Chapter 16

Life as their wives

Last time:

Apink didn't have to stop to bring EXO to their dorm, because their house was right next to Apinks house.


BTS and Apink are right now eating dinner and the room was quiet except for the sounds of the two groups eating. When both groups finished eating BTS went to the living room and Apink went to clean up. After Apink finished cleaning everything up, they got ready for bed and then they heard someone yell: 'Stop calling me a shortie Jungkook, I'm still older than you!' Apink members then all went to Chorongs room and talked about different things like the weddings, their children, their kingdoms etc. Namjoo was getting sleepy and bid all of them goodnight and headed to her room. When Namjoo got to her room, she was suprised to see her best friend from Hogwarts, Draco Malfoy. Namjoo yelled: 'DRACO!!' and jumped into her best friends awaiting arms. Draco smiled and said: 'It's good to see you too.' BTS and Apink, who heard Namjoos yell, went to her room. Apink arrived first and also went to hug one of their closest friends from Hogwarts. When BTS came in, they were disturbed by Dracos presence, but none of them noticed. The girls except for Namjoo let go of Draco. V saw it and felt like something was stabbing his hard. Apink felt his emotions and knew exactly what it was, it was jealousy. The question that went through the heads if the Apink members was: Why was he jealous? V was glaring at Draco and his hand forming into fists and the girls, aswell as BTS noticed it.They followed Vs gaze and the eyes of the Apink members and the rest of the BTS members went wide. V stormed out of the room and BTS went after him. When Yookyung closed the door to Namjoos room she asked Draco: 'What are you doing here?' 'You know, just wanting to be soon to be married best friends of mine and staying here,until after your guys crowning ceremonys.' All the members of Apink screamed: 'YOOHOO!!!' Draco laughed at their sillyness and then went to the house, the members of Apink gave  him and their friends from Hogwarts as a little gift. Before Draco left he told them, that the rest are going to be there in two days and then left. 

(Time skip:after school)

The school just ended and the EXO members were already waiting for Apink. When Apink came out, they got into the Apink members cars and left for the mall once again. When they got there, they went to the girls favorite dress shop. It took them three hours to find the perfect dress for the girls, but it was worth their time. After that they left. When Apink came home, they heard a disgusting high pitched voixe of only one person: Amy. Apink got annoyed at that and went to the living room, where BTS and their disgusting girlfriends were. The members if Apink were seriously disgusted by them, because the girls were all wearing to short hot pants or skirts and belly freen tank tops and were showing far to much skin in Apinks opinion. Naeun and Chorong were holding Yookyun, because all of the sisters swore that if they wouldn't, Yookyung would have killed them already. Chorong then angrily asked: 'What on ing earth, are those disgusting girlfriends of yours doing in OUR house?' 'Being with our oppas, loser.' Jennie said. The room suddenly froze at one side on the other side it became warmer, like it was on fire. They heared howls and different animals were in the house and outside it was raining and thundering and a it was almost like a tornado is making it's way to the house and the ground was shaking uncontrollable. The sisters' eyes changed and the members of BTS and the Devil Queens were getting scared. 

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