The Sound of Darkness - End

The Sound of Darkness

Myungsoo was at the main house of the Baekho Group reading the reports of the damage to their business venues.  He never thought the Jin Ho Group would turn the tables on them.  Sungjong was fidgeting with a camera in his hands.  He frowned at the cracked lens.

"Myungsoo, this came for you this morning," said Hoya as he entered with an envelop in his hand.

Myungsoo unsealed it and pulled out a stack of legal documents.  He flipped through several sheets before realising what it they were.

"What is it?" asked Sungjong, slightly interested.

Myungsoo couldn't believe it.  "The title deeds to the Kim Corporation," he replied.  He was confused why his brother would give up such a thing.

As he flipped through more pages, a note fell out.  He bent down to pick it up and read it.

'The title deeds in exchange for the pain and suffering you've been through all these years.  In regards to our parents' death, I will soon give you a satisfied answer.  All I ask is that you let Woohyun be free.'

Woohyun took one last glance at the place which reminded him of the memories they had together.  As much as it pained him, he knew he could no longer stay, not after all that he had done.  Not after he had deceived them all, especially him.  With a deep sigh, he turned and walked away.

"Not going to say goodbye?" asked a voice.

Woohyun stopped in his step and turned back to find Sungyeol standing at the door of the mansion.

"He's already suffered so much.  Don't cause him more heartache," said Sungyeol.

Woohyun lowered his head.  "I don't mean to," replied Woohyun.  "But I can't stay.  I have no right to do so."

"So you're going to abandon him now that he's given up everything for you?" mocked Sungyeol.

Woohyun looked at Sungyeol in surprise.

"He's handed the deeds over to Kim Myungsoo.  He's giving up the Kim Corporation," informed Sungyeol.  "And now that he's left with nothing, you'll let him suffer alone."

Woohyun shook his head.  "No," he said.  "I want to stay by his side-"

"Then stay by his side," said Sungyeol sternly.  "I don't know what he will do if he's left alone."

In the peaceful cemetery, a figure stood alone in front of two grave stones.  A bouquet of white roses was placed on each grave stone.  He stood quiet.

Minutes passed before he reached into his jacket and pulled out his gun.  He put the gun to the side of his head.  Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes and pressed a finger on the trigger.

"What do you hope to achieve by doing that?" asked a voice.

Sunggyu opened his eyes, startled by the intrusion.  "I told you I would give you an answer," replied Sunggyu.  "Did you come to witness it?"

Myungsoo smirked.  "I came to see the fool who traded an empire for one person," said Myungsoo.  "If you want to die, go ahead."

Sunggyu ignored him and pressed the trigger.

"But just remember this," continued Myungsoo before Sunggyu could go any further.  "Since Woohyun is no longer a member of the Baekho Group, I won't be responsible for his safety.  Whether he lives or dies, will be none of my business.  A real pity really.  No friends or family.  Alone in this world, I wonder how he will survive."

Myungsoo took one last look at Sunggyu, who seemed to be deep in thoughts, before he turned and walked away.

As Woohyun ran towards the cemetery, he bumped into Myungsoo who was exiting.  Woohyun immediately lowered his head and bowed at him.

"Some fool offered an empire for you," Myungsoo smirked as he pointed with his head in Sunggyu's direction.

Suddenly a loud bang rang out.  Their eyes widened in shock.  Woohyun immediately ran in.

He prayed as he ran, hoping that Sunggyu would be alright.  

And then he stopped.  What he saw made his heart break into pieces.




Author's note:

LOL Just trolling.....the real ending is next....actually it's just going to be a short epilogue.  I really did want to end it on this chapter but you guys would all be flipping tables if I did.


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yulianichang #1
Chapter 18: I like it
yulianichang #2
Chapter 18: Nicee
SaraYun #3
Chapter 18: Nice !! 👍
SaraYun #4
Chapter 18: Nice !! 👍
Chapter 18: Omggg this is fun!!! i want to see the dark side of sunggyu more, what i mean is i want to see him being healed till his dark side gone
Chapter 18: Oh god. This gave me goosebumps.
Chapter 18: Omg Dude, you seriously give me Myungsoo feels
Like no matter what story he's in, he's some how really nice. Like he's supposed to be kinda sorta evil here but that end with him makes me fond of him
Chapter 18: enjoyed this haha thank you!!
sha_alina19 #9
Chapter 18: Waaa.....i love the end...heee.....hoorayyyy!!!
Chapter 18: It will be realllllly cool if gyu die ~~