Chapter 16

A family

Chapter 16
'Ring ring....... Ring ring….…'
"I'll get it." Hankyung said as he stood up to answer to phone. 
"Hello is this the guardian of Park Kyuhyun?" A woman asked. 
"Yes I'm his older brother, what's the matter?" Hankyung replied. 
"I'm sorry to say this but your brother was in a car accident earlier, his condition is unknown but please report to Seoul hospital immediately." The nurse said. 
Upon hearing this news, Hankyung froze, it was like déjà vu all over again. 
"Excuse me sir, hello? Please report to the hospital at once!" The nurse said once again. 
Hearing the nurse's voice, Hankyung forced himself out of his shock. "Ye...yes... I get it, we...we'll be there straight away." Hankyung stuttered as he hung up the phone. 
The rest noticed Hankyung's shock before he put down the phone. 
"What's wrong Hankyung?" Heechul asked. 
"Kyuhyun got into an accident...." Hankyung said softly as he slowly wept. 
Gasps where heard all around and finally silence, it was so quiet that one could hear a pin drop. Everyone except Leeteuk who seemed unfazed was shocked. 
"So what, we've always hated him it's good enough that we let him stay here. This accident have done nothing but benefitted us." Leeteuk said coldly. 
"That's enough Leeteuk! Are you hearing yourself right now! How can you say that Kyuhyun deserves to be hurt!!!" Heechul burst out. Heechul could not stand Leeteuk anymore, he could not believe that the elder actually wanted Kyuhyun to get hurt! 
"You're all pathetic! Did you forget he's the one who is responsible for mom and dad's death! He is to be blamed! He took away our perfect family! So he deserves to get hurt!!!" Leeteuk shouted.  
"Stop it! You know very well that mom and dad's death was not Kyuhyun's fault! He did not want it to happen either! If anyone deserves to get hurt it is YOU! You forced us to ignore Kyuhyun! You threatened us! You're a MONSTER!!!" Eunhyuk yelled at Leeteuk. 
Hearing Eunhyuk's words shook Leeteuk. Finally he realised what he was doing, he made Kyuhyun suffer for something that was beyond his control. He even said that Kyuhyun deserved to suffer. He made a 7 year old go through hell when it was not even his fault. "Omg I'm a monster!" Leeteuk shouted as his legs gave way and he fell to his knees. "I'm a monster! I'm a monster! I'm a monster!" Leeteuk repeated as he cried out loud. 
It broke theirs hearts to see the eldest brother break down and soon everyone was a crying mess. Finally Leeteuk regained his senses. "We have to get to the hospital immediately!" He said as he got up to his feet unsteadily. Taking that as a sign to leave, everyone filtered out of the house and immediately headed to the hospital. 

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KimRaf #1
Chapter 27: I like this story
fatinjulia #2
Chapter 27: such a beautiful :) i hope you can make another wonderful story about super junior next time...thank you so much :)
Chapter 27: Aww this story is so beautiful! Thanyou for making this story author-nim!!! Fighting for your other fics too author-nim!!! ^^ <3
mikaella_suju #4
Chapter 27: author-nim thank you for making this story its very inspirating and just the story i was looking for, hopefully in the future you will make more stories like this one and ill support you, again thank you for making this story and goodluck.
mikaella_suju #5
Chapter 27: well kyuhyun miracles do exist
~love mom lol xD
mikaella_suju #6
Chapter 26: what a cute chapter
Chapter 26: They are really soooo cute! I'm done for XD
mikaella_suju #8
Chapter 3: i was just wondering if kyuhyun was still seven after the incident?
mikaella_suju #9
Chapter 25: omg so cute thanks for uploading author-nim