The Sound of Darkness - Chapter 16

The Sound of Darkness

Myungsoo and Hoya were surrounded with nowhere to run.

"How is this possible?" asked Myungsoo.  "Right now, the Jin Ho Group should be in disorder trying to protect their territories.  How can you be here and not worry?"

"It took a great deal of convincing and several trips, but in the end, that old geezer proved to be a useful ally.  With the Jin Ho Group and Hyeon Mu Group acting together, that's more than enough to destroy the Baekho Group.  The one running around panicking should be you," said Sungyeol.  "Where wil you run to now?"

As Myungsoo was about to give in, they heard a screeching sound as they saw a flashy red car headed straight their way at a rapid speed.  Shoots were fired at Sungyeol and his group as the car stoped in front of Myungsoo and Hoya.  They looked to see who it was.

"Get in!" said the driver as he continued to fire with one hand while the other was holding the wheel.

The two got in the car and took off.

Dongwoo caught a glimpse of the driver and recognised him.  "Hey!  That's the owner of the cafe," informed Dongwoo.  "I was following him from the hotel but lost sight of him when you rang me."

Sunggyu stood and watched as Woohyun slowly opened his eyes.  He watched him as he tried to struggle with the chains above his head.

"Struggle all you like," he said.  "But it's useless."

Sunggyu stepped forward to face him.  He saw the look in Woohyun's face.  As if he was searching for something as he looked into his eyes.  Sunggyu smiled at him when he saw the look of defeat in Woohyun's eyes.

"Where's Sunggyu?" Woohyun asked.  "What have you done with him?"

"I'd worry about myself if I were you," warned Sunggyu as he reached and grabbed Woohyun's chin.  He tilted his head as he looked at Woohyun.  For a brief second, something inside him made him want to caress that face but he quickly banished it to the back of his mind.

"I'm curious," said Sunggyu as he leaned in, lips almost touching Woohyun's.  "Why does he like you so much?"

Before Woohyun could react, Sunggyu grabbed the back of his head and crushed their lips together.  He felt Woohyun trying desperately to break free, but it only amused him as his grip tightened.  He suddenly felt Woohyun biting down on his lip, drawing blood.  He pulled back as he the blood off.

"Fiesty one, aren't you?" Sunggyu smirked as he approached him for another taste of those lips.

"Sunggyu," Woohyun pleaded, looking into his eyes, searching for the familiar eyes he once knew.  "Please, answer me!"

"I told you, he's gone," replied Sunggyu.  "He's in a great deal of pain right now.  It's all too much for him to bear.  That's why he's given me free reign.  I won't let anyone hurt him.  I'll protect him."

"Sunggyu, please, I want to talk to you," pleaded Woohyun.

"He doesn't want to talk to you, traitor.  Having the one he loves most betray him, can you imagine the pain he's in?" asked Sunggyu with a death glare in his eyes.

"I know I've hurt him, but there's something I need to tell him," begged Woohyun in tears.  "Please."

"I won't give you the chance to hurt him again," said Sunggyu as he grabbed Woohyun's face roughly.

"Sunggyu," Woohyun said as he closed his eyes.  He felt Sunggyu's lips on his.  "I love you."

Woohyun waited, expecting to taste the rough kiss but none came.  He slowly opened his eyes to see the same warm eyes he once knew.

"Sunggyu," said Woohyun with tears in his eyes.

"Woohyun," Sunggyu said softly as he wiped the tears from Woohyun's face.  "I've been waiting to hear those words."

Sunggyu leaned in and gently kissed him.  A kiss so soft and delicate as if he was afraid to hurt him.  Tears formed in Sunggyu's eyes.  Were they tears of happiness or sorrow? 



Author's note:

Next chapter will be the end.

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yulianichang #1
Chapter 18: I like it
yulianichang #2
Chapter 18: Nicee
SaraYun #3
Chapter 18: Nice !! 👍
SaraYun #4
Chapter 18: Nice !! 👍
Chapter 18: Omggg this is fun!!! i want to see the dark side of sunggyu more, what i mean is i want to see him being healed till his dark side gone
Chapter 18: Oh god. This gave me goosebumps.
Chapter 18: Omg Dude, you seriously give me Myungsoo feels
Like no matter what story he's in, he's some how really nice. Like he's supposed to be kinda sorta evil here but that end with him makes me fond of him
Chapter 18: enjoyed this haha thank you!!
sha_alina19 #9
Chapter 18: Waaa.....i love the end...heee.....hoorayyyy!!!
Chapter 18: It will be realllllly cool if gyu die ~~