Chapter 14

Life as their wives

Last time: 

After closing it ge slid down the door, thinking of how to tell Somin, that he had to marry his ex.


Once all of the members of Apink and BTS were in the dining room, the girls told them rules and BTS protested at first but then agreed because of the girls deathly glares. After that they talked about the weddings and agreed that they would get it over with as quickly as possible and they agreed that they would held the weddings in the next two weeks. In the first week, the weddings of the three oldest of the groups and after that the other four "couples" of the groups. Bomi then telepathically reminded the girls that their crowning ceremony is in three weeks and that they still hadn't had dresses. She also reminded them that they still hadn't wedding dresses and that they would have to get them. Even though both groups didn't want to plan the weddings they agreed they would do it today and after they finished eating breakfast and the girls washing up the dishes and cleaning the kitchen, the girls changed into other clothes and then all of the girls got notebooks to write down, the things for the weddings. Now all of them are sitting in the living room discussing things about their weddings, they also agreed that they would go shopping on the next day  for the boys suits and the girls wedding dresses. The girls also telepathically agreed that they would go shopping on the day after that for their crowning ceremonys dresses and to take their children with them. BTS and Apink were halfway through all of the wedding plans and Hayoung looked at the time on her phone and it was three in the afternoon.  Her stomach suddenly started growling and she blushed from emberassment. Apink laughed at their youngest sistar and then went into the kitchen to make all of them a quick meal. After they ate,they went to discuss about their wedding plans again but this time Hayoung set alarm, so that she and the girls could cook dinner at the right time and wouldn't have to make it quick again. Suprisingly all of them finished all of the discussing before Hayoungs alarm rang. Hayoungs alarm rang and the girls went to make dinner, while the boys were sleeping on the couches. When the girls finished making dinner and set the table. After that Eunji went to get them for dinner. When Eunji found them sleeping, a smirk crept onto her face and she went to get 7 buckets of water with the help of her magic. Eunji called for her sisters to help her splash water onto them and Apink gladly agreed. They all splashed water onto BTS and then BTS jolted awake. Apink laughed at their faces and told them to change since dinner is ready. The boys obeyed, but the girls heard Jimin mumble: 'What's with those girls and splashing water onto people to wake them up.' Apink just laughed and then went to the dining room. When BTS came downstairs all of them ate quietly. After that BTS had to do the dishes and clean the kitchen, while Apink got ready for bed.   

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