The Sound of Darkness - Chapter 1

The Sound of Darkness

The light changed red as the car came to a sudden halt, making the passenger in the back jerk forward.  He glanced at the driver who was taping his fingers impatiently on the steering wheel.

"Sungyeol, take it easy," spoke the finely dressed man in the back seat.

"I know," Sungyeol replied.  "I just hate waiting at the lights.  Wish these people would just hurry up and cross the damn road."

He watched as a young man with two arms full of white roses walked across the crossing.  He struggled a bit trying not to drop any of the roses.  A group of youths walking towards him suddenly bumped into him, knocking him down as the roses scattered on the ground.

"Hey!" said the young man as he turned to see the youths laughing as they walked off, slapping each other high fives.  He turned back to his scattered roses, some of which had been trampled on.  He sighed as he started picking each one up.

The light changed to green and Sungyeol beeped his horn, which startled the young man as he realised he was holding up traffic.

"Come on!" said an irritated Sungyeol as he beeped his horn again.

"Sungyeol, what are you doing?" asked his passenger as he peered to look in front.

"I'm sorry," said the young man as he tried desperately to gather up the roses as fast as he could.  From the glares to the continuous beeping, he could tell the driver of the luxury black car was getting irritated with him.

"Here you go," said a voice.

The young man turned to see a man dressed in a black suit and tie, handing him a bunch of the roses which he had picked up.  The man looked well refined and there was an aura surrounding him as if he was someone of high importance.

"Sunggyu?" Sungyeol stopped beeping, surprised when he saw the man in front.  He turned to look at the back seat and found it was empty.

"Thank you," said the young man as he hesistantly reached for it with his free hand.  He noticed the beeping had stopped as the driver tapped his fingers on the steering wheel again.

"I'm sorry," said he young man as he bowed his head to apologised.

The man in the suit only smiled.  "Do you need help with those?"

"Oh I can manage.  Thank you." He bowed again before heading off.

The man turned back to look at his driver disapprovingly when he noticed an object on the ground near the front of their wheel.  He bent down to pick it up.  The name tag read Woohyun.  On the bottom it read Nostalgia Florists.  He smiled as he put it in his pocket and got back in the car.

"That was very annoying," he said as he sat back in his seat.

"I know," said Sungyeol.  "He was holding up traffic."

"I meant you, beeping like that," he corrected.

Sungyeol frowned before driving off.

Their car pulled up in front of a large traditional mansion where men dressed in black suits waited at the gates.

"We're here," announced Sungyeol.  No response.  Sungyeol turned to find Sunggyu sleeping peacefully.  "We're heading into enemy territory and he has the nerves to sleep," he sighed.  "Sunggyu, wake up!"

Sunggyu stirred a little before opening his eyes.  "Ah, we're here."

Sungyeol got out and opened the passenger door.

"Didn't he say it was a simple meeting?  What's with all the guards?" Sungyeol commented under his breath.

"A grand welcoming reception, wouldn't you say?" said Sunggyu with a smile.

"You do realise there's only us on their territory," reminded Sungyeol.

"And isn't that enough?" asked Sunggyu.  "Besides, they wouldn't dare do anything, otherwise he wouldn't have asked for this meeting."

"That's true.  Who would dare oppose you, leader of the Jin Ho Group?" said Sungyeol.

Sunggyu smiled before approaching the entrance where an old man waited to greet him with the utmost courtesy.

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yulianichang #1
Chapter 18: I like it
yulianichang #2
Chapter 18: Nicee
SaraYun #3
Chapter 18: Nice !! 👍
SaraYun #4
Chapter 18: Nice !! 👍
Chapter 18: Omggg this is fun!!! i want to see the dark side of sunggyu more, what i mean is i want to see him being healed till his dark side gone
Chapter 18: Oh god. This gave me goosebumps.
Chapter 18: Omg Dude, you seriously give me Myungsoo feels
Like no matter what story he's in, he's some how really nice. Like he's supposed to be kinda sorta evil here but that end with him makes me fond of him
Chapter 18: enjoyed this haha thank you!!
sha_alina19 #9
Chapter 18: Waaa.....i love the end...heee.....hoorayyyy!!!
Chapter 18: It will be realllllly cool if gyu die ~~