Sick Yoongi and Empathizing Jungkook

Don't You Dare Jungkook

    Hoseok watches the car gets towed away and once the car was gone, he walks up to Seokjin’s car. “Hi Hyung.”

    “There you are. Are we all ready?” Seokjin asks smiling.

    “Yup. I'll go to Yoongi-hyung’s apartment to get the things and you and Jungkook can go back to that one heck of a mansion.” Hoseok explains the plan.

    “Okay. Jimin said the same thing, but he seemed so confused.”

    “I feel that Jungkook is going to be even more confused.” Hoseok eyes Jungkook who is currently staring at Yoongi’s face and not hearing a thing his hyungs are saying.

    “Hey I have a question.” Jungkook all of a sudden asks.

    “What's that?” Seokjin says.

    “Why're we going to my house?”

    “Because you're rich and we want to make the most of it.” Hoseok states.

    “Oh, so I'm basically a product for you people?” Jungkook felt somewhat offended.

    “No. You're a friend. Yoongi won't admit it but I'm sure he likes staying with you. Unless you don't want to take care of Yoongi.” Seokjin provokes.

    “No! You're all welcome anytime at my place. Knock yourselves out. Break in if you want!” Jungkook smiles widely.

    “Speaking of which, did you confess?” Hoseok asks.

    “Yes. Yes I did. But before you say anything else--” Jungkook wants to avoid anymore pity looks and shocked faces.

    “His hormones took over and Yoongi’s ity was violated once more.” Seokjin jumps in.

    “Hyung!” Jungkook felt so mistreated. “Don't put it like that! Hoseok-hyung will get the--”

    “You're a monster. He couldn't walk. How inconsiderate can you be?” Hoseok scowls.

    Jungkook grunts in frustration. Seokjin and Hoseok laugh. “We’re kidding. I'm glad it worked out.” Seokjin said.

    “Yeah, now let's hurry and get Yoongi-hyung into bed, he's sweating.” Hoseok says pointing to Yoongi and everyone agrees to stop the gossip and get going.

    “Okay, let’s go Jungkook.” Seokjin says as he rolls up his window and starts driving.


    Once Seokjin and Jungkook got Yoongi into the house and on his bed and changed into some pajamas, Seokjin hurriedly went to work on making soup. Jungkook merely sits and stares at Yoongi since Seokjin had nothing for him to do, and he was told specifically to stay out of trouble.

    Eh, doesn't matter. I can just watch Hyung sleep. Jungkook thinks as he happily plops down in the chair next to Yoongi’s bed and sets up his phone camera. Once in a lifetime chance to see this. Plus, the rumored ‘whole nother level’ Min Yoongi in sick state is something to be recorded for my entertainment purposes only. Ha. I’m so glad my life is like this.

    As Jungkook watches Yoongi, his phone continues to record and he's lost in thoughts of how adorable and peaceful Yoongi looks as he sleep in pajamas that swallow his figure. Yoongi all of a sudden moves and Jungkook’s mind is back on earth.

    “Hyung, are you okay?” Jungkook smiles at Yoongi as the older opens his eyes slowly.

    Yoongi looks at Jungkook in a peculiar way and tilts his head.

    “Hyung, are you okay?” Jungkook repeats but only receives a blank and confused from the other.

    “Jungkook, I'm finished with the-” Seokjin says as he walks in but stops mid sentence as he sees Yoongi awake. “Hi there Yoongi. You awake now?”

    Yoongi notices Seokjin in the room and a smile instantly grows across his face as he sits up quickly. “Jinnie!” Yoongi shouts in a high-pitched voice with his arms outstretched.

    Jungkook is confused.

    Seokjin walks over to Yoongi and sits down in the bed. “How're you feeling?”

    “Yoongi feels sick.” Yoongi replies with that same high-pitched voice.

    “Yoongi feels sick?” Seokjin repeats.

    Yoongi nods his head.

    “Then, how about Jungkook gets you some soup so you'll feel better?” Seokjin looks at Jungkook.

    “Jungkook?” Yoongi looks at Jungkook then grabs Seokjin’s arm and hides his face behind it.

    Jungkook can only watch in silence as he smiles a Yoongi.

    “You know Jungkook. Don't you?”

    Yoongi nods.

    “Then why're you hiding?” Seokjin smiles.

    “Jungkookie looks scary.” Yoongi says quietly with his face still behind Seokjin’s arm.

    I even scare Yoongi-hyung. Is that possible? Jungkook thinks but he's as confused as people trying to figure out if the chicken or the egg came first.

    “How about I go get the soup and you stay here with Jungkook?”

    Yoongi shakes his head.

    “It'll take two minutes. I'll be back.” Seokjin says as he gets up and leaves the room. Leaving Yoongi to almost cry. Tears were forming in the corner of his eyes and his bottom lip quivered.

    Jungkook sees this and he immediately starts to do something that even Taehyung would never see him do.

    “Hyung, Hyung, look at me.” Jungkook claps his hand which got Yoongi’s attention.

    Once he got Yoongi’s attention, he smiles, which makes Yoongi relax. Then, Jungkook stood up and puts the “Three Little Bears,” song on his phone and starts dancing to it. Yoongi starts smiling and clapping. When the song ended, Seokjin returns and sees Yoongi smiling from ear to ear.

    “Well, you two got close quickly.” Seokjin says as he sits down and sets the soup on the side table. He was relieved Yoongi was smiling. Seokjin was nervous that Yoongi might’ve cried or Jungkook would’ve done something to hurt Yoongi’s feelings in the two minutes he was gone.

    “Jinnie, Jinnie! Jungkookie danced real funny just now!” Yoongi smiles as he points to Jungkook.

    “Did he now?” Seokjin looks at Jungkook and Jungkook blushes.

   “I didn't do much.” Jungkook says feeling embarrassed he did that in front of his Hyung, but he really wasn't sure what Yoongi is right now.

    He acts like a kid but…

    Ding dong! Before Jungkook could finish his thoughts, the doorbell rung.

    Jungkook goes to open it and stampedes in a Namjoon, Jimin, Hoseok and Taehyung, who’re all carrying bags.

    “Tae what're you doing here?” Jungkook looks at Taehyung.

    “What? I can't come over anymore now that you're dating Yoongi-hyung?” Taehyung sasses as he walks in anyway.

    Namjoon, Jimin and Hoseok run to the room Yoongi was in after some searching.

    “Yoongi! How're you feeling?” Jimin skips to Yoongi when he sees him.

    Jungkook hears this and expects Yoongi to snap back since Jimin didn't use any formality when talking to him but Yoongi didn't say anything. In fact, when he saw Jimin, his face lit up.

    “Jiminie!” Yoongi says with his arms outstretched and Jimin comes over and picks him up bridal style.

    Taehyung was confused but he thought it was cute so he didn't mind. Jungkook however was baffled and jealous.

    “How're you?” Jimin asks.

    “Yoongi feels sick.” Yoongi repeats what he said earlier while putting his hands on his stomach.

    “Then, Yoongi should eat to feel better shouldn't he?” Namjoon adds on.

    Yoongi nods and giggles. “But Yoongi doesn't want to eat.”

    Hoseok walks over with his bag and Jimin puts Yoongi down on the bed. “Then, our Prince wouldn't be able to have this now would he?” Hoseok pulls out a stuffed blue bunny.

    Yoongi makes a grab for it but Hoseok puts it back in the bag before Yoongi could get it.

    “No! Yoongi wants it! Give Yoongi!” Yoongi starts pouting and making grabby hands.

    “Only when you eat.” Seokjin says.

    Taehyung and Jungkook are fascinated by how everyone was acting. Taehyung was fascinated in a good way while Jungkook didn't like how everyone showed so much attention to Yoongi and Yoongi gave them the attention back but he didn't get any. Plus, he didn't like not knowing what was going on.

    “Jungkook, tell him to eat and then he can get the bunny.” Namjoon says.

    “Uh…” Jungkook looks at Yoongi shakes his head violently. “How about...I feed you? Then you can get the bunny.”

    Yoongi thought about it. Then he smiled. “Okay. Yoongi want Jungkook to fweed him.”

    Namjoon and Seokjin look at each other and smile. “Yeah, that'll work.”

    Taehyung was melting from cuteness and both Hoseok and Jimin are also smiling from relief.

    “Alright Jungkook. We're leaving him to you.” Hoseok says. “Namjoon, Jimin, and Jin-hyung, let’s go set up the, you know what. Tae you can come too if you want.”

    Namjoon, Seokjin and Jimin go to the kitchen with their bags and Taehyung makes a hard decision.

    Go see what the Hyungs are up to, or stay and watch Hyung be cute and see Jungkook suffer? Hmm...Taehyung makes a decision to go with his Hyungs since he already sees Jungkook suffer from time to time and plus, he can ask about Yoongi’s certain behavior.

    “Jinnie, Jiminie, Joon, Hobi and Taetae, are coming back right?” Yoongi asks with worried eyes before Hoseok and Taehyung leave.

    “Of course. We’re just going to set up a surprise and if you don't behave with Jungkook, you'll never get to see it.” Hoseok says with a smile and once Yoongi smiles and nods, he grabs his bag and leaves with Taehyung following in pursuit.

    Yoongi smiles and faces Jungkook. “What're we gonna play?”

    “Um...I'm supposed to feed you.” Jungkook wasn't sure how to handle situations like these because he's never encountered one.

    “But Yoongi doesn't want to eat. Yoongi wants to play.” Yoongi shakes his head as he lays on his stomach and rests his chin in his palms.

    Jungkook decided what he should do. it, I'll just go along. “But Yoongi has to eat it to be able to feel better, then we'll play.”

    “Do you promise Yoongi?” Yoongi puts his pinkie finger out.

    “Yes. I promise Yoongi.” Jungkook takes the pinkie with a smile.

    “Okay, but Yoongi doesn't like soup.” Yoongi points to the soup.

    “But it's Jin-hyung’s soup.” Jungkook says as he takes the bowl of soup and scoops up a spoonful, ready to feed Yoongi.

    “But Jinnie’s soup is hot.” Yoongi says and puts his hands over his mouth to cover him from any potential soup that'll come his way.

    Jungkook could die from cuteness. “How about we play a game with the soup?”

    Yoongi perks up at the word ‘game’ and shoots his arms in the air out of joy. “Okay! Yoongi likes games.”

    “Perfect. Now, it's called, ‘Catch the Soup.’”

    Yoongi frowns at the word ‘soup,’ and his arms are back by his sides again.

    “Don't worry, it's a fun game.”

    “No it’s not. It has soup.” Yoongi crosses his arms and puts on an angry face.

    “Yeah, but think about it.”

    “I don't wanna.” Yoongi shakes his head.

    “Okay, I'll think about it. It's a game. With food. It's a game where you get food. Isn't that fun?”

    “Yoongi isn't hungry.” Yoongi says.

    “Really?” Jungkook smirks. He takes the spoonful and eats it. Personally, Jungkook thought that was the best soup he's tasted in awhile, so he made a delighted face and looks at Yoongi exaggeratedly. “This is delicious! Yum. I think I'll just have it all to myself--”

    Yoongi immediately cuts in and makes grabby hands again. “No! It's Yoongi’s soup. Jungkookie can't have it! It's Yoongi’s!”

    “I thought Yoongi didn't want it.” Jungkook puts on an act of disappointment.

    “Nuh uh! Yoongi never said that! That's Yoongi’s soup.” Yoongi tried to sound demanding.

    “But Yoongi said-” Jungkook smirks.

    “No! It's Yoongi’s! Give Yoongi!” Yoongi now tried to sound stern.

    Jungkook dramatically turns his body away with the soup and makes a ‘hmph’ sound.

    Yoongi tried to stay angry that Jungkook wouldn't give him the soup but he thought Jungkook was really funny so he broke out into a giggle. “Jungkookie’s funny!”

    “Thank you. I am actually quite fond of my own humor.”

    Yoongi tilts his head. “What's that mean?”

    “Nevermind.” Jungkook waves his hand. “Now will you eat?”

    Yoongi nods his head eagerly and opens his mouth.

    Jungkook lets out a sigh of relief and spoon feeds Yoongi.

    “Jungkookie, will Yoongi will get better soon?” Yoongi asks after he was almost finished.

    “Of course.”

    “Yoongi doesn't like how he feels.”

    “Yeah? And how does Yoongi feel?” Jungkook asks as he brings the last spoonful to Yoongi’s mouth.

     Yoongi eats the food Jungkook gives and swallows before he answers. “Yoongi feels like he's dying.”

    “Those are very strong words.” Jungkook sets down the bowl.

    “Yoongi doesn't know what that means. Is Yoongi all done?” Yoongi admits and looks at the bowl.

    “Yoongi is all done. And, why does Yoongi feel that way?” Jungkook takes a napkin and wipes Yoongi’s face.

    “Because, Yoongi’s head starts hurting a lot and sometimes, Yoongi feels really hot, and sometimes really cold. Yoongi doesn't like it. Yoongi likes to be warm and his head to not hurt.” Yoongi says as he lays down.

    “Is Yoongi always feeling like this?” Jungkook rests his chin on his hands.

    “No. When Yoongi is normal, he does not feel hurt at all.”

    “What do you mean normal?” Jungkook didn't get it.

    “When Yoongi isn't like this!” Yoongi hops up with his arms in the air since everyone else gets it but Jungkook.

    “Can you model for me what it means?”

    “Jungkookie uses too many big words. Yoongi doesn't get it. But, right now, Yoongi wants to play!” Yoongi says as he gets off the bed and waits for Jungkook at the door.

    “But Yoongi isn't feeling well, why does Yoongi want to play?” Jungkook says as he sits up straight but doesn't get up.

    “Yoongi feels cold right now.”

    “Oh, and playing will warm you up?”

    Yoongi nods eagerly. “Can we play? Please?”

    Jungkook wondered which idiot told Yoongi to move around when he's cold. Jungkook knows that Yoongi is sick and when you're sick, you shouldn't be moving at all. What if the sick person faints in the middle of a game? Jungkook didn't get it. So, in short, Jungkook was going deck the moron who told Yoongi to move when he's cold.

    “Who told you to move when you're cold?”

    “Yoongi wanna play!” Yoongi dodges the question.

    “Tell me who, then we can play.”

    “Hobi, Joon, and, Jiminie.” Yoongi confesses.

    Great...the three people who'll probably deck me back. “What else did they tell you?”

    “They tell Yoongi that he's a good boy when he behaves, Jinnie says Yoongi is cute when he's not ‘rowdy.’ Whatever that means.”

    “Oh. Well then you must always be a good boy.”

    “Yoongi is a good boy. Yoongi only got in trouble once this month!” Yoongi holds out three fingers. Jungkook swears he could die. Jeon Jungkook. Twenty years old. The college student was just seen today at his home, cause of death, Min Yoongi. Jungkook could see it in the news and papers now. 

    “What'd Yoongi get in trouble for?”

    “Yoongi didn't want to leave his room and Jinnie and Joon got really angry so they took away Yoongi’s notebook. Yoongi felt sad so Yoongi went and said sorry so he got his notebook back.” Yoongi fiddled with his fingers as he felt embarrassed to tell Jungkook about the one time he got in trouble.

    “What's the notebook to Yoongi?”

    “To Yoongi?”

    Jungkook nods.

    “A notebook.”

    Jungkook laughs. “Okay, let's go see what the Hyungs are doing.” Jungkook gets up and walks over to Yoongi who takes Jungkook’s hand and they start towards the kitchen. the kitchen since they left Jungkook…

    “If it's not offending anyone, what's up with Hyung?” Taehyung asks as he sits down.

    Namjoon, Seokjin, Hoseok and Jimin look towards Taehyung and give a semi-glare.

    “N-not saying that it's a problem or it's weird. I think it's adorable. I just wanna know what's going on that's all.” Taehyung raises his arms to show that he meant absolutely no harm.

    “He’s a Little.” Seokjin says.

    “What’s that?” Taehyung asks.

    “They’re adults who go into something called Little Space.” Namjoon answers.

    “Okay, what’s Little Space?” Taehyung’s questions were still unanswered.

    “Little Space is ageplay. It’s when an adult’s mindset switches over to a child’s.” Jimin says.

    “If that happens, they are considered as Littles. Taking Yoongi-hyung as an example, he goes into Little Space and as you saw, he’s not his everyday self. He’s a Little.” Hoseok says as he starts to pull out ingredients to make a cake.

    “Ohh~. That’s so cool! Why doesn’t he go into um...Little Space any other day?” Taehyung thought it was alluring and he liked the idea.

    “Littles have their triggers. Like cute things, toys or whatever kids like, but Yoongi-hyung is different.” Namjoon says.


    “Yoongi only goes into Little Space when he’s sick. He doesn’t even know his own triggers, unless he does and he’s not telling us.” Seokjin says.

    “You’re all saying the only time where Hyung goes into Little Space is when he’s sick?”

    “Yup.” Everyone else say in unison.

    “We love it when he’s not being so high and mighty and he’s just too cute like this but he’s a handful so when he gets sick, we all brace ourselves.” Jimin says as he helps Hoseok open a bag of flour.

    “So you like it when he’s like this but at the same time you don’t?”

    “No, we like it, he’s just really tiring to take care of because he’s not like other sick people who want to just sleep. All he wants to do is play.” Jimin sighs.

    “Then again, if it weren’t for Hoseok telling him to play when he’s cold, then maybe we wouldn’t have to prepare ourselves every time he’s sick.” Namjoon glares at Hoseok.

    “I wasn’t the only one who told him. You and Jimin said that if he’s ever cold, he should run around so he can warm up.” Hoseok glares.

    “The fault lies with us three.” Jimin hops in.

    “Yoongi gets really worked up when he’s in this state. He’s either complaining that he’s too hot, too cold, or too hungry. Those are his excuses for everything.” Seokjin sighs as he starts breaking some eggs into the bowl of flour that Hoseok and Jimin prepared.

    “I guess that isn’t too bad. When I babysit, the kids’ excuses are, ‘we have to play in the mud first. It’s what mom says.’ or, ‘broccoli is our friend, we can never eat our friend.’ I wonder why I even babysit. But I like kids so it doesn’t matter. I think Hyung’s really cute though.” Taehyung smiles. “What’re we going to do now?”

    “When Hyung’s in Little Space, he craves for sweets, but Jin-hyung says that he’ll never rest and get any sleep if he has so much sugar in his system, so we prepare a special routine for Hyung.” Hoseok states.

    “What do you mean by ‘special?’” Taehyung narrows his eyes.

    “We make him normal sweets, then we give him his pacifier to calm him once he’s had his little fun with his coloring books and toys, we then give him some medication, after that we put him in front of the TV for cartoons and when he looks like he’s tired, we give him soymilk with honey and that’ll put him right to sleep.” Jimin says.

    “Wow. That is one packed routine. Is that what all the bags are for?”

    “Yup. We got it all from his apartment. We bought the toys and such awhile ago. Only the ingredients, soymilk and honey were bought.” Hoseok says.

    “Isn’t it a bit awkward to go buy things like toys when it’s just you Hyungs?” Taehyung had endless questions.

    “Yeah, but it’s for Hyung’s peace of mind so it doesn’t matter. The employees look at us really weirdly but it’s funny.” Jimin says as he hands the bowl over to Namjoon.

    “Where do you keep all the things you buy?”

    “In a closet. When Jin-hyung and Jimin found out several years ago, because Namjoon found out in like high school and I found out in early college, Jin-hyung decided to make a giant box full of things that Yoongi-hyung would need when he’s sick and we only open it when he’s sick or when he’s in Little Space. If that does happen any other time besides when he’s sick.” Hoseok explains.

    “Wow. You Hyungs are sure prepared. What’re you making today?”

    “A cake. Because he fainted, we don’t want to make him any more sweets so one cake should be enough.” Seokjin says.

    “Okay, can I help?” Taehyung was pumped to do something.

    “Yeah, instead of baking, how about you go pick out movies for Hyung so he can watch it once he’s done.” Jimin says pointing to the bag that he brought in.

    “Okay!” Taehyung gets up from the table and goes over to the bag which has a lot of animated movies. “Whoo, this is a lot of movies.”

    “They’re all his favorites.” Namjoon says for the first time in minutes. (He was having trouble mixing the bowl.)

    “Has he watched all of them?”  Taehyung shifts through the bag and looks for anything that might be new to Yoongi.

    “Every single one and he insists to watch them over and over.”

    “How about I pick out something from the theater room?”

    “Why?” Hoseok looks up from reading the recipe.

    “If he’s watched all of these, he’ll like something new.”

    “I don’t know about that. Yoongi can throw a tantrum that’ll last quite a while when things don't go his way. He’s really stubborn even in Little Space.” Seokjin says.

    “Yeah, his tantrums aren’t easy to deal with.” Namjoon says once he finally got the rhythm of mixing.

    “Let’s just try it. He might like it.” Taehyung beams.

    “I guess. It can’t be that bad to see Hyung watch something new.” Hoseok says as he goes back to reading the recipe.

    “But what if he doesn’t like it? That tantrum will make him even more sick.” Jimin says as he tries to figure out how Jungkook’s oven works.

    “But what if he does? Wouldn’t it make things easier?” Taehyung urges.

    “Jin-hyung, just let him. He won’t get off your back for a while.” Hoseok says as he joins Jimin to figure out the oven because this is one oven that they’ve never seen before.

    Seokjin sighs. “Fine, but if he throws a tantrum, you, Tae, are dealing with it.”

    Taehyung nods as he dashes to the theater to find some good animated movies for Yoongi.

    “You’re not gonna really leave him to deal with Hyung if he does throw a tantrum are you?” Jimin looks up.

    “Heck no. Yoongi’s gonna kill me if I leave him alone.” Seokjin says as he takes the batter from Namjoon and pours it into a greased pan. He then turns to the oven boys. “You guys figured it out yet?”

    “No. This is a sorcery I have never seen before Hyung.” Jimin admits as he continues to look for something that signals the oven is actually on.

    “It’s not easy Hyung.” Hoseok says as he does what Jimin does.

    Namjoon also joins and helps but knowing Namjoon, Seokjin sent him to help Taehyung instead and Seokjin will help work the oven.

    They then hear footsteps down the hallway. “Tae? Is that you? Come help us with the oven.” Hoseok says.

    Instead of Taehyung and Namjoon, Jungkook and Yoongi walk in hand-in-hand.

    They all raise their heads to see Yoongi smiling brightly.

    “Hello there Prince. Was Jungkookie nice to you?” Jimin gets up and walks over to Yoongi, who runs over to Jimin.

    “He was really nice! He fed me and acted funny. Yoongi likes Jungkookie.” Yoongi says as he hops onto Jimin’s back.

    “Well that’s great. We’re still preparing the surprise so can you do me a favor and go play with Jungkook?” Jimin smiles.

    “Jungkookie says Yoongi shouldn’t play too much. He’s sick. Is Yoongi sick Jinnie?” Yoongi asks Seokjin.

    “Yes baby, you are sick. You shouldn’t play too hard okay?” Seokjin answers and goes back to figuring out the oven.

    “What’s Jinnie, Hobi and Jiminie doing?” Yoongi looks at the oven.

    “We’re making your surprise.”

    Yoongi giggles as Jimin puts him down. “It’s not a surprise if Yoongi can see what’s happening.”

    “Well, it’s in the making so why don’t you go color?” Hoseok says as he gets up and walks Yoongi to the living room and gives him his coloring books.

    “Yoongi wants Jungkookie to be with him.” Yoongi runs back to Jungkook.

    “Jungkook will be right there with you.” Seokjin says.

    “Promise?” Yoongi looks at Jungkook.

    Jungkook smiles. “I promise.”

    And with that, Yoongi runs back to the living room and starts coloring. Hoseok had handed him his bunny so Yoongi was consent for a bit.

    “Jungkook, how the heck do you work your oven?” Hoseok asks.

    Jungkook shrugs. “I don’t know.”

    Hoseok, Seokjin and Jimin’s jaws drop.

    “What’d you mean you don’t know!?” Hoseok asks again.

    “My parents are rarely around and when they are, they don’t eat here. They’re always invited to dinners so they’re always fed. I order out so no one’s really used the oven or stove. I used the stove a few days ago and I found out, I just don’t have the gist for cooking.” Jungkook waves it off, not knowing the situation.

    “But we need it!” Jimin says.


    The trio explain what’s going on and Yoongi’s Little Space business.

    “Wait. Yoongi-hyung is a what?”

    “He’s a Little.” Seokjin explains.

    They continue to explain everything to him until Jungkook finally got it.

    “Oh, that’s so cool! It’s so cute too. So, since he passed out, you’re gonna bake him a cake but you can’t because the oven doesn’t work.”

    “That’s right.”

    “Why not just order a cake?”

    Seokjin glares at Jungkook in which Hoseok and Jimin step backwards. They know that Seokjin doesn’t like to be told anything about his cooking or baking because Seokjin’s motto when it comes to making food is, ‘Why order when you can make it?’

    “Okay then. That’s not of discussion.” Jungkook realizes he accidentally offended his Hyung so he tries to think of another plan. “How about I go and try to find the manual to this oven?”

    “That works.” Seokjin says as he brightens up again.

    “But I have to go watch Hyung.” Jungkook remembers what he promised Yoongi.

    “Then I’ll go. Where should I look? This is a pretty big place.” Hoseok says.

    “There’s a room--I’ll just take you to it.” Jungkook says and leads the way with Hoseok following.

    They pass by the living room and see Yoongi humming happily as he colors which make Jungkook and Hoseok smile.

    They reach the room with endless shelves and boxes full of books that Hoseok never saw anywhere else besides a library. Jungkook then leaves to be with Yoongi.

    “Knock yourself out Hyung. The cover literally says Kitchen Manual so you should be good. Don’t be afraid to make a mess, my parents don’t come in here anyway.” Jungkook bids his adieu and goes back to the kitchen, taking a peek a Yoongi once more and dies of happiness as Yoongi fiddles with the crayon because it wouldn’t color and once he figured out the secret to get the crayon coloring again, a gummy smile spreads across his face.

    “Okay, is everything settled? Can I go hang with Hyung now?”

    “Kookie, it’s great you wanna spend time with your boyfriend but--” Seokjin starts.

    “Boyfriend!?” Jimin cuts in.

    “Yes Jimin. Boyfriend. Can I finish now?”

    “Sorry Hyung, but, did I miss something!? What happened!?” Jimin was confused the moment the got back from Japan.

    “I will explain to you later. Right now, we gotta get this cake finished. Go get his bottle and fill it with warm soymilk and honey.” Seokjin instructs.

    “Isn’t that for later?”

    “Is your brain still in Japan? If we make it now, it’s gonna be really hot for him so we gotta make it now and if it gets too cold, we’ll just heat it up.”

    “How about we just make it when Hyung’s watching the movie and right now we go help Hoseok-hyung find the manual?” Jimin suggests, careful not to upset Seokjin.

    “That’ll work, you head there first.” Seokjin says and Jimin goes to where Jungkook directs. “As I was saying Jungkook, it’s great you wanna spend time with your boyfriend but you gotta be careful.”

    “Why should I be carefu--”

    “Hyung! We found a movie!” Taehyung and Namjoon walk back in with movies piled in their arms.

    “You found a movie?” Seokjin eyes the two.

    Namjoon shrugs.

    “Well, you two are just in time. Go put on a movie for Yoongi and I’ll go help find the manual for this oven. Jungkook you go do that too. If anything happens, get me immediately.” Seokjin says.

    “Okay!” Taehyung happily goes to the living room and Jungkook along with Namjoon follow in pursuit.

    They walk into the living room to see Yoongi rolling around on the floor and he perks up as he hears footsteps walk into the room.

    “Joon! Taetae! Jungkookie!” Yoongi sits up.

    “Whatcha up to there Prince?” Namjoon greets with a smile and sits down next to the older.

    “Yoongi was coloring but then he got bored because no one was with him. So Yoongi’s pwetending he’s a log rolling down a hill!” Yoongi says in his high-pitched kid voice.

    “Well, we’re gonna put on a movie for Yoongi.” Namjoon says.

    “Yoongi likes movies! What movie is Yoongi going to watch?” Yoongi claps his hands.

    “Well, Tae had picked out some new animated movies so our little Prince can pick.”

    “Yoongi picks?”


    Taehyung gets the feeling that he should probably put down the movies and lay them out for Yoongi. Yoongi looks at the movies that were being laid out. Each and every one of them were animated, Disney, or cartoon, things kids would like. Yoongi looks through each cover as Jungkook and the other two watch intently.

    Yoongi looks up at Taehyung. “Yoongi doesn’t know any of these.”

    Taehyung smiles. “Then, how about Yoongi picks one and then we’ll watch something new together?”

    Yoongi thinks about it a bit then shakes his head. “Yoongi doesn’t like new things.”

    “But they’re new movies.” Namjoon says.

    “No.~” Yoongi’s voice starts to sound whiny and Namjoon senses a tantrum, Taehyung’s babysat enough to know when a tantrum is brewing and Jungkook wasn’t stupid to not see the displeasure on Yoongi’s face as he looks at the movies.

    “Yoongi, baby, they’re movies. You never know what you might like until you try it.” Namjoon says as he rubs circles into Yoongi’s back to calm him.

    Yoongi shakes his head with a whine.

    Taehyung picks up the movie Zootopia and shows it to Yoongi. “Look, doesn’t this one look interesting?” He picks up Moana and does the same thing. “Or this one? They look cool right?”

    Jungkook could see the displeasure deepen in Yoongi’s face as his eyebrows furrow, his lips are pouting and he’s shaking his head with his arms crossed.

    “But baby, they’re new movies. Or do you want to watch the old ones? We brought those too if you’d like?” Namjoon continues to coo.

    Yoongi shakes his head even more as tears start to form at the corner of his eyes. “No! Yoongi doesn’t wanna!”

    “Then what do you want Prince?” Namjoon keeps his calm composure and soothing voice as he tries to calm Yoongi.

    Yoongi then starts crying. This has Taehyung in a shock, Jungkook frozen and Namjoon’s composure starts to waver.

    “Shh, it’s okay baby, it’s okay. Things will all be okay. Shh, we’ll watch one of your favorite movies okay?” Namjoon embraces Yoongi.

    Yoongi cries even louder and shakes his head.

    “Tae go get Jin. He can deal with this better than I can.” Namjoon instructs and off Taehyung sprints to go find Seokjin.

    “He’s in the room with the unused books!” Jungkook calls and Taehyung heads to that room.

    Meantime, Jungkook doesn’t know what to do with a Little in a tantrum, he’s never encountered things like this. Plus, he wasn’t very great with kids to begin with.

    Namjoon continues to try and calm Yoongi down with silly faces (which were more terrifying to Yoongi than silly) and jokes (that Yoongi didn’t hear because he was crying). Seokjin, Jimin, Hoseok and Taehyung run in after a few moments.

    Seokjin runs up and kneels in front of Yoongi. “Hey Yoongs, what’s wrong?”

    Yoongi hits the ground with his fists and continues to cry.

    “Yoongi, if you’re not gonna use your words with me, you won’t be getting a surprise.” Seokjin sternly says in his most calm voice.

    With this, Yoongi quiets his crying down to sniffles and looks up at Seokjin.

    “What’s wrong now Prince?”

    With hiccups, Yoongi tries to use his words. “Y-Yoongi d-d-doesn’t like-new t-things.”

    “Why?” Seokjin calmly wanted to grasp the situation.

    “B-because, n-new t-t-things m-m-means ch-cha-changes. And Y-Yoongi h-hates i-it when st-stuff changes.” Yoongi hiccups out his words and rubs his eyes.

    “Why don’t you like changes?” Seokjin continues as everyone listens and watches with pity eyes, especially Jungkook who didn’t like to see Yoongi cry.

    “W-when s-s-some-t-thing c-changes, t-t-t-that me-means that Y-Y-Yoongi would h-h-have to c-change too. That m-m-means Y-Y-Yoongi’s l-l-life w-w-w-won’t b-b-be h-h-happy an-any-more!” Yoongi manages to say and he starts crying again but not as hard as the first time.

    Everyone realizes what Yoongi meant. He fell in love, got dumped and then re-sewed again by falling for someone once more like some doll. They all knew Yoongi didn’t like to be used so he puts on this act to keep his pride. The changes in Yoongi’s life never went so well. So naturally, he wouldn’t like changes. Knowing all this, they weren’t at all angry at Yoongi for his tantrum. Because when Yoongi’s in Little Space, he forgets all the problems when he’s not in it, but whatever happens when he’s in his regular state sticks with him in his Little Space without him knowing all the details, which causes tantrums or outbursts over small things.

    Jungkook who was merely watching this whole time finally thought he should do something. Jungkook remembered when he cut off all contact with Yoongi as a child. He was hurt but he hurt Yoongi more and he felt bad about it. He didn’t like to see his beloved cry so he stepped towards Yoongi and kneels down next to him.

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Chapter 6: I’m like in love with this
OtakuSensei #2
Chapter 19: Chapter 19: the question is: If yoongi hid the basement again and the secret door is under the couch, who moved the couch again after yoongi? :D So it's official now that the ghost story is real! :D (Dear author, it'd be good if you had added a ghost in this chapter. İmagine, the ghost was real and she thought little Yoongi is her son and things get a little creepy with a good comedy :D )
mumumomo #3
Chapter 33: Thank you so much, you've work well..
Chapter 26: Are you kidding me ! I love this fanfic so much , you are not bad at it plus you are a human too , like you have stuff to deal with and so on , keep it up!!♡
mumumomo #5
Chapter 26: No no no you're doing all good but instead you just have lacking confident.. I really love your writing huhuhuhu
Chapter 21: Bless. Im so glad it wadnt ! I'll take tickling any day!

They are so cute at the end of the chapter. My heart sings :)
Chapter 20: Oh, and I was extremely dissappointed when this chapter didn't end with a scene after all XD Almost.... Almost....
Chapter 20: I don't think so though. Because at that point Seokjin wouldn't be laughing and he would have taken a chunk out of the wall and hit the woman with it instead of calmly drinking tea. But for some reason I'm all up for angsty Yoongi stories and can't help to be horrible and wish something along the lines did happen. Judge me all you want ^^;
Chapter 18: Well, at least Jungkook won't want kids for a while XD Yoongi is enough for the whole squad for the time being. It's kinda like a package deal - you get a kid and a lover at the same time XD Wait, does that sound weird? Yes? Sorry. I'll shut up.