The Sound of Darkness - Chapter 8

The Sound of Darkness

Woohyun sat beside the bed admiring Sunggyu's sleeping face.  He was lost in thought until he heard a knock at the door.  He turned to see Sungyeol.

"A word if I may," interrupted Sungyeol.

The two stepped outside the room not wanting to wake Sunggyu.  Woohyun could guess what Sungyeol wanted to say from the cold reception he had received from him.

"As you are aware," Sungyeol began.  "Sunggyu is the CEO of Kim Corporation and as you have found out, the leader of the Jin Ho Group.  He has great responsibilities to uphold.  I'm going to be frank here, but having you by his side will only serve as a distraction to him.  I don't want another situation like this to occur.  If you really do care about him, you will understand what I'm trying to say, right?"

Woohyun had to admit he wasn't surprised to hear those words and he had to agree, he didn't want to see Sunggyu hurt.  He nodded.  "I understand," he replied.


Woohyun hadn't gone far from the mansion when he heard his name being called.  He turned back to see a bandaged but shirtless Sunggyu running towards him.

"Where are you going?" asked Sunggyu breathing heavily.

"Go back inside, Sunggyu.  You'll catch a cold." said Woohyun as he turned and began to walk away.

"No!" Sunggyu grabbed Woohyun's hand which made him turn back to face him.

Woohyun found himself faced so close to Sunggyu that that their lips almost touched.  They stood in silence as they gazed into each other's eyes.

Sunggyu reached out a hand to Woohyun's cheek.  "I'm going to kiss you," he declared.

Woohyun did not move nor reply.

Sunggyu leaned forward, tilting his head.  "Your last chance to push me away," he repeated.

Woohyun closed his eyes, letting go of all the thoughts and worries in his mind as their lips met.

Sungyeol sighed as he stood watching the scene from the balcony of the mansion.  "I tried," he whispered to no one in particular.  "Looks like he'll have to learn the hard way."

Sunggyu strutted down the hallway with his hands in his pocket with Dongwoo following behind.  He saw the line of people waiting in front of the interview room.  He frowned when he didn't see Woohyun.  He turned to Dongwoo and was about to ask when the door at the start of the line opened and Woohyun came out.  The next person in line entered the room.  Woohyun sighed when he saw Sunggyu.

"What are you doing here?  Should you be walking around in your condition?" asked Woohyun slightly annoyed.

"I'm fine.  It's just a bullet wound," Sunggyu replied with a smile.  "How was the interview?  Do you want the job because it can be arranged?  Dongwoo-"

"No, please," begged Woohyun.  "It'd be meaningless if they only hired me because you threatened them."

"Wasn't going to threaten them," protested Sunggyu.  "Was just going to make them an offer they can't refuse."

"I appreciate the help, but you won't let me go back to the shop or my apartment so at least let me get a job by myself," said Woohyun.

"Mrs Soo is still recovering and the shop is in repairs," informed Sunggyu.  "Besides, there's no need for you to get a job.  I said I would pay the debt for you."

"Then I would be owing you and would still need a job to pay you back," argued Woohyun.

They headed towards their car when Woohyun suddenly bumped into someone making them drop their bouquet of flowers.

"I'm so sorry," Woohyun apologised as he picked up the bouquet and handed it back to it's owner.

"Woohyun?" said the person.

"Ah Sungjong," Woohyun exlaimed with a smile, recognising the person he had bumped into.

"I heard about what happened to the shop.  I'm glad both of you are alright," said Sungjong.

Sunggyu turned to Dongwoo and looked as if he wanted to ask who this person was. 

"He's the owner of the cafe near their shop.  One of the regular customers," whispered Dongwoo, remembering the face.

"I miss your beautiful bouquets.  These will have to do until you reopen," said Sungjong indicating to the flowers in his hand.  He noticed Sunggyu who was waiting by the car.  Sungjong pulled Woohyun aside and whispered, "Are you in some kind of trouble?  He looks kind of dangerous."  He glanced at Sunggyu who was looking their way.

Woohyun shook his head.  "No, it's alright.  He's a good person."

Sungjong nodded.  "Well, I'll see you around then.  Need to get back to the shop."

Woohyun watched as Sungjong walked away before he turned back to Sunggyu.  "You can stop glaring at him.  He's gone now," said Woohyun, noticing the look on Sunggyu's face.

"You two seem friendly," said Sunggyu as he got in the car.

Woohyun sighed as he got into the other side of the passenger seat.  He turned to look at Sunggyu.  "Are you jealous?"

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yulianichang #1
Chapter 18: I like it
yulianichang #2
Chapter 18: Nicee
SaraYun #3
Chapter 18: Nice !! 👍
SaraYun #4
Chapter 18: Nice !! 👍
Chapter 18: Omggg this is fun!!! i want to see the dark side of sunggyu more, what i mean is i want to see him being healed till his dark side gone
Chapter 18: Oh god. This gave me goosebumps.
Chapter 18: Omg Dude, you seriously give me Myungsoo feels
Like no matter what story he's in, he's some how really nice. Like he's supposed to be kinda sorta evil here but that end with him makes me fond of him
Chapter 18: enjoyed this haha thank you!!
sha_alina19 #9
Chapter 18: Waaa.....i love the end...heee.....hoorayyyy!!!
Chapter 18: It will be realllllly cool if gyu die ~~