The Kidnapping Part Two

Don't You Dare Jungkook

    “I’m back Hyung…?” Jungkook says as he goes back to the line where Yoongi was originally at, which was at the very end, but he saw no sign of the other male. In fact, the line got even longer, and there was no trace of Hoseok, Taehyung, Seokjin, or Namjoon. “Hyung? Hyung, where are you?” Jungkook continues to search for the other.

    “We’re BACK with food!” Shouts Taehyung. Jungkook doesn’t hear Taehyung and continues to search around the line to see if Yoongi was just hiding somewhere as a joke.

    “Hmm? Whatcha doing Kookie?” Taehyung asks since Jungkook didn't answer him.

    Jungkook still doesn't reply. Taehyung keeps trying, “Kookie? Jungkook! Jeon Jungkook! Hello!”

    Jungkook continues to not hear what they say or ask. He was much too worried about Yoongi right now to be concerned about anything else.

    “Where's Yoongi-hyung?” Hoseok then notices that Yoongi wasn't in line. Where he was supposed to be.

    Taehyung looks around and now, he too sees that Yoongi wasn't in line. “Yeah, where is Hyung?”

    Hoseok was getting nervous. “Jungkook, answer me. Where. Is. Hyung?”

    Jungkook finally turns around after hearing the word ’hyung’ for like the eighth time and sees the two other people. “Oh, hi guys.” Jungkook says in a low and far-out voice like he still wasn't on earth with Hoseok and Taehyung.

    Taehyung was now getting panicky. Jungkook never spaces out like that. And, where's Yoongi-hyung? This is getting weird. Taehyung thinks to himself, eyebrows furrowing.

    Hoseok didn't really care. Yoongi was gone, and no one knows where he is. Something had to be done. He took out his phone and called Seokjin and Namjoon.

    “Hoseok? We’re on our way. Namjoon kinda broke the door on the way out and so we had to fix that.” Seokjin’s voice on the other end of the line says.

    “Yoongi-hyung’s gone.” Was all that Hoseok was able to say.

    Jungkook raises his head to Hoseok’s words and his panic raises even higher. Taehyung is also getting very nervous, and he's rarely nervous.

    What the heck is going on? Taehyung thinks to himself.

    “Namjoon hurry the heck up! Yoongi’s gone!” Seokjin yells.

    “He’s what?!” Namjoon’s voice is heard through the call line. “Tell Hoseok we’re on our way!”

    “Hoseok, keep searching, we’ll be right there.” Seokjin instructs.

    “Kay.” The call ends and Hoseok was now overcome with anger.

    “Jungkook.” Hoseok starts, voice low, as he looks at Jungkook, who is still looking around, but he looked at Hoseok when he was called.

    “I told you to watch Hyung.”

    “I did.” Jungkook quietly replied.

    “Then where is he?” Hoseok continues.


    “Where is Yoongi-hyung?”


    “Hey, Jungkook, it's okay to tell the truth. We'll only be able to figure out what to do when we know where Hyung is.” Taehyung cuts in as he sees Jungkook starting to tremble and clenching his fists.

    “Well?” Hoseok was getting impatient.

    “...don't know.”

    “What?” Both Hoseok and Taehyung question in unison.

    “I don't know.” Jungkook repeats, voice a bit louder than the first time.

    “What do you mean you don't know?!” Hoseok raises his voice.

    “I don't know okay! Hyung wanted a balloon. He didn't want to get out of line, so I offered to get him one. That's what I did. I went and got him a balloon. Then, when I came back, he was gone. I don't know what happened.” Jungkook snaps. He was angry. He was angry that Hoseok was pressuring him. He was angry Taehyung wasn't defending him. He was angry he didn't know where Yoongi was. And...he was angry with himself for leaving Yoongi alone.

    “Okay, everyone, let’s just all calm the heck down. If something bad happened to him, we need to get the police, but before the police, we need to confirm if Hyung really has been kidnapped.” Taehyung says since the situation was getting too tense and everyone was staring at them.

    “How’d you figure he’s kidnapped?” Jungkook asks.

    “Well, Hyung doesn’t seem like someone to just wander off and not tell anyone. Not if he has a good reason to anyway.” Taehyung states.

    “Hmm. And you’re right.” Hoseok says, now calming down. A bit.

    “Huh?” Both Taehyung and Jungkook say as the look at Hoseok.

    Hoseok picks up a bracelet. “This would be Hyung’s. Namjoon and Jimin bought him this, and the jewels hanging off of this is what Jin-hyung added on. He wouldn’t just wander off without a good reason.”

    Jungkook and Taehyung both walk over to Hoseok.

    “I’ve seen this on Hyung a few times.” Jungkook stated.

    “Hyung doesn’t wear it much. Only when he goes on trips. I’m not sure why, but that’s just how Hyung does things.” Hoseok says.

    “So...does this mean he’s kidnapped?” Taehyung asks.

    “Well, Hyung cares for his friends and respects anything we give to him so I don’t think he’d be this careless to just lose this. He’s not careless in general.” Hoseok replies.

    “Then we gotta go find him! Quickly!” Jungkook says, almost screaming.

    “You think I’m not worried? I’m trying to figure out what we should do also. If you had watched him correctly then we wouldn’t be having this problem, would we? If you had just waited ‘til we got back and then go get the balloon, we wouldn’t be in this mess would we? While knowing that Hyung’s being threatened and stalked, you would dare leave him without supervision.” Hoseok was angry.

    “Woah! Let’s seriously calm down people. Hoseok-hyung, I really don’t think Jungkook meant any harm. Trust me, I know. I know you’re flustered and want to find Hyung quickly to make sure he’s safe, but we gotta stay calm and reserved in situations like these. It just makes it worse to be angry and fight like this.” Taehyung quickly butts in or Hoseok would probably start a fight right then and there, and knowing Jungkook, he would fight back.

    Hoseok sighs and takes deep breaths. “Fine. Fine. I’m sorry for getting so worked up. Let’s do the ‘working together’ thing.”

    Taehyung then faces Jungkook. “What about you Kookie? You were a bit reckless in just leaving like that.”

   “I’m sorry too.” Jungkook says not making eye-contact with Hoseok but sticks his hand out anyway to show that he really was sorry.

    Hoseok notices the hand and takes the hand to show that he sees Jungkook’s sincerity and that he was also sorry.

    Taehyung smiles his box smile. “Now, we gotta know where Hyung is so we can get the police.”

    “Or we can just call the police and the police find him.” Jungkook comments.

    “Yeah, but then, what do we do? What if the police don’t find him? We just sit there and do nothing?! Don’t you want to take revenge?” Taehyung exaggerates a bit, but still makes a Hoseok.

    “Well, I really don’t give a care, whether the police do it or not, I’m going myself. This is one of my very best friends we are talking about. I am not going to just let someone take him like that. He’s been hurt way too many times.” Hoseok says, teeth and fists clenched.

    “Yeah. That too.” Taehyung adds on.

    “Okay, where do we start?” Jungkook asks.

    Before any of them could answer, Seokjin flies in like a comet. “WHAT. ARE. YOU. PEOPLE. DOING? This isn’t the time to be talking! We should be looking for Yoongi!”

    Namjoon runs in after, catching his breath. “Yeah, what Jin said.”

    After moving to a picnic table nearby and some conversing of where Yoongi could be, Hoseok gets a phone call.

    “It’s Hyung!” Hoseok shouts when he sees the name of the caller.

    Everyone else gets up like bolts and huddles around Hoseok.

    “Hyung?” Hoseok starts as he puts the phone on speaker mode.

    “Ah, so you were telling the truth. Good.” The voice on the other end starts. The voice was much too low to be Yoongi’s.

    “Who are you?” Hoseok tries again.

    “Ha. Well, your little friend here angered our mistress. So, if you ever want to see him in once piece, or alive, I suggest you tell him to apologize to her and answer her questions.” The voice says again.

    The ones around Hoseok, including Hoseok himself, furrow their eyebrows and narrow their eyes.

    “Let me talk to him.” Hoseok demands.

    “Only if you tell-”

    “Get him on the damn phone!” Seokjin screams.

    “SHH!” Everyone else says.

    Seokjin glares at them. After some waiting, “Here.”

    “H-Hoseok?” A quivering voice speaks up.

    “Hyung!” Everyone shouts.

    “Yoongi!” Seokjin shouts. A bit late, but...he’s the oldest so it can’t be helped.

    “Hyung, are you alright?” Hoseok asks.

    “H-Help me...I...don’t this...anymore.” Yoongi chokes out from the other end.

    “Hyung! Where are you? Are you alright?” Namjoon asks.

    “I-I!” Yoongi’s voice trails off.

    “Hyung!” They all shouted at the sound of Yoongi screaming and something slashing against skin. Yoongi’s skin.

    Seokjin couldn’t handle anymore and decided not to listen. Taehyung follows Seokjin and just sits there. Not wanting to listen.

    “I-I’” Were the last words Yoongi said before the man before came back.

    “Hyung? Hyung!” Hoseok was really angry. Namjoon was ready to curse the life out of the people who did this to his best friend. Jungkook was already ready to go to wherever Yoongi was. He was also ready to go to jail after he kills whoever hurt Yoongi.

    “Good luck finding him. Mistress doesn’t want to reveal where he is. Good luck punks. Apparently, you’re not going to tell him to apologize to our mistress. If that’s the case, there is no point in talking. Goodbye.” The man says before hanging up, not leaving Hoseok any room to talk.

    “Hey! We weren’t done! Bastard!” Hoseok shouts when the call ended.” Well, we know where Hyung is now, let’s just hope we get there quickly enough.”

    “Where is he?” Jungkook asks. “We didn’t get an exact location. All we got was ‘manor.' That doesn’t narrow anything down.”

    “We’re in the 21st century. Jin-hyung told Hyung to turn on his GPS location yesterday night so if anything happens we can always find him. I got his location when the phone call was made, I needed to ask him where he was just to make it easier. But I wasn’t able to. So we’re going to have to go based on his GPS location. Let’s hope they’re not smart enough to look at the GPS.” Hoseok plans.

    “Then let’s go! Jungkook gets up from his seat and runs.

    “Wait!” Taehyung calls out.

    “WHAT? We know where Yoongi-hyung is, let’s go!” Jungkook was impatient.

    “Yeah, okay, but who’s going?” Taehyung asks.

    “We’re all going!” Jungkook says and was about to dash off but Hoseok stops him.

    “What is it now?”

    “Taehyung’s right. We need someone to call the police, and someone to stay.”

    “FOR WHAT? The more numbers, the higher chance we’ll win! We can call the police when we get there! And why do we need someone to stay?”

    “The police interrogates people. They don’t just suddenly show up. It takes a while for them to come. If someone contacts them now, then it’s easy, by the time we get there, then the police will also be on their way. And, must you forget that the only reason why Hyung came here today was for Kumamon? We need someone to stay and get that autograph for him. Or he wouldn’t care once this is all over about his health, he’s going to complain for weeks non-stop.”

    “That’s true. I have to go. I need to beat up whoever dared made Hyung cry like that.” Namjoon says.

    “I need to go. I’m pretty sure I can fight better than just you and Jungkook alone.” Hoseok says.

    “Then, Jin-hyung and I will stay. Jin-hyung will call the police and I will get the autograph.” Taehyung says.

    “And I-” Jungkook starts.

   “You, are going. It’s stupid if you can’t even save your own crush. He’ll never fall for you that way.” Taehyung says.

    Everyone nods.

    After figuring out who’s doing what, they all head off to their positions. Seokjin gets out his phone and calls the police. Ready to tell them the address that Yoongi was at, based on GPS.

    “Hi there Mr. Kumamon! My friend’s been kidnapped, may I have your signature for him?” Taehyung asks brightly when it’s finally his turn.


On The Way to Save Yoongi…

    “Of all days to save the planet, why today?” Hoseok asks himself.

    “Yeah, why today?” Jungkook glares.

    “Lucky I brought my car huh?” Namjoon adds in.

    “Yeah, or by the time we get there, the police would’ve handled everything and we’re leftovers.” Jungkook adds on sarcastically.

    “Namjoon, can’t you drive any faster? The speed limit is 50. You’re going at a 35. Hurry up!” Hoseok instructs.

    “I’ll get into accidents if I drive any faster!”

    “You know what, pullover, I’m driving.” Hoseok tells Namjoon and the younger does what he’s told.

    Once they finally switched drivers and got going, they reached their destination in no time.

    “Hyung!” Jungkook climbs the gateway doors once he wasn’t able to open it and runs towards the door of the huge mansion, Namjoon and Hoseok follow in pursuit.

    The trio kicks down the door because it was locked and they were getting impatient. Once they got inside, there wasn’t anyone in sight.

    “It’s not going to be this easy.” Jungkook says.

    After Jungkook said that, as of on cue, men in black suits turn up around all corners. Above them, to their right, to their left, and even behind them.

    “You really had to say that?” Namjoon asks.

    “What do we do now?” Hoseok asks.

    “Um...I’m thinking. Hold on.”

    “Hold on!? They can have guns up their sleeves and you want us to ‘hold on?!’” Namjoon exaggerates.

    “We gotta outsmart them. We can’t fight them all at once. There’s too many.” Hoseok says.

    “Yeah...Play along.” Jungkook instructs as a lightbulb clicks.

    Namjoon and Hoseok were confused but they followed Jungkook’s movements anyway.

    “Hey guys, I think we went to the wrong house.” Jungkook starts, his voice loud and clear enough for all the men to hear.

    Namjoon catches on and plays along. “Yeah, I think we did. You sure you drove to the right address J-Hope?” Namjoon looks at Hoseok.

    J-Hope? Why’re you using my nickname...oh… I get it. “I’m pretty sure we did guys. I followed every single direction.”

    “You sure you turned right on Bangbaero?” Jungkook adds on.

    “ were supposed to turn there? I guess we are at the wrong place.” Hoseok exaggerates.

    “We’re sorry about the door boys. Can you show us the backdoor out? We parked outback.” Namjoon fibs. A bit obvious.

    All the men in suits look at each other. Jungkook glances at Namjoon and he notices a door behind Namjoon and the two men behind the said man. The only door that leads anywhere.

    “Yeah...we’re sorry about that. But before we leave, I need to go to the restroom. It’s through that door right? May I go?” Jungkook says pointing to the door he spotted.

    Namjoon looks behind him and Hoseok gets exactly what Jungkook wants to do.

    “I have sweaty hands. May I use your restroom? I must wash them or I’ll get into an accident.”

    Namjoon then picks up on it too. “I too need to go to the restroom.”

    The men all look at each other and then whisper.

    “Yeah sure. You have five minutes.” One of the men speaks up.

    The three bow their heads and dash right through the door.

    As they go through the door, they go downstairs. Lots of stairs. No one really keeps their hostages upstairs.

    They get to a door and like before kick it down.

    The room inside was dimly lit. The three looked around. They saw nothing but a chair with a person in that chair.

    “Yoongi-hyung!” They all shout and run to him.

    Yoongi looks up with a bruised face and blood was visible. Angered filled all three.

    “You idiots….Why didn’t you come armed? She’ back soon. Go get the police. Now...she’s coming...back...any...second.” Yoongi slurs his words but they were still understandable.

    “Who’s coming back Hyung?” Jungkook asks.

    “I’m the one who’s coming back.” A female voice says and the trio turns around.

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Chapter 6: I’m like in love with this
OtakuSensei #2
Chapter 19: Chapter 19: the question is: If yoongi hid the basement again and the secret door is under the couch, who moved the couch again after yoongi? :D So it's official now that the ghost story is real! :D (Dear author, it'd be good if you had added a ghost in this chapter. İmagine, the ghost was real and she thought little Yoongi is her son and things get a little creepy with a good comedy :D )
mumumomo #3
Chapter 33: Thank you so much, you've work well..
Chapter 26: Are you kidding me ! I love this fanfic so much , you are not bad at it plus you are a human too , like you have stuff to deal with and so on , keep it up!!♡
mumumomo #5
Chapter 26: No no no you're doing all good but instead you just have lacking confident.. I really love your writing huhuhuhu
Chapter 21: Bless. Im so glad it wadnt ! I'll take tickling any day!

They are so cute at the end of the chapter. My heart sings :)
Chapter 20: Oh, and I was extremely dissappointed when this chapter didn't end with a scene after all XD Almost.... Almost....
Chapter 20: I don't think so though. Because at that point Seokjin wouldn't be laughing and he would have taken a chunk out of the wall and hit the woman with it instead of calmly drinking tea. But for some reason I'm all up for angsty Yoongi stories and can't help to be horrible and wish something along the lines did happen. Judge me all you want ^^;
Chapter 18: Well, at least Jungkook won't want kids for a while XD Yoongi is enough for the whole squad for the time being. It's kinda like a package deal - you get a kid and a lover at the same time XD Wait, does that sound weird? Yes? Sorry. I'll shut up.