Chapter 15

Two of Me

A smile appeared on Taehyung’s face as he looked at the girl inside Coffee Galore through the large window. He had been driving around the university campus and the shops nearby, hoping to catch a glimpse of her. To his luck, he spotted Eunkyung inside the same coffeehouse he had visited with her as “V.” She was immersed with typing away on her laptop. Parking his car nearby, he exited and walked casually towards the building.

He slipped into the empty seat in front of her. He glanced warily around, adjusting his dark sunglasses. No one was looking their way, and the cashier was a different girl from last time. With a smirk, he reached over and tapped the laptop, making Eunkyung jump. She lifted her gaze from her laptop screen.

She immediately recognized the blonde hair and sunglasses. “It’s you again?” Surprise laced the girl’s voice. “How did you…? Are you really stalking me?” Taehyung said nothing but gave her one of his blinding stage grins.

Eunkyung turned her focus back on her laptop. “Please leave.” Her voice was cold.

“Come on, don’t be so cruel.” Taehyung leaned against the window. “I’m a busy idol. It’s rare for me to use my precious time to leave the company.” ‘Though I am on vacation right now.’ He hid a smile.

Eunkyung closed her eyes momentarily, as if keeping her temper in check. She reached into the bag next to her and pulled out something puffy and white. She popped it into .

Taehyung frowned. “What are you eating?” Before Eunkyung could tell him to leave again, he snatched up the bag. It was full of big, puffy marshmallows.

“Marshmallows? Do you know that they’re made almost entirely of sugar? You’re going to get fat.”

Eunkyung rolled her eyes. “If you have something against fat people, you shouldn’t talk to me ever again.”

Taehyung removed one from the bag and inspected it. “But why marshmallows? Should I go buy chocolate for you instead?” Chocolate was Taehyung’s favorite food. He couldn’t live without it, though his manager would throw a fit if he found out that Taehyung was regularly snacking on such an unhealthy food.

“It helps me relax. It’s my favorite junk food,” she muttered, her eyes still glued to her laptop screen. She deleted the last few sentences and sighed. In a blink of an eye, she snatched the bag back and popped another marshmallow into .

She reached for her book bag and began rummaged inside for one of her folders. Taehyung noticed that the keychain he had given her was still dangling on the front. He reached over to touch it, but Eunkyung snatched the bag out of his grasp. She glared at him, hugging her bag as if for dear life.

Taehyung shrugged. “What is that?” He pointed to the dog keychain.

Eunkyung glanced at the keychain. It reminded her of the warm-hearted person who had given it to her. Taehyung noted that her expression had softened. “It’s a keychain very dear to me,” she said. Taehyung hid a smile. “It’s from a good friend.”

The boy furrowed his brows, his smile gone. Was he nothing but a friend to her?

His gaze turned towards the cup of coffee sitting next to her. “Don’t you dislike coffee?” The words came out of his mouth before he could think.

Eunkyung finally gave him all her attention. She frowned. “How did you know?”

Taehyung opened his mouth, and then closed it. Silence surrounded the two. “Um, maybe because you don’t look like a coffee person? I’m not either,” he finally said lamely.

“You must really be a stalker.” Eunkyung reached out to grab the cup and took a sip. “For your information, it’s vanilla macchiato.”

The idol stood up suddenly. “You know what? I have to go. I have an appointment with my hairdresser soon.” Hastily, he pushed his sunglasses up his nose bridge.

Eunkyung didn’t even spare him a glance. “Good. Don’t come back.” With a sigh, Taehyung left.


“Oh, Taehyung Kim! What brings you here?” The hairdresser smiled and bowed towards Taehyung.

Taehyung jumped into one of the cushioned seats. He grabbed a magazine from the stack and began flipping through it in a bored way. “My company says that I should get a visual change. You know, for the fans. Since I’m going back to music broadcasts in two days.”

The hairdresser stared at Taehyung’s hair. “How about we try a new concept this time? Something more boyish – maybe straight brown hair?”

The boy’s eyes widened. “No!”

The man was taken aback by Taehyung’s yell. “Um, okay. Then I’ll just cut your hair for now,” he mumbled.


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Chapter 27: Sweet story. I liked it a lot.
mickeyup #2
Chapter 31: Hello! I like your story!!! I like how Eunkyung hated Taehyung firstXD I wonder if these events in the idol world would would be terrible if it does:(
FAR!!! like it's just ;') *explodes because of toooooooo many feels*
KilemJamir #4
Pleasant read!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
JongByung #5
Chapter 31: Kyaa~ I'm reallu happy with the ending! *jjak jjak* ^^
Chapter 31: Good job!! Thank you for your hardwork.
JongByung #7
Chapter 30: Kyaaa! Just marry her already Kim Tae! ^^
Chapter 29: Awww ur soo welcome!!! Great chap by the way...but taehyung is just gonna make the reporters MORE suspicious or practically find out that they're dating because he's with her in public HOLDING HER HAND!!!!! come on tae think, think....
Chapter 28: I shall keep reading til the very end!!! ;)
JongByung #10
Chapter 28: yeay! you continue this story.. woohoo, actually I think the same but I don't wanna brag about it since it is your decision to make this story work. And now, since you are gonna make it longer, I am happy to read it till the end! Hwaiting! ^^