
His Faith

Three weeks later.


Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.


The lump on the bed groaned and rolled over pulling the covers over his head trying to block out the annoying buzzing sound.


Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.


Groaning in great displeasure of not being able to block out the sound he sighed and picked up the phone which did not stop buzzing and wont stop buzzing until he answered it.


"Do you know what time it is?"the person on the other end said as soon as he answered.


"Yeah. It's I don't care o'clock. Now let me sleep"he answered gruffly weighing the pros and con's of going back to sleep.


"I would love to darling but we have things to do and people to-- !"the sudden shout in his ear caused the boy who was slowly falling asleep to jerk awake sitting up right in his bed.


"Baekhyun what the hell?!"he shouted back putting a hand over his heart which was beating frantically,he took deep breathes to calm himself.


"Sorry. I poked myself in the eye while putting on my guy liner"Baekhyun whined on the other end of the phone "it hurts so much Luhan".


"Good. Go deal with your eye and I'll meet you. Place and time"he sighed.


"Okay. Downtown the usual place in about an hour. Bye!"Baekhyun chirped and the line went dead before Luhan even had a chance to complain about the time.


He sighed again before running a hand through his messy hair,he glanced at the clock and groaned as it read only 10:30 am. Pulling the covers aside and dragging himself off his bed,he stretched a bit before getting to work making his bed,gathering his toiletries and heading out of his rooms towards the bathroom.


It only took him 15 minutes tops in the bathroom before he got back in his room and started to get dressed putting on a normal pair of jeans and a comfortable sweater,he brushed his hair and checked himself in the mirror making sure nothing is out of place.


He got his keys,phone and his bag before leaving his room again but this time instead of going to the bathroom he went down the stairs and into the kitchen where his mother stood in the kitchen reading the news paper and sipping from a cup of tea.


"Morning"he greeted setting his bag down on the counter.


"Good Morning honey,how did you sleep?"she asked him.


"Good I guess"was his short reply as he looked for something to eat.


"Are you sure you're in the mood for breakfast? They've been coming back up in the most in appropriate way to face the toilet. Literally."she said glancing away from her news paper.


He grimaced.


"Maybe it's a stomach bug"he shrugged deciding on eating breakfast anyway.


"Okay. Pancakes are in the microwave"his mother said walking out of the kitchen.


He sighed and got the pancakes out putting only a small amount of maple syrup on them. He hesitated a bit but still picked up the fork to eat a slice of the pancake before he could even put it in his mouth the smell alone was enough to make what he ate the night before shoot right back up.


You could hear the 'clank' sound as the fork hit the plate and footsteps on the stairs as Luhan darted up them to get to the bathroom to empty the bile in his mouth in the toilet. He threw up until he was left dry heaving on his knees in the bathroom.


Flushing the toilet after awhile he got up and brushed his teeth over again and giving up on breakfast. Sighing again for that morning he fixed his hair looking at himself in the mirror before exiting the bathroom and going down the stairs. As he reached the bottom he saw his mother standing with his bag and a cover plate with mixed fruits in it.


"Can't let you starve now can I?"she questioned and he smiled taking his bag and the plate thanking her with a kiss on the cheek. She hummed and walked him to the door "be safe!"she called out as he got inside his car.


He rolled his eyes as she motioned for him to put on his seatbelt but he did it nonetheless before backing out of their drive way carefully and driving off towards his destination.


It took him 10 minutes to get downtown. 5 minutes to find a parking space. And 2 minutes to get out of the car. And another 5 minutes to find Baekhyun at the usual cafe the always go to.


"You're late."was the first thing his friend said when he spotted him.


"Nice to see you too"he replied sarcastically making Baekhyun roll his eyes with a smile.


"So. Why am I here?"he asked pursing his lips at his friend's idiocy.


"Well. There's this new place that just opened and I want us to check it out. I heard it was really nice."Baekhyun babbled as they walked down the street towards this 'new' place he spoke of.


It took them around 3 minutes to reach the small....restaurant/cafe/bakery/diner?


He gazed around looking at the different sections of the place,each section had its own color the restaurant was a mix of dark blue and and red,while thee cafe was green,brown and red,and the bakery was pink,lavender purple and white,and the diner consisted of white,red and blue.


'Strange combination's' he thought before following his friend over to the cafe section.


"Why are there so many places in one?"he questioned as they sat down.


"The answer to that will be because my boss is very indecisive when it comes to things like this"an unfamiliar voice said startling them both,they stared at him "sorry. Didn't mean to startle you"he apologized.


"It's fine..."Luhan said looking at the person before him.


"Kyungsoo. And I will be assisting you guys today"he smiled.


"Nice to meet you,Kyungsoo. I'm Luhan and this is Baekhyun"he said smiling back at the waiter.


"Nice to meet you guys too. And here are your tiny little cafe menus. I'll be back in 5 minutes."he said before walking away to assist another table.


"So what do you want?"asked Baekhyun as soon as Kyungso disappeared.


"Nothing.."he replied.


"Nothing?" Baekhyun asked incredulously.


"Nothing I eat seems to stay down unless it's fruits. Which is why I brought some to eat while your having whatever the heck the sell here"he mumbled taking the plate filled with fruits out of his bag.


"You've been so weird since last week. Are you okay?"his friend asked him with a frown.


"I'm fine"he replied "just a stomach bug"he shrugged.


"Are you sure it's just a stomach bug?"his friend asked with a frown.


"No? But what else could it be?"he sighed looking away from Baekhyun when Kyungsoo came back.


"So did you guys decide what you wanted?"the waiter asked getting ready to jot down their orders.


"Yeah. I'd like a slice of Cheese cake and caramel frappe!"Baekhyun grinned and Kyungsoo nodded jotting down the order before looking at Luhan


"And you?"


Luhan blinked and shifted in his seat "um...I'm sort of on a fruit diet for now...but I do feel like getting a shake...strawberry...shake"he muttered.


"Okay!"Kyungsoo exclaimed before going to get them their orders.


Luhan sat back in his seat and sighed rubbing his temples ignoring his friends curious and unwavering stare.


"Strawberries?"he asked and Luhan shrugged,sensing that he didn't want to talk about Baekhyun decided to change the subject.


He was about to speak when his phone went off indicating that he just received a message.


Baekhyun stared at the screen of his phone for a while with an unreadable expression on his face, making Luhan look over at him curiously.


The latter put his phone away and turned his head to look out at the people walking by the cafe.


"Luhan..."he called softly.




"Have you ever just wondered that maybe you don't belong where you are now...like you're supposed to be doing something important or special or whatever but just not being here..?"he asked quietly while looking out the glass window they were sitting next to.


Luhan sensed he didn't really want an answer to his question so he just turned to look out the window and sighed.


"Sometimes...I do"he muttered to himself.

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and I will most likely post a new chapter every Saturday for sure and Wednesdays if I'm feeling good and other days if finish it early :)))


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Chapter 19: New reader hereee!! Ahhh i love ittttt please update soon authornim!
Chapter 17: now icant stop myself from reading it. hope you can update the next one and complete it ^^ :D
Chapter 5: it's interesting though...i still get a dumb llok when i see the statement that Luhan is positive... pregnant. how could be a guy pregnant ?? hahaha
Leehannah2015 #4
Chapter 17: Just one thing to make sure of it.... In the end will it be hunhan or lukai?.... Cause I don't like lukai
Chapter 13: Update soon. I really want to see how Luhan reacts to this.
midnight_dreaming #6
Chapter 13: The Witness made me cry a few times, but I LOVED the movie
Chapter 7: Thanksgiving is worth getting fat XD. And its worth staying up to read this story even tho i have school tomorrow °~° haha