Chapter 24

Two of Me

It was a week later when Taehyung finally had time to visit Eunkyung at her university. He had finished preparing to leave the entertainment industry. Manager Song had quietly helped him, but the middle-aged man's disappointment had been evident. All Taehyung had left to do was tell Mr. Bang this evening. He had even planned out a speech to say in front of the CEO.

“Eunkyung!” he exclaimed cheerfully as the girl exited her building. He waved cutely like a child.

Eunkyung’s face was expressionless, even when she spotted the boy. Taehyung felt his grin fading. Had something bad happened?

The girl walked towards him and stopped a foot away. “I told you not to bother me, Taehyung Kim,” she said coldly.

Taehyung’s jaw dropped. “What are you talking about?” He was pretty sure he had his wig and glasses on. “It’s me, V!”

A wave of hurt passed on her face, but it disappeared as quickly as it arrived. “You can stop pretending to be V, Taehyung. I finally found you out. Stop trying to trick me; you’ve already done so for so long.”

“What?” From the serious look in Eunkyung’s eyes, he could tell that she was telling the truth. “Who told you? Wait, I can explain-”

“Was it fun all this time to deceive me?” Eunkyung turned around as if to walk away.

“No!” Taehyung grabbed Eunkyung shoulders to prevent her from leaving. “It was impossible to be with you other than as V! You have to understand.”

“Let go of me.” The girl’s voice was deathly quiet. “You’re nothing but a liar.”

Taehyung kept talking. “Everything except me being an exchange student at your university was true! Yes, I lied a few times that I was busy with visiting relatives or at my part-time job because I had to attend to my work as an idol, but everything about me – my parents, my likes and dislikes, my memories, and even Jungkook – was true! Also, the truest thing among all of them was when I told you my feelings for you!” He pulled her closer to be able to see her eyes. They were full of tears. Eunkyung could see the sincerity and sadness in Taehyung’s eyes, but she felt so very confused.

She turned her face away. “I… I can’t trust you anymore.”

Shoving past the idol, she ran off. How could he do this to her? She had been in love all this time with a fake person. A person that didn’t exist. Tears blurred her vision. A sharp pain was digging into her heart. Her chest had never hurt so much in her life.

She had been a fool to trust him.


The next day, Taehyung was waiting for her in the same place V had before. Aggravation was evident on his face. Eunkyung immediately turned sharply to the left to avoid him.

He ran up to her and grabbed her arm. Eunkyung frowned. Students were walking out of the building, their classes finished for the day.

Taehyung ignored them. “You have to listen to me! At least once! I beg of you!” His desperate shouting drew the attention of some students. Noticing that Eunkyung was glancing at them, he pulled her to the inner campus, where fewer students were walking around. Leading her under the shade of a tall oak, he kept talking.

“At first, I had no choice but to pretend to be a student in order to hang out with you and get to know you better. And I fell for you, hard. I knew that it was unfair for you, but I stupidly ignored the idea of a false identity because I wanted to be with you so bad. I’m really sorry about that.” Taehyung’s voice had dropped to a whisper. “However, when I realized that you really hated the Taehyung Kim part of me, I wanted to leave that life to become a normal person – to become the V you fell in love with. If you hadn’t found out so early, I would’ve given everything up to be the person you wanted. As long as you didn’t leave me, I would’ve done anything.”

“So even if I hadn’t found out, you wouldn’t have ever told me the truth about who you were, right?” Eunkyung said through gritted teeth.

“What good would it have done? I was worried to death that everything would become just like this! I was already knee-deep in trouble, so I didn’t want to completely sink! I didn’t want you to leave me!” Agitated, Taehyung slammed his hand against the trunk of the tree. He gazed at Eunkyung and she closed her eyes. The pain in his eyes pained her, although she kept telling herself to be like steel when addressing him.


I feel sorry for Taehyung and Eunkyung... >.<

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Chapter 27: Sweet story. I liked it a lot.
mickeyup #2
Chapter 31: Hello! I like your story!!! I like how Eunkyung hated Taehyung firstXD I wonder if these events in the idol world would would be terrible if it does:(
FAR!!! like it's just ;') *explodes because of toooooooo many feels*
KilemJamir #4
Pleasant read!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
JongByung #5
Chapter 31: Kyaa~ I'm reallu happy with the ending! *jjak jjak* ^^
Chapter 31: Good job!! Thank you for your hardwork.
JongByung #7
Chapter 30: Kyaaa! Just marry her already Kim Tae! ^^
Chapter 29: Awww ur soo welcome!!! Great chap by the way...but taehyung is just gonna make the reporters MORE suspicious or practically find out that they're dating because he's with her in public HOLDING HER HAND!!!!! come on tae think, think....
Chapter 28: I shall keep reading til the very end!!! ;)
JongByung #10
Chapter 28: yeay! you continue this story.. woohoo, actually I think the same but I don't wanna brag about it since it is your decision to make this story work. And now, since you are gonna make it longer, I am happy to read it till the end! Hwaiting! ^^