Chapter 8

Two of Me

“So what happened today? You did go visit the girl, didn’t you?”

“Her name is Eunkyung,” Taehyung mumbled under his breath. The corners of Manager Song’s mouth twitched.

“She says she can’t easily forgive rude people,” the boy muttered grumpily. “I say she’s prejudiced.”

Manager Song let out a soft chuckle. “Then you just have to prove to her that you’re not rude.”

 Taehyung huffed, “I tried to start a conversation with her, but all I ended up doing was argue with her. I couldn’t see one ounce of the friendliness she showed V. Am I that despicable?”

“You’re not.” Manager Song gazed at the boy affectionately. Then his voice turned stern. “However, you do have some issues making friends since you’ve been cooped up inside this company for most of your youth.” ‘So I’m hoping that this vacation you will learn how to understand another person’s heart,’ he privately added in his head.

“Maybe I should just shut up and follow her around like a puppy. That’s what V does, anyways,” Taehyung grumbled.


“V! How are you? Did you visit your uncle safely?” Iseul piped up. She and Eunkyung had met V in front of the Journalism and Broadcasting building, where V had been wandering about looking for them.

“Um, yeah.” Taehyung gave the two a sheepish smile. “I hadn’t known that it takes four hours to get from Seoul to Busan. I spent most of my day inside the train.” He turned to Eunkyung. “Uh, how was your interviewing at Norangjin on Saturday?”

Eunkyung frowned, looking bothered. Iseul leaned towards him and whispered, “She said she met Taehyung Kim there. She was not too happy about it.” Taehyung bit his lip and snuck a glance at Eunkyung, whose mouth was pressed into a hard line. He wondered if every time his name came up she would be in a bad mood.

Iseul’s phone beeped, alerting her that a text had arrived. “Well, I got to go! I have a full schedule today! Tomorrow, my department is hosting fashion show at Sungjong Hall, so I have to go prepare!” The girl waved her hand and rushed to another part of the campus, leaving Taehyung and Eunkyung standing by the two of them.

Eunkyung looked up at Taehyung. Her frown had faded away. “I have another morning lecture today. I’ll see you later.”

“Wait!” Taehyung quickly said. Eunkyung lifted her eyebrows. “Um, do you mind having coffee with him this afternoon? I, um, just want to get to know you better,” he mumbled, feeling lame.

The girl blinked. Was this a date or something? Eunkyung quickly dismissed the thought; she’s gone for coffee with Jin hundreds of times and they weren’t in that kind of relationship. Also, since V was new, he would want to make friends. Since he seemed so shy, it probably took all his courage to ask her. “Sure.” She smiled. “How about we meet here at two?”

Taehyung tilted his head and smiled. She was captivated once again by the boyishness and warmth coloring his awkward smile.

A few hours later, Eunkyung left the Journalism and Broadcasting building to find Taehyung standing right at the spot where they had met this morning. He was glancing at his watch. When he saw Eunkyung walking towards him, he beamed at her. She gave him a small smile.

The two entered the coffeehouse next to Mama’s Noodles. It was a quiet and cozy place famous for its green tea lattes. However, Eunkyung ordered a vanilla macchiato while Taehyung ordered a chocolate.

“You must like sweet things. I do, too,” Taehyung commented.

Eunkyung laughed. “I’m not really fond of the bitter taste in coffee. If they had hot chocolate, I’d have picked that.”

He grinned. “Hot chocolate in the middle of April? Maybe next time we’ll go to a place famous for chocolate milk.”

When the girl behind the counter called out their order, Taehyung jumped up. “I’ll go,” he said as Eunkyung stood up also. “You can sit back down.”

He went over to receive the two drinks. The cashier, a university student with long black hair, stared at him with narrowed eyes. He quickly pushed his glasses up and turned to walk back to the table.

“Wait!” He froze. “Taehyung Kim?” The girl couldn’t keep the excitement from her voice. Taehyung winced.

‘Not again…’ he thought.


My fourth day of double-updating!!!

Thank you, kind readers!! Just one more subscriber and I'll triple-update!! :D

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Chapter 27: Sweet story. I liked it a lot.
mickeyup #2
Chapter 31: Hello! I like your story!!! I like how Eunkyung hated Taehyung firstXD I wonder if these events in the idol world would would be terrible if it does:(
FAR!!! like it's just ;') *explodes because of toooooooo many feels*
KilemJamir #4
Pleasant read!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
JongByung #5
Chapter 31: Kyaa~ I'm reallu happy with the ending! *jjak jjak* ^^
Chapter 31: Good job!! Thank you for your hardwork.
JongByung #7
Chapter 30: Kyaaa! Just marry her already Kim Tae! ^^
Chapter 29: Awww ur soo welcome!!! Great chap by the way...but taehyung is just gonna make the reporters MORE suspicious or practically find out that they're dating because he's with her in public HOLDING HER HAND!!!!! come on tae think, think....
Chapter 28: I shall keep reading til the very end!!! ;)
JongByung #10
Chapter 28: yeay! you continue this story.. woohoo, actually I think the same but I don't wanna brag about it since it is your decision to make this story work. And now, since you are gonna make it longer, I am happy to read it till the end! Hwaiting! ^^