Chapter 25

Life as their wives

It was the morning after Hayoung and Jungkooks wedding and all the guests plus BTS and Apink had to go home, because of school or work. When Apink and BTS arrived at their house, Bomi said: 'It's good to be home.' 'True, but Namjoo, Yookyung and I have a little suprise for you all.' said Eunji and looked at the other and Chorong asked: 'What is it?' 'You see, the six different houses on the right sight of our house, were all bought by us two last week and we want to give you those houses as a present.' answered Namjoo and the members of Apink went to hug their two sisters. 'You two didn't have to buy us those houses.' Jin said and Eunji,Yookyung and Namjoo said at the same time: 'Oh we did, there is something called privacy every married couple should have and we think that having your own house as married couple, means having privacy. We mean like what would you do, if your privacy was disturbed by someone else just coming into your guys room, while your doing something. You guys don't want that to happen do you?' Eunji,Yookyung and Namjoo then laughed and the others all joined in. They suddenly heard three high pitched voices yell: 'OPPA!!!'  All of the members of Apink put their hands on their ears from their yell and went in followed by Jin,Suga,Jhope and Jungkook. The other thred members of BTS stayed outside and waited for their girlfriends.  The three boys were kissed, when their girlfriends came to them. The once inside were sitting annoyed by their presence in the living room. 'It's only morning and they already have to ruin a persons day. Don't they have any hobbies?' Eunji whined and the others agreed. When Jimin,V and Rap Monster came into the living room with Yoori,Hyemi and Sohyun everyone became quiet until Yookyung,Eunji and Namjoo stood up and left. The remaining members of Apink went after them and Jin said in an annoyed voice : 'What are you girls doing here?' 'Visiting our oppas.' said Yoori and gave Rap Monster a kiss on the cheek, he just smiled at his girlfriend. When the three oldest members of Apink plus their maknae came downstairs, they went to sit next to their husbands and glared at the three couples in front of them.  

Bomi once again stood up and took Jhope with her, they were going to see how their house looked from the inside and both of them were astonished at how Eunji,Yookyung and Namjoo did this in one week. 

(With Yookyung,Eunji and Namjoo)
All three were right now in Yookyungs room crying. They still love their husbands, but they, they hate them and are basically cheating. They sometimes really wonder why life is always so hard on them and their family. 'Wae? Why does life have to be so hard on us?'  asked Namjoo crying even harder. 'I don't know little sister, I wish I would, but I don't.' Eunji said crying. Rap Monster and Yoori were walking to Rap Monsters room, when they heard what those three said. Yoori was smirking and Rap Monster faked a smirk, but he was internally regretting everything he did to Yookyung.  Namjoo smelled the stench of Yooris perfume and stopped crying. She then went to get Yookyungs laptop and used her skills to activate the camera above Yookyungs door. She saw Rap Monster and Yoori standing in front of the door, ears pressed against it. Eunji and Yookyung stopped crying aswell and looked over Namjoos shoulder to see, what she was looking at. Eunji then looked at the other two and said: 'Hey girls how about we go to the beach?' 'Sure.' said both Namjoo and Yookyung. The three then washed their faces in Yookyungs bathroom and then went downstairs.

When they came downstairs, the others looked at them and Namjoo asked: 'Does anyone want to go to the beach with us?' All of them agreed and got ready. After getting ready Apink packed some snacks for all of them and then went to their cars. They then drove to the beach and played games like beach volleyball. It was getting dark and the girls decided to make a bonfire. They called EXO and their kids with their respective groups. 

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