared husband and wife by the priest. They both kissed and both of them had butterflies in their stomachs. It dawned on Jungkook and he thought: ', I still love her.' After that they went to the after party. The guests except for the Devil Queens yelled: 'KISS!KISS!KISS!' They did and everyone cheered. Hayoung and Jungkook then fed each other a piece of cake, after they had cut it together.

Hayoung was blushing madly, when she went to speak to her sisters and Jungkook saw it. He then took Somin to another room and Somin thought they would do something and tried to kiss him, but he pushed her away. Jackson saw that his father went away with his girlfriend and followed them. Jackson took out his phone and started recording the conversation between the two of them. Somin, who was shocked at Jungkooks action ,asked: 'O- oppa what's wrong?' 'Somin let-let's bre-brea-break u-up?' Jungkook ,who wasn't that good at breaking up with people, stutterted. Both Somin and Jackson were shocked at what he said and Somin asked: 'Why oppa did I do something wrong? Is it because of that loser Hayoung?' Jungkook stayed quiet and Somin knew her guess was right, she then yelled: 'Why, what does she have that I don't have. I'm more beautiful than her.I bet she wouldn't even give you a child like I would.' Jungkook looked at her and them said: 'Don't think of her like that and if you think, she wouldn't give me a child, you're completely wrong, because she already gave me a beautiful and handsome son.' 'What,who ever he is and where he is I will make sure, that son of a bastard of yours will be killed alongside with your wife.' She threatened.Jungkook got angry at that and harshly said: 'If you even dare come near him or my wife, I won't hesistate to kill you.' He then slapped her one more time and went away. Jackson ran to find his mother and tell her this. 

Hayoung, who was currently on the bridge of a river with Neville said: 'You became so hot in just three years...' Neville laughed at that and said: 'But not as hot as your husband.' Both laughed at that and Hayoung said: 'True, true.' They heard Jackson run to them and when he was in front of them Hayoung asked: 'What's wrong Mandu?' 'Eomma you have to listen to this.' He then played it and when it finished Hayoung and Neville were shocked and Neville hugged Hayoung. Jungkook,who saw them from the door, turned to his hyungs, who were watching the girls with their best friends from Hogwarts and La Push, jealousy burning in their eyes. He then asked them: 'Anyone want to help me kill them for touching our wives?' The boys nodded and Jin said: 'Not now, but sometime if that happens another time.' The guys nodded and Jungkook excused himself to go to Hayoung. Neville and Jackson saw that Jungkook was making his way to them and Neville said: 'Jackson and I are going now, we both still have something to do.' 'Okay ,but be careful with whatever you guys are going to do okay?' Both boys nod and then wemt away, while Hayoung stared ath the river. She jumped a little when she heard Jungkook say: 'What is such beautiful girl like you doing outside in the cold all alone at this place?' 'I-I was just thinking.' Hayoung answered blushing. Hayoung then shivered and sqealed a little ,when the cold air hit her bare skin. Jungkook took of his jacket and placed it on her shoulders. She smiled and Jungkook then hugged her. 'Don't ever leave me side my love,okay?' He whispered and felt Hayoung nod into his chest. He then kissed Hayoung and turned her around, so that her back was leaning onto him. Both of them then stared at the river until Jungkook broke the silence and said: 'Saranghae Hayoung.' 'Nado saranghae oppa.' Hayoung said and Jungkook kissed her cheek. He then asked her: 'By the way, I heard that you girls still need to be crowned as queens, when will that be?' Hayoung giggled, when he nuzzled his head into the crook of her neck and answered: 'It will be next week.' 'Next week already?' He said in disbelief and Hayoung just nodded. The two then went in, because it got to cold for the two of them and were suprised to see that Namjoom,Jimin and V were actually dancing with their wives instead of their girlfriends. The guests then left after a while and all of the members of Apink and BTS stayed and talked. After a while they all left to sleep.   

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