Yoongi's Day: Part One

Don't You Dare Jungkook

A/N: Alright, I know I promised Wednesday but it's now Friday, the USA Election results threw me off. I'm sorry guys. I'll try not to make the same mistake again. Until then, enjoy this chapter! The second part will be posted three hours (about or sooner) after this one. I promise. I'm already on the last few paragraphs! Have mercy on me and I'm sorry once again. 

NOTE: The song mentioned in here is Cypher Pt. 4, I ran out of original names so I know it's lame and am aware of that fact. Spare me. 



    After the certain incident with Kyung-ok, the trio had taken Yoongi home (Jungkook’s) with Yoongi asleep on Jungkook’s lap. In which Jungkook celebrated internally. Everyone was glad and grateful nothing too dire happened to Yoongi. Well, that's what they thought anyway, they couldn't ask any questions because Yoongi was tired and slept all the way back to Jungkook’s home (because it was ‘safer’ that way.)

    “You think anything else happened besides Hyung getting beat up?” Hoseok asks worried as he drives.

    “I sure hope not. If so, I'm going right back there and I won't leave until I get an apology and a court trial.” Namjoon adds on.

    “You could just sue them and not go to jail for it. You don't have to ask them for a court trial.” Hoseok states.

    “You know, that might be much easier.” Namjoon thought.

    “No duh.” Hoseok remarks.

    “I'm still going back there for an apology, if not, I'm fighting them.” Namjoon adds on.

     “Knock yourself out. I'm going to the police first.” Hoseok says.

    “No one cares what you do.” Namjoon says sarcastically.

    “You don't talk to me like that.” Hoseok barks back.

    “Well! I’m not the one who got Hyung kidnapped in the first place!”

    “That was not me! That was Jungkook.”

    “Hey! I am not in this conversation. You two Hyungs to handle your own dispute.” Jungkook comes in.

    Yoongi then groans angrily. Namjoon and Hoseok freeze. Namjoon puts a finger over his mouth indicating they should all be quiet.

    “What? If he wakes up, we can ask him questions.” Jungkook says, a bit louder than intended.

    “Shut up! If he wakes up, we won't have the chance to ask him anything!” Namjoon whisper-yells.

    “What do you mean?” Jungkook lowers his voice.

    “We'll all die if he wakes up. Hyung isn't a morning person. He's terrifying if anyone wakes him up.” Hoseok adds on, also whispering.

    “Really? When I woke him up the other day, it didn't seem like he did much.” Jungkook says. Well, he minded...but that was because of the kiss. Oh. Then there was that other time in the shop, he didn’t seem too angry.

    “If that's the case, then he wasn't really asleep.” Hoseok says and Namjoon nods.

    “That's true. Or he likes you. Like the way you like him.” Namjoon says and Jungkook blushes.

    “Not really. I bet Hyung values his sleep more.” Hoseok comments and Jungkook’s happiness drops.

    “Namjoon shrugs. “I guess. He might not be aware of it.”

    “That can be a possibility.”

    Dang. “Then, why was he ‘pretending’ to sleep?” Jungkook asks.

    “He probably wanted revenge. From the stories he told us, he has ways, but not all his plans go out the way he wants them too.” Namjoon says.  

    “Ahh. Okay.” Jungkook says. Hoseok puts on some music. A song called ‘Love Yourself’ by a band called ‘Bangtan Scouts.’

    “This sounds like something you and Hyung would compose.” Hoseok tells Namjoon.

    “I guess. The lyrics sound like us though.” Namjoon shrugs. All them stay quiet throughout the whole drive. Yoongi sleeping peacefully.




    Yoongi had woken up the next day feeling sore. Very sore. He tried walking, that didn't exactly go as plan as he tripped over his own feet.

    I wanted to work today. Darn. Oh well. Jungkook can take care of it. Yesterday was much too harsh. Falling for Jungkook...Yoongi, you need a chill pill. Wait! I didn't even get Kumamon’s autograph! I didn't even get to see him! AHH! Yoongi complains to himself.

    Knock knock.


    “Are you awake Hyung?” Jungkook’s voice says through the door.

    “Does it sound like I'm awake?” Yoongi’s voice was full of sarcasm.

    “Sorry. May I come in?”

    “You’re already at the door. There’s no point in just standing there.”

    Jungkook opens the door to see Yoongi on the floor with his legs crossed, struggling to get up. “Hyung! What happened?!”

    “What does it look like? I fell.”

    “No drrr. I was asking how you ended up there.”

    “I woke up and tried walking. Didn’t work.”

    “You should’ve called me for help.”

    “Well, can you help me now? Some assistance would be nice.”

    Jungkook goes over and helps Yoongi back up on the bed.

    “Thanks. I guess. Is breakfast ready? I’m hungry.” Yoongi asks.

    “Yup! It’s already! Want me to carry you there?” Jungkook suggests.

    “N-no! No. I can get there myself.” Yoongi states and gets up. An excruciating pain shoots through his back and legs only resulting in him falling once more. Ow.

    Jungkook kneels down to meet Yoongi’s level. “Now will you let me carry you? I’m only trying to help.”

    If you help, I’ll get a fever. “No! I want to get there myself.” Yoongi gets up once more, this time slowly and once he stands, he takes his right foot and puts it forward, only to fall again.

    “Hyung, the food’s getting cold. Just let me carry you.”

    “No! But, obviously, I cannot get there by walking. Lend me your shoulder and I’ll hop there.” Yoongi says feeling like a genius.

    “Yeah, and obviously, you can’t walk there by yourself on both feet. Just let me be a good employee and help my boss to breakfast.”

    Yoongi hesitates but when his stomach growls once more, he sighs and points at Jungkook. “Fine. But you may not carry me in any bridal form.”

    “Then, how should I carry you?”


    Jungkook smiles and bends down, back facing Yoongi. Said male jumps on and they go to breakfast.

    After having a fulfilling breakfast, Yoongi crawls his way to the living room and makes himself comfortable as Jungkook washes the dishes. When Jungkook turned around, Yoongi was nowhere in sight.

    “Hyung? Where are you?” Jungkook asks, wondering where a mobily-limited person could go.

    “In the living room.” Yoongi calls.

    Jungkook heads to where Yoongi’s voice is. “How’d you get here?”

    “Isn’t it amazing? I crawled.”

    Jungkook wasn’t sure if that was sarcasm or Yoongi being cute. Then again, to Jungkook, even a sarcastic Yoongi is cute.

    “Well, okay then. I’ll go finish the dishes then we can talk.”

    Yoongi shrugs and turns on the TV. “M’kay.” He’s so rich he has like four TV’s in this place.

    As Jungkook was doing the dishes, the phone rings. “Hyung, don’t move I’ll get that.”

    “It’s just the phone. I’ll get it.” Yoongi crawls to the phone and picks it up. “Hello?”


    “It’s Yoongi.” Yoongi knows Namjoon’s voice when he hears it.

    “Hyung! You’re up! Weird...but how are you? Does anything hurt?” Namjoon asks, delighted to hear his friend.

    “Yeah, I’m awake. It’s not weird. It’s not like I’m dead. I’m doing fine. No, nothing hurts. What’d you want?”

    “Ah, well, I called to check in and tell you to not go to work today. You need your rest and it’s to be safe.” Namjoon says.

    “Well, I’m doing fine. I was going to stay home today anyway.”

    “That’s great! Don’t overwork yourself.”

    “Yeah. Whatever. Anything else?”

    “Oh, you are going to have a bunch of visitors today. Myself included. Tell Jungkook I said hi!” Namjoon says.

    “Yeah okay. I’ll tell him that. Anything else?”

    “Nope. Not really. See you later Hyung!” Namjoon says.

    Yoong hums in reply before he was about to hang up.

    “Wait Hyung!” Namjoon screams through the phone.

    “What? No need to scream.”

    “If anyone, and I mean anyone, confesses to you, whether they are male or female, please know that…” Namjoon starts but trails off.

    “Know what?” Yoongi says, curiosity now sparking.

    “N-nevermind Hyung. See you later today!” Namjoon says and hangs up.

    “Hey! You left me hanging! Kim Namjoon you are going to get it when I see you.” Yoongi says irritated that he’s wanting to know what his friend had to say.

    Putting the phone down, he crawls back to the couch and puts his feet up. Yoongi wants to write, so he reaches for the paper and pencil that are on the table without moving his feet, as he reaches for what he wants, Jungkook comes back.

    “Who was that Hyung?”

    Taken by surprise, Yoongi almost falls forward but catches himself and sighs in relief.

    “That was Namjoon. He just wanted to check on us. Oh, and he said to tell you hi.” Yoongi replies getting back in a comfortable position and starts to write.

    “Ah. I say hi back. Did he say anything else?”

    “I’m not your guys’ messenger, say hi when you see him, and no. He didn’t say anything else.” Yoongi says as he doesn’t look up from the paper.

    “Okay. What’re you planning to do today Hyung?” Jungkook asks taking a seat on a nearby chair.

    “Sleep.” Yoongi says.

    “That's a great idea! I was scared you wanted to work today.” Jungkook says smiling.

    “I can't walk. You expect me to work?” Yoongi says glancing up from his paper to look at Jungkook. This only resulted in Yoongi blushing and looking back down quickly.

    How in the world can he have such a perfect smile? This is ridiculous. Yoongi calm down. Oh wait...perfect smile...perfect lyrics! Yoongi smiles at the last part of his thought.

    “If that's what you are planning to do today, then I'll do it along with you! Let's be lazy together!” Jungkook exclaims happily to Yoongi.

    Yoongi looks up with a raised eyebrow. “No, you, young bunny, are going to work. You need to go tend the flowers. Two days without water will make them wilt. What type of flower shop is that?”

    “But, what about you Hyung?” Jungkook’s smile disappears.

    Yoongi sees this and looks back down. Don't you dare look that sad. Don't make that expression. “What do you mean ‘what about me?’”

    “Who'll take care of you?”

    “I'll be fine. All I am doing today is lounge around. There's no need to worry about me.” Yoongi says rolling his eyes. “I do feel special though.”

    “Okay, but anything is possible Hyung. You’d never know when something might happen.” Jungkook urges.

    “Yeah, anything is possible. I can turn into a girl, develop a love for dolls, and grow taller, but does it look like I'm playing with dolls, have s or being at six feet in height? No. So, go! The flowers will wilt!” Yoongi says waving his arms in the air.

    “Okay...but I still worry.”

    “Yeah, you’ll worry even more when Jimin becomes angry that the shop will go out of business.”

    “In what chance will that happen?” Jungkook says, ready with plenty of comebacks.

    “A real high chance if you don’t hurry the heck up and get to the shop!” Yoongi flings his pencil, getting impatient.

    “Fine! Okay, okay. If you need anything, and I mean--”

    “Anything, to call you.” Yoongi says knowing the line much too well.

    Jungkook gives a small smile and goes to get ready for work. Once he was all ready, he reviews with Yoongi once again.

    “If anything happens and you can’t get in touch with me, what do you do?”

    “Call the police.” Yoongi says getting bored. He couldn't believe that in one morning, he could hear so many questions and it wasn’t even ten yet.

    “What numbers are that?” Jungkook asks.

    “I swear, you’re just stalling aren’t you?”

    “Nuh uh uh, answer my question.” Jungkook says using a ‘parent’ voice and crossing his arms.

    “I’m not a baby-”


    Yoongi growls and furrows his eyebrows. “119, 112, and 1339.”

    “Great! Now I don’t need to worry as much. I still worry though. You know the shop number right?” Jungkook reviews.

    “, I started the shop! Now, leave! I will be fine. I have plenty of backup numbers and I will be sure to call you first. Chill.”

    “Sorry Hyung. I didn’t mean to get it this far. Just-”


    Jungkook sighs and heads out. Before he turns the corner, he looks back endlessly only to see Yoongi smiling back and waving through the window.

    I guess that’s a bit better. He’s cute even through glass. Jungkook thinks but a memory he doesn’t want to remember comes back to him. At least he’s smiling for reals this time. Last time, he forced it.

    Inside the giant house that is now all empty except for Yoongi, said man decides to watch the second movie to My Wife is a Gangster, so he crawls himself to the theater and makes himself comfy.

    “This might become my favorite movie series.” Yoongi whispers to himself.

    “You little…” The movie plays as Yoongi watches and listens.

    Ding dong! The doorbell rings.

    “They’re here already? It’s not even 10:30.” Yoongi says and goes (crawls) to open the door.

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Chapter 6: I’m like in love with this
OtakuSensei #2
Chapter 19: Chapter 19: the question is: If yoongi hid the basement again and the secret door is under the couch, who moved the couch again after yoongi? :D So it's official now that the ghost story is real! :D (Dear author, it'd be good if you had added a ghost in this chapter. İmagine, the ghost was real and she thought little Yoongi is her son and things get a little creepy with a good comedy :D )
mumumomo #3
Chapter 33: Thank you so much, you've work well..
Chapter 26: Are you kidding me ! I love this fanfic so much , you are not bad at it plus you are a human too , like you have stuff to deal with and so on , keep it up!!♡
mumumomo #5
Chapter 26: No no no you're doing all good but instead you just have lacking confident.. I really love your writing huhuhuhu
Chapter 21: Bless. Im so glad it wadnt ! I'll take tickling any day!

They are so cute at the end of the chapter. My heart sings :)
Chapter 20: Oh, and I was extremely dissappointed when this chapter didn't end with a scene after all XD Almost.... Almost....
Chapter 20: I don't think so though. Because at that point Seokjin wouldn't be laughing and he would have taken a chunk out of the wall and hit the woman with it instead of calmly drinking tea. But for some reason I'm all up for angsty Yoongi stories and can't help to be horrible and wish something along the lines did happen. Judge me all you want ^^;
Chapter 18: Well, at least Jungkook won't want kids for a while XD Yoongi is enough for the whole squad for the time being. It's kinda like a package deal - you get a kid and a lover at the same time XD Wait, does that sound weird? Yes? Sorry. I'll shut up.