The Sound of Darkness - Chapter 12

The Sound of Darkness

Sunggyu kicked open the door to the cafe which startled several of the patrons inside.  He ignored them and barged in but could not find Woohyun.  He went up to the counter and grabbed the collar of one of the baristas there.

"Where's the owner?"  he demanded.

"He went out.  Said he had something to do," replied the terrified man.

Sunggyu pushed him away.  The man stumbled back hitting the shelves behind him and knocking several items down.

"Oh no!  The owner's camera," cried the man as he picked up the camera with the broken lens.

Sunggyu turned away and started dialling Woohyun's number.  He waited and waited.  No answer.  He hung up and dialled again.  After 2 rings, someone answered.

"Woohyun!" said Sunggyu.

The voice that answered wasn't Woohyun.  "Oh, I'm sorry, said the voice.  "Woohyun can't come to the phone right now."

Sunggyu gripped the phone tight.  "Where is he?"

He let out a small laugh.  "Oh, he's in the shower.  Who's this?"

The phone slipped out of his hand.  He felt his heart break into a million pieces.

"Boss!" said Dongwoo, running to his side.

"It hurts," Sunggyu replied, clutching his chest.  "Find him!"

They ran inside the hotel and headed for the lifts.  Having no patience, Sunggyu headed for the stairs.  Dongwoo was about to follow, when he noticed one of the lifts opening as a person walked out.

Sunggyu raced up the flights of stairs and then through the hallway until he came to the room.  He was breathing heavily and fuming with anger.  He slowly grabbed the door handle and pushed it down, surprised to find it unlocked.  He pushed the door opened and braced himself afraid of what he might see.

He walked in to where the bed was and his eyes widened in shock at what he saw.

Woohyun was gagged and tied to a chair.  His eyes were desperately trying to tell him something, but Sunggyu's mind was so jumbled he couldn't read the warnings.

"Woohyun!" Sunggyu cried as he ran over to him and took the gag out of his mouth.  "Are you okay?"

Before Woohyun could reply, Sunggyu felt a blow to the back of his head, rendering him unconscious.

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yulianichang #1
Chapter 18: I like it
yulianichang #2
Chapter 18: Nicee
SaraYun #3
Chapter 18: Nice !! 👍
SaraYun #4
Chapter 18: Nice !! 👍
Chapter 18: Omggg this is fun!!! i want to see the dark side of sunggyu more, what i mean is i want to see him being healed till his dark side gone
Chapter 18: Oh god. This gave me goosebumps.
Chapter 18: Omg Dude, you seriously give me Myungsoo feels
Like no matter what story he's in, he's some how really nice. Like he's supposed to be kinda sorta evil here but that end with him makes me fond of him
Chapter 18: enjoyed this haha thank you!!
sha_alina19 #9
Chapter 18: Waaa.....i love the end...heee.....hoorayyyy!!!
Chapter 18: It will be realllllly cool if gyu die ~~