Confused Jimin, Sick Yoongi, and Pouty Namjoon

Don't You Dare Jungkook

   Seokjin, Namjoon, and Jungkook run over to Yoongi as Jungkook picks him up.

   “Did he eat this morning?” Seokjin asks Jungkook.

   “Yeah, we ate together.”

   “Did he eat all of it?” Namjoon asks.

   “Yes, every last bite.”

   “Were there any symptoms of him going to passing out?” Seokjin asks.

   “Not really. He sneezed and coughed a lot, but just now before you came out, he started hacking and then he stopped. After that, this happened.” Jungkook explains.

   “We’ll figure things out later, let’s just get him home.” Namjoon suggests.

   Seokjin and Jungkook agree as they lift Yoongi up and onto Seokjin’s car. They decided that out of all three, Seokjin was the safest driver so Yoongi should be on his car to avoid any nagging of pain when Yoongi wakes up. Namjoon drives his car and Jungkook hops into Seokjin’s.

   “You should probably drive Namjoon’s car.” Seokjin tells Jungkook as Jungkook gets into the car.

   “He can't be that bad at driving.” Jungkook says as he gets situated with Yoongi’s head on his shoulders.

   Seokjin looks into the rear-view mirror and sighs. “I’m afraid he his.”

   Jungkook looks behind to Namjoon’s car. Jungkook also sighs as he sees Namjoon struggling with his seatbelt, and when he finally got the strap over his waist, he got his hands on the steering wheel and shifts the gear to drive, but as he puts his hands on the steering wheel and turns it, the wheel comes off and even though the gear is on drive, Namjoon stays in one place to reflect on his life decisions.

   Both Seokjin and Jungkook sigh. Seokjin’s phone rings and he picks up to hear Namjoon’s voice.

   “I'm gonna need a tow truck.”

   Once again, Seokjin sighs, giving up any hope in humanity he has left. “Hold on.”

   “Jungkook, can you call a tow truck for a certain clutz?”  

   “Can we wait for Hoseok-hyung and Jimin-hyung?”

   “Jimin’s back?”

   “I'll explain later.”

   “Okay, I guess we can.” Seokjin says as he tells Namjoon and laughs at the response, since Namjoon replied, ‘Fine, I guess we’ll wait for more humiliation.’

   “It's nice to know you people care so much about me though.” Seokjin says after he hangs up.

   “Of course Hyung!” Jungkook smiles as he looks around to see if there's any water for Yoongi.

   “So.” Seokjin starts again after a while.

   “Yeah?” Jungkook looks up from staring at Yoongi’s face.

   “Did you confess?”

   “Yeah.” Jungkook answers as he averts his gaze back to Yoongi.

   “What'd he say?” Seokjin hoped it was a good answer because he wanted Yoongi to have a pure love and Jungkook to stop looking so love-struck.

   “He didn't say anything.”

   Seokjin gives a small gasp of pity. “Oh, Jungkook. I'm so sorry.” I knew I should've went to Jungkook yesterday. Boss, I'd like to ask you WHY you had to call me to work yesterday if all days?!

   Jungkook sighs as he realizes he's going through deja vu. “He didn't get the chance to say anything.”

   But unlike Taehyung, Seokjin’s eyes widen immediately as he gasps even louder. “Jeon Jungkook! He couldn't walk properly yesterday! Couldn't you have controlled your hectic hormones until he could walk again?!”

   Jungkook sighs as he remembers that Taehyung said the same thing. “Hyung, it's not my fault.”

   “Yes it was!”

   “Okay, answer me this Hyung, because you have experience, when you and Namjoon-hyung are in the, “heat of the moment,” would it be you, Namjoon-hyung’s, or the moment’s fault that you two are gonna screw?” Jungkook looks at Seokjin.

   Seokjin blushes, not really obvious, but he still blushes. “Fine. It wasn't exactly, all your fault. But Yoongi couldn’t walk. You should feel some guilt.”

   “Fine. You're right on that one. I do feel guilty.”

   “Good. Once Hoseok and Jimin get here, we gotta go to Yoongi’s apartment and pick up some stuff.”

   “What stuff?”

   “Yoongi doesn't act like himself when he's sick.”

   “No one’s themselves when they're sick.”

   “Yoongi is on a whole nother level.” Seokjin says as he crosses his arms.

   “I don't see how Yoongi-hyung can be on, ‘a whole nother’ level. Is he violent?”


   “Is he moody?”

   “Isn't he always?”

   “Does he take advantage of you?”


   “Then I don't see how Hyung would be any different than any other person who's sick.” Jungkook shrugs giving up.

   “You’ll understand when he wakes up.”


   “Jin-hyung! Jin-hyung! JIN-HYUNG!” A familiar voice from afar bellows.

   Seokjin pokes his head out the window to see behind him, only to witness Jimin and Hoseok drive up, with Jimin screaming his name the whole way. Seokjin questions his life decisions and why things have turned out how they did as he sighs.

   “Uh, Hyung, I think someone’s calling you.” Jungkook tries to lighten the mood as he senses Seokjin feeling too tense.

   “I know Kookie. I know.” Seokjin comments as he brings his head back inside. “Can you go tell them I don't know them? And call a tow truck.”

   “But, Yoongi-hyung-”

   “It takes like a minute.”

   Jungkook nods and carefully gets out the car and walks up to Jimin and Hoseok who were parked behind Namjoon, who is currently staring blankly at the steering wheel.

   “Um...Hi hyungs.” Jungkook says once he reaches Hoseok’s car.

   “Jungkook!” Hoseok hurriedly gets out of the car and runs up to Jungkook. “Is Jin-hyung okay!? Is he? Did anything happen to him?! Answer me.”

   Jungkook clears his throat, and opens his mouth to speak but Jimin cuts in. “Okay, first off, is Jin-hyung okay? And second, what happened when I was in Japan!? You people seem to--”

   “Jimin shut up, he’s about to say something.” Hoseok shushes.

   “Uh...Well, Jin-hyung’s fine. He’s doing great actually, to be honest, he came here for tea and-”

   “Tea!? With her!?” Hoseok screeches.

   “That’s what Hyung said. He also said he doesn’t know you, and he wants one of you to call a tow truck.” Jungkook says remembering why he was out there in the first place.  

   “Did the tea get to his head? He knows us.” Jimin states with his, know-it-all tone.

   “Genius, Hyung’s being sarcastic. I told you, you shouldn’t have stuck your head out and screamed his name as we came here, but look who insisted?” Hoseok glares.

   “Oh. Okay.” Jimin lowers his head and raises it again. “Why a tow truck?”

   “Well, Namjoon-hyung kinda...has some troubles with his car.”

   “What’d he do this time?” Jimin and Hoseok say in unison.

   “He...took off the steering wheel and now he can’t go anywhere.” Jungkook explains as he sees the two males in front of him sigh and facepalm themselves.

   “Well. I guess I’ll go call a tow truck. Where’s Yoongi-hyung?” Jimin asks.

   “He’s pass--I mean, he’s,’s…” Jungkook remembered how wound up Hoseok can get whenever he hears something unfortunate that happens to Yoongi, so he tried to find a way to break it to the two lightly.

   “He’s pass…?” Jimin continued for Jungkook.

   “Haha, well, he’s certainly not passed out! That would be silly! Hahahahaha, right? Totally silly.” Jungkook awkwardly laughs with his right hand scratching the back of his head.

   Jimin and Hoseok look at each other feeling uncomfortable with how Jungkook was acting.

   “Hey Jungkook!” Namjoon yells from his car window.

   Jungkook turns. “Yes?”

   “Can ya hurry up!? Call the tow truck quickly so Yoongi-hyung can rest!”

   “Okay, okay!” Jungkook yells and turns back to Hoseok and Jimin who were getting even more suspicious. “Well. You heard him Hyungs. Go call that tow truck.” Jungkook says as he laughs gawkily and runs back to Seokjin’s car.

   “What was that about?” Jimin looks at Hoseok.

   “I don’t know. Go call the tow truck. I’ll ask Namjoon.” Hoseok says as he walks towards Namjoon’s car and Jimin whips out his phone.

   “Namjoon.” Hoseok greets as he walks up to Namjoon’s car window.

   Namjoon shrieks as Hoseok “sneaks up” on him. “You scared the life out of me! Chill dude.”

   “All I said was-forget it. What’s wrong with Jungkook?”

   “Huh? Oh, he’s probably just worried about Yoongi-hyung.”

   “What’s wrong with Yoongi-hyung?” Hoseok’s suspicion was now an assumption.

   “He passed out.”


   “You heard me.” Namjoon says trying to stick his steering wheel back on.

   “And you’re calm about this!?”

   “Of course not. My worries on Jin were so big that I don’t have the energy to show that I’m worried for Yoongi-hyung right now. I am worried though. Duh. He passed out. Who wouldn’t be?”

   “You don’t seem very--you know what? I give up on you. Wait here for the tow truck and Jin-hyung and I will drive Yoongi-hyung and Jungkook back.” Hoseok decides.

   “Hey, who let you decide what we should do?”

   Jimin also walks up to Namjoon’s car. “Okay! The tow truck will be here in like ten minutes. I’ll stay with Namjoon, and-”

   “Yoongi-hyung passed out.” Hoseok cuts in.


   “You heard him.” Namjoon adds.

   “And you two are calm about this?!”

   Hoseok sighs and points to Namjoon. “I’m not. But he is.”



   “This is not the time to be explaining why you’re calm. We gotta get Yoongi-hyung home. He can’t be sitting in a car and passed out. He’s sick! You both know what that means.” Hoseok eyes both of them.

   Jimin and Namjoon both smile but after the smile, they also sigh.

   “I’m glad I came back in time.” Jimin says. “Okay, Hoseok-hyung, what do we do?”

   “See? Jimin decided that I get to decide." Hoseok looks at Namjoon with a pompous smile. "So, Jimin, you stay here with Namjoon and wait for the tow truck. I’ll go pick up the required stuff we need at Yoongi-hyung’s apartment and Jin-hyung will drive back to Jungkook’s place with Yoongi and Jungkook. Sound like a plan?” Hoseok instructs.

   “Yup! I’ll go report it to Jungkook and Jin-hyung.” Jimin says as he dashes to the car in front of the one he was standing at.

   Hoseok smirks at Namjoon who scowls in reply. “You always get to decide the plans.”

   “Maybe that’s because your plans never actually make sense and are dangerous.” Hoseok says patting Namjoon’s back to comfort him.

   “They too make sense! And when were they ever dangerous!?”

   “Oh yeah? How about that one time in college when a group of freshman competed against us in capture the flag? Your plan caused us to lose, Yoongi-hyung to sprain his arm and me a good three months of humiliation.”

   “Hey, that was in college, and luckily, nothing happened to me. Plus, not all my plans were like that one.”

   “Right. Yoongi-hyung even gave up.”


   “Hey. Did one of you need a tow truck?” A man walks up to Hoseok and Namjoon asking.

   “Yeah, this one right here. He somehow took off his steering wheel and now he needs it towed to an automobile shop. Can you help us?” Hoseok explains.

   “Sure thing.” The man smiles.

   “Jimin! They’re here!” Hoseok calls to Jimin who runs over and hops into the seat next to Namjoon.

   “Yoongi-hyung seems so peaceful asleep. Let’s go!”

   “Did you tell them the plan?"


   “Okay. Well, look after each other people. We don’t want anyone being kidnapped again.”

   “Okay, okay.” Namjoon waves his hand as the car gets towed away.

   As the car goes, Hoseok can see Jimin screaming out the window. “Wait, what!? Who got kidnapped!? What’d ya mean again!? WHAT DID I MISS!?”


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Chapter 6: I’m like in love with this
OtakuSensei #2
Chapter 19: Chapter 19: the question is: If yoongi hid the basement again and the secret door is under the couch, who moved the couch again after yoongi? :D So it's official now that the ghost story is real! :D (Dear author, it'd be good if you had added a ghost in this chapter. İmagine, the ghost was real and she thought little Yoongi is her son and things get a little creepy with a good comedy :D )
mumumomo #3
Chapter 33: Thank you so much, you've work well..
Chapter 26: Are you kidding me ! I love this fanfic so much , you are not bad at it plus you are a human too , like you have stuff to deal with and so on , keep it up!!♡
mumumomo #5
Chapter 26: No no no you're doing all good but instead you just have lacking confident.. I really love your writing huhuhuhu
Chapter 21: Bless. Im so glad it wadnt ! I'll take tickling any day!

They are so cute at the end of the chapter. My heart sings :)
Chapter 20: Oh, and I was extremely dissappointed when this chapter didn't end with a scene after all XD Almost.... Almost....
Chapter 20: I don't think so though. Because at that point Seokjin wouldn't be laughing and he would have taken a chunk out of the wall and hit the woman with it instead of calmly drinking tea. But for some reason I'm all up for angsty Yoongi stories and can't help to be horrible and wish something along the lines did happen. Judge me all you want ^^;
Chapter 18: Well, at least Jungkook won't want kids for a while XD Yoongi is enough for the whole squad for the time being. It's kinda like a package deal - you get a kid and a lover at the same time XD Wait, does that sound weird? Yes? Sorry. I'll shut up.