The Sound of Darkness - Chapter 2

The Sound of Darkness

It was nightfall by the time their meeting finished.  The meeting dragged on into a banquet and Sunggyu out of courtesy for his elders, could not decline the invitation.

"What a cunning old geezer he was," Sungyeol commented as he was driving.

Sunggyu only smiled at that remark.  "He only wants to join us, no big deal."

"He only wants our protection since the Baekho Group has been eyeing his territory," said Sunggyeol.

"We can use that opportunity to get rid of the Baekho Group," Sunggyu added.  "Convenient, don't you think?"

Sungyeol paused a moment to think to himself.  "Was that why you agreed to this meeting?"

Sunggyu only smiled as he glanced out the window.  "Stop the car!"

Sungyeol quickly stepped on the brakes as the car came to a sudden stop.  "What is it?" he asked.  "Are we under attack?"

"You worry too much," Sunggyu laughed as he got out of the car.  "Just stay here."

The car had stopped at the same crossing earlier.  Sunggyu glanced in the direction which he remembered the young man had headed.  He looked at his watch.  7.00pm.  Should still be open, he thought.  He started off in the same direction, leaving a puzzled Sungyeol to look on.

Sunggyu walked passed many stores on that street until he finally came to the one he was looking for.  Nostalgia Florists.  It was a small store filled with an array of colourful flowers.  Sunggyu pushed open the glass door as the doorbell chimed.  An old woman came out from the back to greet him.

"Good evening," she exclaimed.  "How can I help you?"

Sunggyu hesistated slightly before responding.  "Does Woohyun work here?"

"Ah yes, but he's not here right now.  He has a part time job," she replied.  "Are you his friend?"

Sunggyu nodded slightly not really sure how to respond.

"Then do you know what his part time job is?" she asked.  "I get a bit worried about him sometimes."

"Why is that?" asked Sunggyu with interest.

She sighed.  "Whenever he comes to work the next day from his part time job, he's always covered in bruises.  He tells me he was careless and not to worry about it.  He's a good kid.  Works hard.  I just don't want him to be doing anything dangerous."  She stopped and looked at Sunggyu then smiled.  "I feel relieved to know that he actually has a friend.  Make sure you look after him for me."

Sunggyu nodded.  "I will," he replied.  He glanced to the back and noticed the white roses which had been arranged into a beautiful bouquet.  "Those roses, are they for sale?" he asked.

"Ah yes, they're Woohyun's creation.  He wanted to make more but some of them were ruined when he brought them back from the supplier, so he could only make the one bouquet."

"I'll take them please," said Sunggyu.

He walked back to the car with the bouquet of white roses in his hand.  Sungyeol raised his eyesbrows in question waiting for an explanation.  Sunggyu just ignored him.  "Just drive," he ordered as he got in the car.

The next day, Woohyun arrived at work with a bruise on his cheek.  The woman noticed it but didn't say anything.  She knew he wouldn't tell her anyway.

"Your friend dropped by last night," she told him.

Woohyun seemed surprised and confused.  "Friend?"

"Yes, ah, I forgot to ask his name," she said.  "But he looked really well dressed and polite, and he bought the white roses.  Seems like a good person."

Woohyun couldn't think who it could be.  For one, he didn't have anyone he could consider as a friend.

"Oh, the cafe up the street rang for another delivery this morning," she announced.

"I'll go," he declared.

"Are you sure you're going to be alright?" she asked, a little worried.

"I'm fine," he assured her with a smile.

Sunggyu leaned back in his leather seat as he sat contemplating with the name tag in his hand.  It was all peace and quiet until he heard a voice interrupting his thoughts.

"Boss!"  His office door slammed opened as a man barged in.

"Dongwoo, ever heard of knocking?" Sunggyu asked.

"Sorry, I forgot, but this is important," Dongwoo insisted.  "I got news that someone has been operating some illegal fights under our name and they're making big money out of it too."

"Well, if it's under our name, we should get a fair share don't you think?"  Sunggyu suggested clamly.

Dongwoo sighed.  He was all fired up while his leader was clam as can be.  "I was hoping for a better reaction.  I can't tell if you're angry or not with that stoic expression."

It was 8.00pm by the time they arrived at the building.  Sunggyu stepped out of the car with Sungyeol and Dongwoo by his side.  They noticed the number of people that had already gathered.

"Boss, I got us reserved seats on the balcony," said Dongwoo excitedly.

"Balcony seats?" mocked Sungyeol.  "Are we going to watch the opera?"

Sunggyu had to laugh at that remark.  "Dongwoo, are you sure you didn't drag us here because you wanted to watch this?"

Dongwoo ignored their comments as he led them to their seats just in time for the first match to start.  Sunggyu didn't pay too much attention when the announcer came out to introduce the first fighter.  A big man with a stocky build who looked like he could crush a few opponents.

"And now," the announcer went on.  "Our reigning champion-"

The crowd roared with excitement before the announcer could even finish.  Sunggyu cast his eyes to see who was the cause of all this racket.  And there he saw him.

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yulianichang #1
Chapter 18: I like it
yulianichang #2
Chapter 18: Nicee
SaraYun #3
Chapter 18: Nice !! 👍
SaraYun #4
Chapter 18: Nice !! 👍
Chapter 18: Omggg this is fun!!! i want to see the dark side of sunggyu more, what i mean is i want to see him being healed till his dark side gone
Chapter 18: Oh god. This gave me goosebumps.
Chapter 18: Omg Dude, you seriously give me Myungsoo feels
Like no matter what story he's in, he's some how really nice. Like he's supposed to be kinda sorta evil here but that end with him makes me fond of him
Chapter 18: enjoyed this haha thank you!!
sha_alina19 #9
Chapter 18: Waaa.....i love the end...heee.....hoorayyyy!!!
Chapter 18: It will be realllllly cool if gyu die ~~