Baekhyun ~ Chanyeol and I

In Love With My Sister's Boyfriend (KaiSoo ft. ChanBaek)

So I was completely infatuated with him.

Him, being a waiter at one of my favorite coffee shops I go to with Kyungsoo. I had never actually spoken with this guy, but I wanted to. My struggle was that I was shy, when it came to people I liked, romantically. I would tense up, and hide my face every time.

He was no different.

As far as I knew, his name was Chanyeol, and he was possibly around the same age as I am, he looked older than me though. And I wanted to talk to him, so badly. Need I say that any more than I have?


"I don't know how to make this note, Baekhyun, can you help me, please?" Jongdae pointed on the music sheet.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, that this is a very emotional, powerful song, and I'm in charge of high notes and power vocals. I don't know what to do with this one. But you're pretty good at power vocals and high notes, so..."

I looked it over. I hummed to the song that us, Jongdae and I, and three of our other friends were working on. For sure, it was a very powerful and moving song, and this high note had to be nailed.

I cleared my throat, beginning to sing the part and sure to hit that note as best I could.

Manhido apahesseul neoui mameul
Naega kkok angul geoya

I held out the last few notes long and as powerfully as I was able.

I smiled at him. "You try."

He did the same lines, only more powerful than my own, and much, much smoother high notes.

"Perfect." I said, giving him a thumbs up.

He rubbed his chin. "I can't help but feel like this song is missing something. Something that'll give it a good twist, you know?"

He did have a point. It was missing something, and the song wouldn't be right if we couldn't find that something.

"We'll figure it out, Jongdae. Just...we need time."

Just then, my cell started ringing. I slipped it out of my pocket. The caller ID was unknown. I pressed the green answer button.


The line was silent for a moment. Then, "Is this, um...Baekhyun?" His voice was deep, husky, and y. Strange thing was, he didn't say my last name.

I blinked. "Uh-huh, may I ask who this is?" No answer. "Look, if you're someone from some one-night stand I had, I was drunk and I don't remember you and I don't recall-"

"This is Chanyeol."

I swear, my heart stopped for a couple seconds. " in the waiter at-"

I almost heard the smile in his voice. "You betcha."

Blush rose to my cheeks. Jongdae cocked an eyebrow up at me. I shook my head at him, mouthing, I'll be back. He gave me a nod, and I went out into the hallway.

"How did you get my number?" I asked formally speaking.

"Your friend, Kyungsoo, was it? He came up to me, asked me of what I thought of you, then gave me your number."

"Aish, that Kyungsoo..." I muttered. My heart started beating faster. "So, um..."

"I'd like to meet up, if you have the time. I want to get to know you better."

I leaned against the wall, crossing my legs and looking down at my feet. I bit my lip, smiling a little. He wants to get to know me... "Yeah, totally. Is...six later today okay?"

"Mhm. It's right before I get off my shift, so just come to the café. Okay?"

More blush creeped up to my face. "Yeah. I-I'll see you then, Chanyeol."


I walked into the café that Chanyeol worked at. Christmas decorations were put up, since it was now November.

One of the waitresses, Amber, also a friend of mine at the university I attend, greeted me with the biggest smile. "You're here again, Bacon."

"Hush, you." I crinkled my nose, sending a smile back.

"Sit anywhere."

I nodded and sat down at one of the tables with a window next to it. My heart was beating so fast at the thought of actually talking to this guy, face to face. I mean, what if it all turns well? What'll happen? That's all I could think. But then, I started having negative thoughts. What if he wasn't what I  thought he would be? What if he didn't like me? Then what?

"Hey." I heard that deep, y voice next to me. I turned my head, and saw him. Chanyeol. He was tall, taller than me or any of my other friends. His hair was dark and messy, but it was perfect. His eyes were a chocolate brown color and big. He was grinning, that adorable, toothy grin he possessed.

He sat in front of me.

I smiled shyly. "Hey." Then I sighed, after a moment of silence. "I can't believe I'm actually sitting in front of you right now."

"Is that a good I can't believe or a bad?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"It's good. Very good, trust me."

He grinned at me.

I knew that this would go on for a while.


"No img way, you're friends with Jongin."

"Mhm, one of my best friends since when we were, what, two? Yup. How do you know him?" He asked me.

We left the café maybe an hour before, because it was closing time. We decided a walk would be nicer to talk than just sitting around. At that point, we were on about everything. Though, I hadn't told him I was not exactly...straight yet. But I was getting to that, soon.

"He's my friend's boyfriend. You know, Kyungsoo, the one that gave you my cell number? That's him."

He raised his eyebrows. "Holy , I didn't even think about that..."

I smiled widely and flicked in the middle of his forehead. He closed his eyes tightly, rubbing the spot I flicked. "Pabo."

He pursed his lips out like a child. "Shut up..." He put his hands in his pockets. I took a minute to admire his features from a profile view. His jawline was sharp, but not too sharp. His skin practically glowed with all the Christmas lights around. He looked down at me. "That's right. I never even asked you how old you were."

"I just assumed you were older than me. You in university yet?"

He shook his head. "Ani, I'm a senior in high school."

No way he was younger than me. "You're joking right?"

"Nope." He said, putting emphasis on the 'p' sound.

"My God, Chanyeol, why didn't you ask that beforehand?"

Chanyeol shrugged his shoulders. "I guess I figured age doesn't matter."

I gave him a look of confusion. "Huh?"

That same, beautiful grin came on his face. Chanyeol's hand moved towards my own, and he grasped it. It was warm and rough. My cheeks became hotter, if the cold didn't make them hot enough. My heart, once again, beat faster and harder than ever.

"Come on, I'll take you home."

I nodded my head slowly, and we walked back to my apartment complex, hand in hand. We didn't say anything else to each other, but there was no need for that. We already talked about everything.

"Thanks for walking me back." I said, holding a smile.

"Hey. Anything for you."

I bit my lips, looking down at our hands that were still grasped together. For me...

Before I even touched the doorknob, Chanyeol pressed his lips against my cheek. It wasn't like a peck. It was lingering. His lips were so soft against my cheek though...

When he pulled away, I just looked at him, wide-eyed. Chanyeol let go of my hand, still grinning, and went towards the elevator. I went inside my apartment.

That night was possibly the most amazing night I had ever had, with anyone.

And it was all because of Park Chanyeol.

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Chapter 5: I love the movie 27 dresses! I watched it a few times and I love how it ends^^
Nicole121314 #2
Chapter 20: Thanks for sharing this story - i love it...
reaamg #3
Chapter 20: You alomst killed me with that ending you know
Chapter 20: This was so sweet :') ❤️❤️ I'm glad Kai's sister let him be happy with Kyungsoo instead of becoming a b**tch like most girls do in stories do :)
hadzluvsDO #5
Chapter 20: Oh My God! This is amazing. I need a sequel. Please author-nim
Chapter 20: Sequel pleaaaaassssseeeeeee!!!!
thescientists #7
Chapter 20: Can't wait for the sequel Author-nim this story was so so good!! Keep up the good work!!♡♡