Cold Date

Love Like A Fan's Fiction

G-Dragon's POV

It was the middle of winter yet she wanted ice cream. That's what I like about Dara. She wants, what she wants, when she wants it. Just like me. "So, what kind are you buying us?" I asked her, smiling. She widened her eyes in shock, "I thought you were buying! I don't have any money." I laughed and kissed her cheek. "Anyohaseyo, can I get two cones please. Any flavor would be fine." The vender gave me two cones with vanilla ice cream on it.

"Here you go." I said handing her the cone. She proudly it then her face turned sour. "Ewww!"

"What? You don't like vanilla?"

"This tastes like coconut!"

"What? Let me taste!" I leaned over to hers, but she pulled it away. "Yah! You have the same thing as me, try your own!" She said giggling. I took a of mine and it tasted like coconut. "Awww man! I told him any flavor.....except coconut." I scratched my head in embarrassment. "Well, What can I do with this now? Hmmm." I wiped my finger across it and dabbed it on Dara's nose. She laughed and did the same to me. I'm glad she's not upset at me anymore. "Now my nose is all cold!" She said wiping off the ice cream with her sleeve. "Well you are the one who decided to get ice cream in winter." I replied putting my arm around her.


(I think this chapter was sweet....literally! Get it? Cuz ice creams sweet! HAHAHA! Well thanks for subscribing and please if you haven't already ^^)

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I added a new picture to "Love Like A Fan's Fiction" Check it out ^^. Sorry for not updating, I have MAJOR writers block T^T


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chelzjj #2
Chapter 21: Daragon cuteee >0<
Chapter 22: awwwwwww...cute story :)
Chapter 21: Love the story ;)
saraifranceska28 #5
Chapter 18: i wonder who the ????? pov is..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
chaebom #6
i love the fanfic...
luckypyo #7
this is cute,,~~~
nikkinadine #8
nice fic. :)
So sweet the story left me feeling light and smiling , heartwarming. your writting skill is wonderful . please write and share more of your talent <3